Mr. Law published his Practical Treatise on Christian Perfection; and not long after, his Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. Here the seed was sown, which soon grew up, and spread to Oxford, London, Bristol, Leeds, York, and, within a few years, to the greatest part of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 13. But what means did the wisdom of God make use of in effecting this great work? He thrust out such labourers into his harvest, as the wisdom of man would never have thought on. He chose the weak things to confound the strong, and the foolish things to confound the wise. He chose a few young, poor, ignorant men, without experience, learning, or art; but simple of heart, devoted to God, full of faith and zeal, seeking no honour, no profit, no pleasure, no ease, but merely to save souls: fearing neither want, pain, persecution, nor whatever man could do unto them: yea,' not counting their lives dear unto themselves, so they might finish their course with joy. Of the same spirit were the people whom God by their word called out of darkness into his marvellous light, many of whom soon agreed to join together, in order to strengthen each other's hands in God. These also were simple of heart, devoted to God, zealous of good works: desiring neither honour, nor riches, nor pleasure, nor ease, nor any thing under the sun; but to attain the whole image of God, and to dwell with him in glory. 14. But as these young preachers grew in years, they did not all grow in grace. Several of them indeed increased in other knowledge; but not proportionably in the knowledge of God. They grew less simple, less alive to God, and less devoted to him. They were less zealous for God, and consequently less active, less diligent in his service. Some of them began to desire the praise of men and not the praise of God only: some to be weary of a wandering life, and so to seek ease and quietness. Some began again to fear the faces of men; to be ashamed of their calling; to be unwilling to deny themselves, and to take up their cross daily, " and endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ." Wherever these preachers laboured, there was not much fruit of their labours. Their word was not as formerly, clothed with power: it carried with it no demonstration of the Spirit. The same faintness of spirit was in their private conversation. They were no longer "instant in season, out of season: warning every man, and exhorting every man, if by any means they might save some." 15. But as some preachers declined from their first love, so did many of the people. They were likewise assaulted on every side, encompassed with manifold temptations. And while many of them triumphed over all, and were " more than conquerors through him that loved them," others gave place to the world, the flesh, or the devil, and so " entered into temptation:" some of them " made shipwreck of their faith" at once: some by slow, insensible degrees. Not a few being in want of the necessaries of life, were overwhelmed with the cares of the world. Many relapsed into the desires of other things, which choked the good seed, " and it became unfruitful." 16. But of all temptations, none so struck at the whole work of God, as "the deceitfulness of riches:" a thousand melancholy proofs of which I have seen, within these last fifty years. Deceitful are they indeed! For who will believe they do him the least harm? And yet I have not known threescore rich persons, perhaps not half the number, during threescore years, who, as far as I can judge, were not less holy than they would have been had they been poor. By riches I mean, not thousands of pounds; but any more than will procure the conveniences of life. Thus I account him a rich man, who has food and raiment for himself and family, without running into debt, and something over. And how few are there in these circumstances who are not hurt, if not destroyed thereby! Yet who takes warning? Who seriously regards that awful declaration of the Apostle, Even "they that desire to be rich, fall into temptation, and a snare, and into divers foolish and hurtful desires, which drown men in destruction and perdition." How many sad instances have we seen of this in London, in Bristol, in Newcastle, in all the large trading towns throughout the kingdom, where God has lately caused his power to be known! See how many of those who were once simple of heart, desiring nothing but God, are now gratifying "the desire of the flesh," studying to please their senses: particularly their taste: endeavouring to enlarge the pleasure of tasting as far as possible. Are not you of that number? Indeed you are no drunkard, and no glutton. But do you not indulge yourself in a kind of regular sensuality? Are not eating and drinking the greatest pleasures of your life, the most considerable part of your happiness? If so, I fear, St. Paul would have given you a place among those "whose god is their belly!" How many of them are now again indulging "the desire of the eye!" Using every means which is in their power, to enlarge the pleasures of their imagination! If not in grandeur, which as yet is out of their way, yet in new or beautiful things! Are not you seeking happiness in pretty or elegant apparel, or furniture? Or in new clothes, or books, or in pictures, or gardens ? "Why, what harm is there in these things!" There is this harm, that they gratify "the desire of the eye," and thereby strengthen and increase it; making you more and more dead to God, and more alive to the world. How many are indulging "the pride of life." Seeking the honour that cometh of men ? Or " laying up treasures on earth?" They gain all they can, honestly and conscientiously. They save all they can, by cutting off all needless expense; by adding frugality to diligence. And so far all is right. This is the duty of every one that fears God. But they do not give all they can; without which they must needs grow more and more earthly-minded. Their affections will cleave to the dust more and more, and they will have less and less communion with God. Is not this your case? Do you not seek the praise of men more than the praise of God? Do not you lay up, or at least desire and endeavour to "lay up treasures on earth?" Are not you then (deal faithfully with your own soul!) more and more alive to the world? And consequently more and more dead to God? It cannot be otherwise. That must follow, unless you give all you can, as well as gain and save all you can. There is no other way under heaven to prevent your money from sinking you lower than the grave. For "if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." And if it was in him in ever so high a degree, yet if he slides into the love of the world, by the same degrees that this enters in, the love of God will go out of the heart. 17. And perhaps there is something more than all this contained in those words, "Love not the world, neither the things of the world." Here we are expressly warned against loving the world, as well as against loving "the things of the world." The world, is the men that know not God: that neither love nor fear him. To love these with a love of delight or complacence, to set our affections upon them, is here absolutely forbidden: and by parity of reason, to converse or have any intercourse with them, farther than necessary business requires. Friendship or intimacy with them, St. James does not scruple to term adultery. " Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not, that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend to the world, is an enemy of God." Do not endeavour to shuffle away, or evade the meaning of those strong words. They plainly require us to stand aloof from them; to have no needless commerce with unholy men. Otherwise we shall surely slide into conformity to the world, to their maxims, spirit, and customs. For not only their words, harmless as they seem, do eat as do a canker: but their very breath is infectious: their spirit imperceptibly influences our spirit. It steals " like water into our bowels, and like oil into our bones." 18. But all rich men are under a continual temptation to acquaintance and conversation with worldly men. They are likewise under a continual temptation to pride, to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think. They are strongly tempted to revenge, when they are ever so little affronted. And having the means in their own hands, how few are there that resist the temptation! They are continually tempted to sloth, indolence, love of ease, softness, delicacy; to hatred of self-denial, and taking up the cross, even that of fasting and rising early, without which it is impossible to grow in grace. If you are increased in goods, do not you know that these things are so ? Do you contract no intimacy with worldly men? Do not you converse with them more than duty requires? Are you in no danger of pride? Of thinking yourself better than your poor, dirty neighbours? Do you never resent, yea, and revenge an affront? Do you never render evil for evil? Do not you give way to indolence or love of ease? Do you deny yourself, and take up your cross daily? Do you constantly rise as early as you did once? Why not? Is not your soul as precious now as it was then? How often do you fast? Is not this your duty as much as that of a day labourer? But if you are wanting in this, or any other respect, who will tell you of it? Who dares tell you the plain truth, but those who neither hope nor fear any thing from you? And if any venture to deal plainly with you, how hard is it for you to bear it! Are not you far less susceptible of reproof, far less advisable than when you were poor? It is well if you can bear reproof even from me. And in a few days you will see me no more. Once more, therefore, I say, having gained and saved all you can, do you give all you can: else your money will eat your flesh as fire, and will sink you to the nethermost hell! O beware of " laying up treasures upon earth!" Is it not treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath ? Lord! I have warned them: but if they will not be warned, what can I do more? I can only "give them up unto their own hearts' lusts, and let them follow their own imaginations!" 19. By not taking this warning, it is certain many of the Methodists are already fallen. Many are falling at this |