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ful unto us and forgive us our sins; and that it will please him to save and defend us in all dangers, ghostly and bodily; and that he will keep us from all sin and wickedness, and from our ghostly enemy, and from everlasting death. And this I trust he will do of his mercy and goodness, through our Lord Jesus Christ: and therefore I say, Amen; So be it.

From the Thirtp-nine Articles.


Of Speaking in the Congregation in such a Tongue as the People understandeth.

It is a thing plainly repugnant to the Word of God, and the custom of the Primitive Church, to have public Prayer in the Church, or to minister the Sacraments in a tongue not understanded of the people.

From the Homilies.


HOMILY 1. Of the Right Use of the Church.


HOMILY 7. Of Prayer.

HOMILY 8. Of the Place and Time of Prayer. HOMILY 9. Of Common Prayer and Sacraments.

HOMILY 17. For Rogation Week.


Before, I told you, good children, that we go not before God; we pray not first, that God will be our God and our Father: but God of his inestimable mercy doth prevent us, doth call us by his Word, doth call us unto faith, doth give us his Spirit, to know him for our Father and Lord, before we could think thereof and seek for God. But now, seeing that by his Word and faith he hath called us, and by baptism hath grafted us in Christ and made us members of his Church, we ought not to be slothful nor idle, but study to go forward and increase in godliness, and to pray thus, 66 Our Father which art in heaven :" for

asmuch as thou hast given unto us, being unworthy, thy holy Gospel, and hast chosen us, and not we thee; and seeing that thou hast sent unto us preachers, which teach unto us thy Word, whereby we be sanctified and instructed in the faith (so that now we may know thee for God, and partly fulfil the First Commandment): now fulfil, O Father, that thou hast begun, proceed to help us, that we may fulfil the Second Commandment: that is, that thy name may be hallowed, that is to say, may be honoured, as holy. This Prayer pleaseth God, and he heareth it, and God giveth us grace and strength that we may hallow his name....

Learn these things diligently, good children; and when you be asked, How understand you this first petition? you shall answer, The name of God of itself is holy, but here we do ask, that it may be hallowed of us. And when you be asked, How is it hallowed of us? Answer, When the Word of God is purely and sincerely taught ; when we lead our life in this world holily and godly, as it becometh the very true children of God. Here in this point, succour us, good Lord, help us, O heavenly Father. For he that either teacheth or liveth otherwise than the Word of God requireth, he dishonoureth and polluteth the Word of God...

And shortly, this is the sum of this petition, that God, by his sincere preachers, will send his Word and Gospel of Christ, and by his Holy Spirit bring us to the faith and obedience to God,

and daily to increase the same. And then utterly to abolish and take away from us the rest of the world, which is wicked and disobedient, with all their sin and wickedness, and to receive us into his eternal kingdom and glory.

This is the meaning and plain understanding of this second petition. The kingdom of God cometh of itself, without our Prayer, but here we pray that it may come to us, which cometh to pass when the heavenly Father giveth us his Spirit, to believe his holy Word, to live well and godly; here in his church for a time, and after in heaven for ever.

And this is the plain meaning of this third petition, concerning the fulfilling of God's will. Now I pray you, good children, apply your wills and minds to learn the same, that when you be demanded, How understand you the third petition? you may answer after this manner: Although God's holy will be done without our Prayer, yet we pray that it may be done in us, and fulfilled among us here in earth.

Which is done, when God doth overthrow and destroy the wicked counsels of the devil, of worldly people, and of our own flesh (which do all that lieth in them to let and hinder the kingdom of God, and the hallowing of his name,) and doth keep us in the true knowledge of his Word, in the lively faith of Christ, in his love and obedience of his Commandments. For this is the holy and perfect will of God, which God grant

And this is the plain sense and exposition of this fourth petition. Now, (good children) I pray you diligently to remember these things, that when you be asked this question, How understand you the fourth petition? you may an swer, God doth sufficiently provide for us meat and living without our desire, nevertheless we desire him to grant us that we may know, that we have all things at his hands, and that we may give to him due thanks for the same. And if further any man will ask you, What is meant by this word, "our daily bread?" answer, That by daily bread is understood all things necessary for our living, as meat, drink, clothes, house, land, cattle, money, household stuff, a good wife, obedient children, trusty servants, good governors, a well-ordered commonwealth, common peace and tranquillity, seasonable weather, wholesome air, health of body, constant friends, honest heighbours, and such-like things, whereby we may lead in this world a godly and quiet life....

And this is the plain understanding of this fifth petition, which we daily and hourly ought to make to God. And now I pray you (good children), that you will diligently record the true meaning of this petition: and when you be asked this question, How understand you the fifth petition? answer and say, Herein we desire that our heavenly Father will not look upon our sins, and for them cast us away. For we have not deserved those great gifts and grace which we de

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