Imágenes de páginas

repaid when he died or disappeared through the working of one of his own spells by Viviane." — FORMAN.

Compare Tennyson's Vivian in Idylls of the King.

P. 193, l. 218. gules: "How proper, as well as pretty, the heraldic term gules, considering the occasion. Red would not have been a fiftieth part as good." LEIGH HUNT.

P. 194, 1. 241. where swart Paynims pray: Paynim: pagan. Therefore a missal would be treasured more highly because of dangerous surroundings.


Adonais, 208.

Arethusa, 206.

Austerlitz, battle of, 207.

Austria, 207.

Autumn, Ode to, 213.

Baiæ, 203.

Balboa, 215.


Coleridge, Christabel, 205.

Ode to Tranquillity


A Sunset, 205.

Collins, Ode to Evening, 208.
The Passions, 214.

Cortez, 215.

Baldwin, The Book of Elegies, Denmark, 207.

Bion, 208.

Diocletian, 217.

Dowden, 202, 205, 206.

Euganean Hills, Lines written

among, 207.

Boccaccio, 216.

Browning, Lost Leader, 204

Egypt, 208.

Byron, 207, 209, 210.

The Dream, 207.

Cestius, Caius, 212.

Chapman, 215.

Chatterton, 211.

Eve of St. Agnes, 217.

Forman, H. B., 215, 218.
France, 204.

Churchyard, A Summer Evening, French Revolution, 204.

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I stood Tip-toe upon a Little Hill, Psyche, Ode to, 213.


Isabella; or the Pot of Basil, 216. | Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 214.
Italy, Kingdom of, 207.

Keats, George, 213.

Rossetti, W. M., 210.

D. G., 214.

Russia, 207.

John, 209, 210, 211, 215.

Saintsbury, Elizabethan Litera-
ture, 211.

Sensitive Plant, The, 203.

Lowell, Vision of Sir Launfal,

Under the Willows, 216. Shelley, P. B., 202, 205, 210.

Lucan, 211.

Mrs., 203, 205, 208.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 211.

Mason, Mrs. (Lady Mountcashell), Skylark, Ode to, 201.

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