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high-ways, and fuch others, be called voluntary works, which works be of themselves marvellous good, and convenient to be done. Neceffary works, and works of mercy are called commandments; and works of mercy confift in relieving and vifiting thy poor neighbours. Now then, if men be fo foolish of themfelves, that they will beftow the most part of their goods in voluntary works, which they be not bound to keep, but willingly and by their devotion; and leave the neceffary works undone, which they are bound to do, they and all their voluntary works are like to go unto everlasting damnation. And I promise you, if you build an hundred churches, give as much as you can make to the gilding of faints, and honouring of the church, and if thou go as many pilgrimages as thy body can well fuffer, and offer as great candles as oaks, if thou leave the works of mercy and the commandments undone, thefe works shall nothing avail thee. No doubt the voluntary works be good, and ought to be done; but yet they must be so done, that by their occafion the neceffary works, and the works of mercy be not decayed and forgotten: If you will build a glorious church unto God, fee firft yourselves to be in charity with your neighbours, and fuffer not them to be offended by your works. Then when you come into your parish church, you bring with you the temple of God; as St Paul faith, "you yourfelves be the very holy

temples of God:" And Chrift faith by his Prophet; "In you will I reft, and intend to make my manfion "and abiding place:" Again, if you lift to gild and paint Chrift in your churches, and honour him in vestments, fee that before your eyes the poor people die not for lack of meat, drink and clothing. Then do you deck the very true temple of God, and honour him in rich veftures, that will never be worn, and fo forth, use yourselves according



unto the commandments; and then finally fet up your candles, and they will report what a glorious light remaineth in your hearts, for it is not fitting to fee a dead man light candles. Then, I fay, go your pilgrimages, build your material churches, do all your voluntary works, and they will then reprefent unto God, and teftify with you, that you have provided him a glorious place in your hearts. But beware, I fay again, that you do not run fo far into your voluntary works, that ye do quite forget your neceffary works of mercy, which you are bound to keep you must have ever a good refpect unto the beft and worthieft works toward God, to be done firft and with more efficacy, and the other to be done fecondarily. Thus if you do, with the other that I have fpoken of before, you may come according to the tenor of your cards, and offer your oblations and prayers to our Lord Jefus Chrift, who will both hear and accept them to your everlafting joy and glory, to the which may he bring us, and all thofe whom he fuffered death for. Amen.

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Biathar depofed, and made
Page 88
Abraham was a liberal man, 421.
Did follow his calling, 647
Abridgment, that of the law of
God, 317. Of all prayers,
Abfalom, was a by-walker, 137
Achan, for his covetoufness many
thoufands were punished, 120.
Put to death by Joshua, ibid.
Achitophel could not abide the
fight of the face of death and
hell, but hanged himself, 207
Acts, two notable, related, 26
Adage, English, otherwife called
an old faw,
Adam, all his children must la-
bour, 649. Is fore burdened,

A a quondam,

Adams, many in the world, 282
Adonijah, David's proud fon, 84
Shrinks in the wetting, and
proves naught in the wearing,
87. A liar, ibid.
Put to
Adverfaries, the mouths of, muft
be ftopped,
Adverfities, all that fhall be faved
muft fuffer,
Adverfity, all, we must take pa-
Advertisement, a good one, to


[blocks in formation]

Affliction it is better to have than
484, 485
Agony, when we are in, what

phyfic we fhould use, 215
Ahab and his father's house trou-
bled all Ifrael, 277. Difobeyed
the word of God, ibid.
Ajax, his blafphemy, 517
Alam, no man may traffic with,
but by the Pope's licence, 162
Alafco, John, a Scotchman, how
treated by Lord Cromwell,
Aldermen become colliers, 313
Algares, St, his bones vifited and
Alms, God hateth those of mif-
gotten goods, 415. If God
be God we cannot lose our
Ambition, deftruction followeth
it, 640. The hurt that com-
eth of it, 641. Loft Rhodes,


Anabaptifts, he meaneth the,
for this is one of their detefta-

all that be in authority, 172 ble and pernicious errors, 129
Advertisements, godly, 125 A wicked fect, 306. Miftake
Adulterers and whore-keepers
this place, 522. Are a wild
Q00 2

God will judge,


[blocks in formation]



Answer, a godly and prudent,230
Anthony, St. a ftory of him,737
Antichrift, how he is known,
126. He is already known in
the world,
364, 365
Apoftles, why Chrift called fish-
ers to be, 628. Were di-
vers times called, 631. They
came not before they were
Apparel, why a law for, 375
Apples, a dainty dish of, 165, A
graft of, will bring forth fruit
Arches-Court, what is done in
it, 32. Where held, ibid.
Arians, their opinion of Chrift,
742, 743
Armour, God's, what it is, 2,3.
We muft lack no part of,517.
It must be God's that we put
on, 518. The parts thereof,
527. The third is our fhoes,
that is, a readiness to hear the
word of God,
Aftyages and Harpagus, the hifto-
ry of,
Attalus, the hiftory of, 7.09
Audience, a preacher must have
refpect to his, and why, 65


[blocks in formation]


Benefices, a wicked matter to fell,
Patrons of an hired,
240. Clergymen must not flat-
ter for,
Benefit, the great, that cometh
by the word of God, 833
Benefits, how we may apply all
those of Christ, and make them
our benefits,
Bernard, a fable of him and his
Bethlehem, the occafion why
Mary the mother of Chrift
went thither,
Bible, it must not be forgotten in

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time of progrefs and pastime,
93. They cannot be deceived
who have it in their mother
Bills to be warranted,




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