2 Behold, what cloudy columns rise, Terrific as the shades of night! What peals of thunder rend the skies! The lightning, how sublimely bright! 3 How dreadful is the threatening hail! Approaching tempests, O how grand! What terror doth the mind assail, When deep convulsions shake the land! 4 The seas with hollow murmurs groan, The bowels of the mountains flame; The elements, affrighted, own The awful greatness of thy name. 5 Almighty God, thy chariot wheels In solemn pomp and grandeur roll; GENERAL PRAISE. HYMN 13. L. M. [#] Universal Praise. 1 CELESTIAL Worlds, your Maker's name Resound through every shining coast: Our God the noblest praise will claim, Where he unfolds his glories most. 2 Stupendous globe of flaming day, Praise him in thy sublime career; He struck from night thy peerless ray, 3 Ye starry lamps, to whom 'tis given 4 Lightnings, that round Jehovah play, HYMN 14. 7 & 6 M. [#] Praise to Jehovah. 1 PRAISE the Lord, who reigns above, And all his greatness show; Praise him for his matchless power; 2 Publish, spread to all around All the powers of music, bring, 3 Him, in whom they move and live, Glory to their Maker give, And homage to their King: ; As in heaven on earth adored; 1 O FOR a shout of sacred joy 2 Whilst angels shout his lofty praise, 3 Rehearse his praise with awe profound; 4 In Israel stood his ancient throne; But now he calls the world his own, HYMN 16. H. M. [#] Grateful Praise. 1 To your Creator, God, 2 Thou source of light and heat, With every beam, Who made thee bright. 3 Fair regent of the night, Declare his name, Reflect his praise. 4 Let all the creatures join And all their various powers Let nature raise, Of grateful praise. 5 But, O, from human tongues Ye highly blest; Above the rest Declare his praise. HYMN 17. C. P. M. [#] General Praise. 1 BEGIN, my soul, the lofty lay; To swell the glad'ning theme. 2 Thou heaven of heavens, his vast abode, Ye clouds, proclaim your Maker, God; Ye thunders, speak his power; Lo! on the lightning's rapid wings, 3 Ye deeps, with roaring billows, rise, |