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5 O may we then among them stand,
Clothed in celestial white:

The meanest place at his right hand
Gives infinite delight.

HYMN 199. C. P. M. [#]


1 ARISE, and hail the happy day;
Cast all low cares of life away,
And thought of meaner things:
This day to cure our deadly woes,
The Sun of Righteousness arose,
With healing in his wings.

2 If angels, on that happy morn,
The Saviour of the world was born,
Poured forth their jofyul songs,
Much more should we, of human race,
Adore the wonders of his grace,
To whom that grace belongs.

3 O, then, let heaven and earth rejoice,
Let every creature join his voice,
To hymn the happy day,

When Jesus triumphed o'er his foes,
As from the shades of death he rose,
Life's sceptre wide to sway.

HYMN 200. C. M. [#]

Hope of the Resurrection.

1 BLEST be the everlasting God,

The Father of our Lord;

Be his abounding mercy praised,
His majesty adored.

2 When from the dead he raised his Son,
And called him to the sky,
He gave our souls a lively hope
That they should never die.

3 What though his uncontrolled decree
Command our flesh to dust?
Yet as the Lord our Saviour rose,
So all his followers must.

4 There's an inheritance divine
Reserved against that day;
"Tis uncorrupted, undefiled,
And cannot fade away.

5 Saints by the power of God are kept
Till the salvation come;

We walk by faith as strangers here,
Till Christ shall call us home.

HYMN 201. C. M. [#]

Emblems of the Resurrection.

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1 ALL nature dies, and lives again :
The flowers that paint the field,
The trees that crown the mountain's brow,-
And boughs and blossoms yield;-

2 These all resign their beauteous form
At winter's stormy blast,

And leave the naked, leafless plain
A desolated waste.

3 Yet soon reviving plants and flowers
Anew shall deck the plain;

The woods shall hear the voice of spring,
And flourish green again.

4 So, to the dreary grave consigned,
Man sleeps in death's dark gloom,
Till the eternal morning wake

The slumbers of the tomb.

5 O may the grave become to us
The bed of peaceful rest,
Whence we shall gladly rise at length,
And mingle with the blest.

HYMN 202. L. P. M. [#]

Life, Death, and Resurrection.
1 ETERNAL GOD, how frail is man!
Few are the hours, and short the span,
Between the cradle and the grave:
Who can prolong his vital breath?
Who from the bold demands of death
Hath skill to fly, or power to save?

2 But let no murmuring heart complain,
That, therefore, man is made in vain,
Nor the Creator's grace distrust;
For though his servants, day by day,
Go to their graves, and turn to clay,
A bright reward attends the just.
3 Jesus hath made thy purpose known,
A new and better life hath shown,
And we the glorious tidings hear:

Eternal praises to the Lord,
That we can read his holy word,
And find a resurrection there.

HYMN 203. P. M. [#]
Hymn for Easter.

1 LIFT your glad voices in triumph on high,
For Jesus hath risen, and man cannot die :
Vain were the terrors that gathered around him,
And short the dominion of death and the grave;
He burst from the fetters of darkness that bound


Resplendent in glory, to live and to save :
Loud was the chorus of angels on high,-
The Saviour hath risen, and man shall not die.

2 Glory to God in full anthems of joy,

The being he gave us death cannot destroy : Sad were the life we must part with to-morrow, If tears were our birthright, and death were our


But Jesus hath cheered the dark valley of sorrow,
And bade us, immortal, to heaven ascend :

Lift, then, your voices in triumph on high,
For Jesus hath risen, and man shall not die.


HYMN 204. H. M. [#]

Christ Victorious.

1 ALL hail, redeeming Lord!
The wondrous things foretold
Of thee, in sacred writ,

With joy our eyes behold:

Still does thy arm new trophies wear,
And monuments of glory rear.

2 To thee the hoary head.

Its silver honours pays;
To thee the blooming youth
Devotes his brightest days;
All ages grateful tributes bring,
And bow to thee, all-conquering King.

3 O haste, triumphant Prince,
That happy, glorious day,
When souls, like drops of dew,
Shall own thy gentle sway;

O, may it bless our longing eyes,
And bear our shouts beyond the skies!

4 All hail, ascended Lord!

Eternal be thy reign;

Behold the nations sue

To wear thy gentle chain :

When earth and time are known no more, Thy throne shall stand forever sure.

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