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HYMN 258. C. M. [#]

Christ's Invitation.

1 THE Saviour calls! let every ear
Attend the heavenly sound:
Ye doubting souls, dismiss your fear;
Hope smiles reviving round.

2 For every thirsty, longing heart,
Here streams of bounty flow;
And life, and health, and bliss impart
To banish mortal wo.

3 There springs of sacred pleasure rise
To ease your every pain ;
Immortal fountain, full supplies!
Nor shall you thirst in vain.

4 Ye sinners, come; 'tis mercy's voice
The gracious call obey;
Mercy invites to heavenly joys,
And can you yet delay?

5 Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts; To thee let sinners fly,

And take the bliss thy love imparts,
And drink, and never die.

HYMN 259. S. M. [#]

Saviour's Voice.

1 HEAR what a Saviour's voice,
To sinners, does proclaim;
O, all ye ransomed souls, rejoice
your Redeemer's name.


2 Where sin and death have reigned,
And all their power employed,
There is his love and light maintained,
And heavenly truth enjoyed.

3 The needy, starving poor

Are filled with living bread;
The opening of the prison door
Proclaims the captive freed.

4 The thirsty, panting soul,

That longs for springs of grace,
Beholds celestial waters roll,
And floods of righteousness.

5 My God, my Saviour too,

I would thy love proclaim,
Partake of what is brought to view,
And sing thy glorious name.

HYMN 260. C. M. [b or #]
Gospel Invitations.

1 YE wretched, hungry, starving poor,
Behold a royal feast,

Where mercy spreads her bounteous store For every humble guest.

2 See, Jesus stands with open arms;
He calls, he bids you come :

Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms;
But, see, there yet is room.

3 In Jesus' condescending heart
Both love and pity meet;
Nor will he bid the soul depart,
That trembles at his feet.

4 Come, then, and with his people taste
The blessings of his love,

While hope attends the sweet repast
Of nobler joys above.

HYMN 261. L. M. [#]


1 COME, fellow sinners, come away;
Behold the fast-declining sun;
No longer in the market stay;

"Tis time our labours were begun.

2 O be not faithless in the Lord :

Whate'er is right we shall receive;
If we but hearken to his word,

He will immortal treasures give.

3 Lord, in thy vineyard we appear,
To labour in the works of love;
O may we be thy mercy's care,

Nor from thy precepts ever rove.
4 And when thy labourers all come home,
May each, with joy, thy goodness see;
Nor fault what boundless grace has done,
In setting man from bondage free.

HYMN 262. C. M. [#]

God is Love.

1 COME, ye that know and love the Lord,
And raise your thoughts above;
Let every heart and voice accord
To sing that God is Love.

2 This precious truth his word declares,
And all his mercies prove;
Jesus, the Gift of gifts, appears
To show that God is Love.

3 Behold his patience bearing long
With those who from him rove,
Till mighty grace their hearts subdue,
To teach them God is Love.

4 O may we all, while here below,
This blessing well improve,
Till nobler praise, in brighter worlds,
Proclaim that God is Love.

HYMN 263. 7s. M. [#]

Christ's Invitations.

1 COME, said Jesus' sacred voice,
Come, and make my path your choice;
I will guide you to your home:
Weary pilgrim, hither come.

2 Thou who, houseless, sole, forlorn,

Long hast borne the proud world's scorn; Long hast roamed the barren waste, Weary pilgrim, hither haste.

3 Ye who, tossed on beds of pain,
Seek for ease, but seek in vain ;
Ye, whose weeping, sleepless eyes
Watch to see the morning rise;-
4 Ye by fiercer anguish torn,
In remorse for guilt who mourn,
Here repose your heavy care:
Who the stings of guilt can bear?
5 Sinner, come; for here is found
Balm that flows for every wound,
Peace that ever shall endure,
Rest eternal, sacred, sure.

HYMN 264. C. M. [#]


1 YE favoured children of the Lord, Ye loved, ye ransomed race, Come, listen to the cheering word Of our Redeemer's grace.

2 O come; attend the Saviour's call; He only life can give ;

His gracious voice proclaimed to all
Is, Come, believe, and live.

3 But man, regardless of his words, From Jesus doth depart;

The joyful sound no life affords
His unbelieving heart.

4 Hasten, O God, that glorious day, In thine own plan designed,

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