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3 And since, by passion's force subdued,
Too oft, with stubborn will,
We blindly shun the latent good,
And grasp the specious ill,-

4 Not what we wish, but what we want,
Let mercy still supply;

The good, unasked, O Father, grant;
The ill, though asked, deny.

HYMN 372. L. M. [#]

Desire of Wisdom and Obedience.

1 TEACH me, O teach me, Lord, thy way, That, to my life's remotest day, By thine unerring precepts led,

My feet thy heavenly paths may tread.


2 Informed by thee, with sacred awe,
My heart shall meditate thy law
And, with celestial wisdom filled,
To thee a pure obedience yield.
3 Give me to know thy will aright,-
Thy will, my glory and delight,—
That, raised above the world, my mind
In thee its highest good may find.

4 O turn from vanity mine eye;
To me thy quickening strength supply;
And with thy promised mercy cheer
A heart devoted to thy fear.

HYMN 373. C. M. [#]

Cheerful Obedience.

1 THOU art my Portion, O my God;
Soon as I know thy way,

My willing heart obeys thy word,
And suffers no delay.

2 I choose the path of heavenly truth,
And glory in my choice:
Not all the riches of the earth
Could make me so rejoice.

3 The testimonies of thy grace
I set before my eyes;
Thence I derive my daily strength,
And there my comfort lies.

4 Now I am thine, forever thine;
O save thy servant, Lord:

Thou art my Shield, my Hiding-place;
My hope is in thy word.

5 Thou hast inclined this heart of mine
Thy statutes to fulfil;
And thus, till mortal life shall end,
Would I perform thy will.

HYMN 374. L. M. [#]

Acknowledgment of divine Goodness. 1 YE humble souls, approach your God With songs of sacred joy and praise; For he is good, immensely good, And kind are all his works and ways.

2 All nature owns his guardian care; In him we live, in him we move; But nobler benefits declare

His wonders in redeeming love.

3 From heaven he sent his holy Son

To save a world from death and sin ; "Tis here he makes his goodness known, And proves it boundless and divine. 4 To this sure refuge, Lord, we come ; On this alone our hope relies ; A safe defence, a peaceful home, Where storms of trouble never rise.


HYMN 375. L. M. [b]


1 WHEREFORE should man, frail child of clay, Who, from the cradle to the shroud, Lives but the insect of a day,

O, why should mortal man be proud?

2 His brightest visions just appear,

Then vanish, and no more are found;
The stateliest pile his pride can rear,
A breath may level with the ground.

3 Follies and crimes, a countless sum,
Are crowded in life's little span :

How ill, alas, does pride become That erring, guilty creature, man! 4 God of our lives, Father divine,

Give us a meek and lowly mind; In modest worth, O may we shine, And peace in humble virtue find.

HYMN 376. C. M. [b]


1 ATTEND, my soul, with filial awe,
The dictates of thy God;

Silent and trembling, hear the voice
Of his appointed rod.

2 Now let me search and try my ways,
And, prostrate, seek his face;

Conscious of guilt, before his throne,
In dust my soul abase.

3 Teach me, my God, what's yet unknown,
And all my crimes forgive;
Those crimes I would no more repeat,
But to thine honour live.

4 My withered joys too plainly show
That all on earth is vain :
In God my wounded heart confides,
True rest and bliss to gain.

5 Father, I wait thy gracious call
To leave this mournful land,
And bathe in rivers of delight

That flow at thy right hand.

HYMN 377. C. M. [b]
Thirsting after God.

1. WHEN, fainting in the sultry waste,
And parched with thirst extreme,
The weary pilgrim longs to taste
The cool, refreshing stream,-
2 So longs the weary, fainting mind,
Oppressed with sins and woes,
Some soul-reviving spring to find,
Whence heavenly comfort flows.

3 Thus sweet the consolations are,
The promises impart;

Here flowing streams of life appear,
To ease the panting heart.

4 O, when I thirst for thee, my God,
With ardent, strong desire,

And still, through all this desert road,
To taste thy grace aspire,—

5 Then let my prayer to thee ascend,
A grateful sacrifice;

My plaintive voice thou wilt attend,
And grant me full supplies.

HYMN 378. L. M. [b or #]


1 PATIENCE! O what a grace divine,
Sent from the God of peace and love,
That leans upon its Father's hand,
As through the wilds of life we rove!

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