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2 By patience we serenely bear

The troubles of our mortal state, And wait, contented, our discharge, Nor think our glory comes too late. 3 Though we in full sensation feel

The weight, the wounds, our God ordains, We smile amidst our deepest woes, And triumph in our sharpest pains.

4 O for this grace to aid us on,

And arm with fortitude the breast,
Till, life's vain dreams and tumults o'er,
We reach the realms of endless rest.

HYMN 379.

C. M. [b]

Submission to God under Affliction.

1 PEACE, my complaining, doubting heart

Ye busy cares, be still;

Adore the just, the sovereign Lord,
Nor murmur at his will.

2 Unerring wisdom guides his hand;
Nor dares my guilty fear,
Amid the sharpest pains I feel,
Pronounce his hand severe.

3 To soften every painful stroke,
Indulgent Mercy bends,
And, unrepining, when I plead,
His gracious ear attends.

4 Yes, Lord, I own thy sovereign hand,
Thou just, and wise, and kind:
Be every anxious thought suppressed,
And all my soul resigned.


HYMN 380. L. M. [b]


1 HAPPY the meek, whose gentle breast, Clear as the summer's evening ray, Calm as the regions of the blest, Enjoys on earth celestial day.

2 His heart no broken friendships sting;
No storms his peaceful tent invade ;
He rests beneath Jehovah's wing,
Hostile to none, of none afraid.

3 Spirit of grace, all meek and mild,
Inspire our hearts, our souls possess ;
Repel each passion, rude and wild,
And bless us, as we aim to bless.

HYMN 381. C. M. [b]

10 RESIGNATION, heavenly power,
Our warmest thoughts engage;
Thou art the safest guide of youth,
The sure support of age.

2 Teach us the hand of Love divine
In evils to discern ;

"Tis the first lesson which we need,
The latest which we learn.

3 Resign, and all the pain of life
That moment we remove ;

The heavy load of grief and care
Devolves on One above.

4 He bids us lay our burthen down
On his almighty hand,

Supports our feeble frame, and makes
Our weary feet to stand.

HYMN 382. C. M. [bor #]


1 O LORD, my best desire fulfil,
And help me to resign

Life, health and comfort to thy will,
And make thy pleasure mine.

2 Why should I shrink at thy command,
Whose love forbids my fears?
Or tremble at the gracious hand,
That wipes away my tears?

3 No, let me rather freely yield
What most I prize to thee,
Who never hast a good withheld,
Or wilt withhold, from me.

4 Thy favour, all my journey through,
Thou art engaged to grant;
What else I want, or think I do,
"Tis better still to want.

5 But, ah, my inward spirit cries,
Still bind me to thy sway;

Else the next cloud that veils my skies
Drives all these thoughts away.

HYMN 383. 8 & 7s. M. [b or # ]

Confidence in God.

1 CALM, my soul, behold thy Saviour!
This blest thought shall joy impart,
Though by all the world forsaken,
That he bears me on his heart.

2 What though all the world are preaching,
Death shall reign forever more;
I'm instructed, by his teaching,
That its reign shall soon be o'er.
3 See in Christ all things created;
This was God's eternal plan;
In him all are reinstated,
Sacred Head of every man.

4 O for such transcendent goodness
May each soul in concert rise,
In melodious, grateful anthems,
Sound his praises to the skies.

HYMN 384. C. M. [# or b]
Quieting Reflections.

1 To calm the sorrows of the mind,
Our heavenly Friend is nigh,

To wipe the anxious tear that starts,
Or trembles in the eye.

2 Thou canst, when anguish rends the heart, The secret wo control;

The inward malady canst heal,
The sickness of the soul.

3 Thou canst repress the rising sigh,
Canst soothe each mortal care;
And every deep and heartfelt groan
Is wafted to thine ear.

4 Eternal Source of life and health,
And every bliss we feel,
In sorrow and in joy, to thee
Our. grateful hearts appeal.

HYMN 385. L. M. [#]

Trust and Resignation implored.
1 O God, to thee we raise our eyes;
Calm resignation we implore;
O let no murmuring thought arise,
But humbly let our hearts adore.

2 With meek submission may we bear
Each needful cross thou shalt ordain;
Nor think our trials too severe;
Nor dare thy goodness to arraign.
3 For, though mysterious now thy ways
To erring mortals may appear,
Hereafter we thy name shall praise,
For all our keenest sufferings here.

4 Thy needful aid, O God, afford,
Nor let us sink in deep despair;
Help us to trust thy sacred word,

And find our sweetest comfort there.

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