3 "Tis God's all-animating voice 4 That prize, with peerless glories bright, When victors' wreaths and monarchs' gems 5 My soul, with all thy wakened powers, HYMN 393. L. M. [#] I Ан, wretched souls, who strive in vain, A nobler satisfaction win. 2 I would resolve, with all my heart, 3 O, be his service all my joy; Around let my example shine, Till others love the blest employ, And join in labours so divine. 4 Be this the purpose of my soul, My solemn, my determined choice, To yield to his supreme control, And in his kind commands rejoice. 5 O may I never faint nor tire, Nor wander from thy sacred ways : HYMN 394. S. M. [#] Obedience to God as our Father. 1 My Father, I adore That all-commanding name; 2 I bow at his commands, And filial homage pay; With heart and life, with tongue and hands, 3 No more will I transgress, As I too oft have done, 4 My Father thus I'll claim, And prove myself his son; 5 Do thou the strength impart, Lord, write thy laws upon my heart, HYMN 395. L. M. [#] The Christian Warfare. 1 ARISE, my soul, shake off thy fears, And gird the gospel-armour on ; March to the gates of endless joy, Where thy great Leader, Christ, has gone. 2 Sin and the world resist thy course; But these, my soul, are vanquished foes; For Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sang the triumph when he rose. 3 Then let my soul march boldly on, Press forward to the heavenly gate; There peace and joy eternal reign, And glittering robes for conquerors wait. 4 There shall I wear a victor's crown, And triumph in Jehovah's grace : There all the just, in chorus joined, Unite to celebrate his praise. HYMN 396. C. M. [# or b] Prudence. 1 FATHER of light, conduct my feet 2 Let heaven-eyed prudence be my guide, And, when I go astray, Recall my feet from folly's path, 3 Teach me in every various scene And, whilst I tread life's mazy track, 4 That heavenly wisdom from above And let it guard, and guide, and warm, HYMN 397. L. M. [#] Resistance of Temptations. 1 AWAKE, my soul, lift up thine eyes, 4 O teach thy servant how to wield, HYMN 398. L. M. [#] Prudent Use of Time. 1 GOD of eternity, from thee Did infant time his being draw: Moments, and days, and months, and years, Revolve by thine unvaried law. 2 The thoughtless tribes of mortal men Along the mighty stream are borne On to their everlasting home, That country whence there's no return. 3 Great Source of wisdom, teach our hearts HYMN 399. L. M. [#] Gratitude and holy Resolutions. 1 How many millions draw their breath 2 My soul, I charge thee to excel 3 Heighten the force of good desire; |