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3 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud,
Has gathered thick, and thundered loud,
He near my soul has always stood;
His loving kindness, O how good!
4 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale;
Soon all my mortal powers must fail;
O may my last, expiring breath
His loving kindness sing in death.

HYMN 472. L. M. [b]

This do in Remembrance of me.

1 EAT, drink, in memory of your Friend:
Such was our Master's last request,
Who all the pangs of death endured,
That we might live forever blest.

2 Yes, we'll record thy matchless love,
Thou kindest, tenderest, best of friends :
Thy dying ove the noblest praise

Our hearts can offer thee transcends.

3 "Tis pleasure more than earth can give
Thy goodness through these veils to see;
Thy table food celestial yields,
And happy they who sit with thee.

HYMN 473. S. M. [#]
Christian Unity.

1 LET party names no more

The Christian world o'erspread;
Gentile and Jew, and bond and free,
Are one in Christ, their Head.

2 Among the saints on earth
Let mutual love be found;
Heirs of the same inheritance,
With mutual blessings crowned.

3 Envy and strife be gone,

And only kindness known;
While all one common Father have,
One common Master own.

4 Thus will the church below
Resemble that above,

Where springs of purest pleasure rise,
And every heart is love.

HYMN 474. C. M. [b]
Bearing the Cross.

1 DIDST thcu, dear Jesus, suffer shame,
And bear the cross for me?
And shall I fear to own thy name,
Or thy disciple be?

2 Inspire my soul with life divine,
And make me truly bold;

Let knowledge, faith and meekness shine,
Nor love, nor zeal, grow cold.

3 Let mockers scoff, the world defame
And treat me with disdain,
Still may I glory in thy name,
And count reproach my gain.

4 To thee I cheerfully submit,
And all my powers resign;
Let Wisdom point out what is fit,
And I'll no more repine.

HYMN 475. L. M. [#]

The Memorial of our absent Lord.

1 JESUS is gone above the sky,

Where our weak senses reach him not; And carnal objects court our eye,

To thrust our Saviour from our thought.
2 He knows what wandering hearts we have,
How weak our faith and hope might prove;
And, to refresh our minds, he gave
This kind memorial of his love.

3 The Lord of life this table spread
With his own flesh and dying blood:
We on the rich provision feed,

And taste the wine, and bless our God.

4 Let sinful sweets be all forgot,

And earth grow less in our esteem; Christ and his love fill every thought, And faith and hope be fixed on him.

HYMN 476. 61. L. M. [#]

The Christian's ardent Aspirations.
1 ETERNAL Spirit, Source of light,
Enlivening, consecrating Fire,
Descend, and with celestial heat

Our dull, our frozen hearts inspire;
Our souls refine, our dross consume;
Come, condescending Spirit, come.
2 In our cold breasts, O strike a spark
Of that pure flame which seraphs feel;

Nor let us wander in the dark,

Or lie benumbed and stupid still. Come, vivifying Spirit, come,

And make our hearts thy constant home.

3 Let pure devotion's fervours rise;
Let every pious passion glow;
O let the raptures of the skies

Kindle in our cold hearts below.
Come, purifying Spirit, come,
And make our souls thy constant home.

HYMN 477. 8 & 7s. M. [b]

Desires after Christian Obedience.

1 FROM the table now retiring,
Which for us the Lord hath spread,
May our souls, refreshment finding,
Grow in all things like our Head.

2 His example by beholding,

May our lives his image bear; Him our Lord and Master calling, His commands may we revere. 3 Love to God and man displaying, Walking steadfast in his way, Joy attend us in believing;

Peace from God, through endless day.


HYMN 478. S. P. M. [#]

On opening a Place of Worship.

1 How does my heart rejoice
To hear the public voice,
Come, let us seek our God to-day!
Yes, with a cheerful zeal,

We'll haste to Zion's hill,
And there our vows and honours pay.

2 Zion, thrice happy place!
Adorned with wondrous grace,

And walls of strength enclose thee round;
In thee our souls appear,

To pray, and praise, and hear
The sacred gospel's joyful sound.

3 May peace attend thy gate,
And joy within thee wait,
To bless the soul of every guest:
The man who seeks thy peace,
And wishes thine increase,
A thousand blessings on him rest.

4 My tongue repeats her vows,
Peace to this sacred house,

For here my friends and brethren dwell;
And, since my glorious God

Makes this his blest abode,

My soul shall ever love thee well.

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