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2 O send thy gracious beams abroad,
Through sin and death's extended night,
And cheer the nations with thy word,
Which brings immortal truth to light.

3 No more let persecution's hand
Sway o'er the world its iron rod,
While, falsely claiming God's command,
It riots in a martyr's blood.

4 Let senseless idols share no more
The glories of thy sacred name,
But every land, from shore to shore,
The wonders of thy love proclaim.

HYMN 541. C. M. [#]
God's Magnificence.

1 THE Lord descended from above,
And bowed the heavens most high,
And underneath his feet he cast
The darkness of the sky.

2 On cherubim and seraphim
Full royally he rode;

And on the wings of mighty winds
Came flying all abroad.

3 He sat serene upon the floods,
Their fury to restrain;

And he, as sovereign Lord and King,
For evermore shall reign.

HYMN 542. P. M. [#]
Miriam's Song.

1 SOUND the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea; Jehovah has triumphed; his people are free.

Sing, for the pride of the tyrant is broken, His chariots, his horsemen, all splendid and brave;

How vain was their boasting! the Lord hath but spoken,

And chariots and horsemen are sunk in the


Sound the loud timbrel, &c.

2 Praise to the Conqueror, praise to the Lord; His word was our arrow, his breath was our sword.

Who shall return to tell Egypt the story

Of those she sent forth in the hour of her pride? For the Lord hath looked out from his pillar of glory,

And all her brave thousands are dashed in the tide.

Sound the loud timbrel, &c.

HYMN 543. 61. L. M. [#]

The preeminent Glory of God.
1 THY glory, Lord, the heavens declare;
The firmament displays thy skill;
The changing clouds, the viewless air,
Tempest and calm, thy word fulfil :
Day unto day doth utter speech,
And night to night thy knowledge teach.

2 Though voice nor sound inform the ear,
Well known the language of their song,
When, one by one, the stars appear,
Led by the silent moon along;
Till round the earth, from all the sky,
Thy beauty beams on every eye.


3 Waked from thy touch, the morning sun
Comes like a bridegroom from his bower,
And, like a giant, glad to run

His bright career with speed and power;"
Thy flaming messenger, to dart
Life through the depths of nature's heart.
4 While these transporting visions shine
Along the path of Providence,
Glory eternal, joy divine,

Thy word reveals, transcending sense:
My soul thy goodness longs to see,
Thy love to man, thy love to me.



HYMN 544. L. M. [#]

1 PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly throng;
O praise Jehovah in your song.

HYMN 545. C. M. [#]

1 ALMIGHTY Father, gracious Power,
Thy grateful children own
Thy boundless love, and bow before
Thine everlasting throne.

2 Forever hallowed be thy name,
"All holy, good, and wise;
And may thy perfect will be done
On earth as in the skies.

HYMN 546. S. M. [#]

1 To heaven's eternal King,
Who rules supreme alone,
Jaet all on earth their praises bring,
And worship round his throne.

2 His name, as sovereign Lord,

Shall sound through distant lands; Great is his grace, and sure his word; His truth forever stands.

HYMN 547. 7s. M. [#]

1 HOMAGE pay to God above,-
God, whose nature all is love;
In his praise your breath employ,—
Gracious Source of every joy!

2 All our hopes of life and heaven
Through thy grace alone are given;
Bliss eternal, pure, divine,-
Every gift, O God, is thine.

HYMN 548. H. M. [#]

GLORY to God on high ;

Forever bless his name;
Let earth, and seas and sky
His wondrous love proclaim.
To him be praise and glory given
By all on earth and all in heaven.

HYMN 549. 81. L. M. [#] To thee, supreme, the ever-blest, Be praise in thankful notes addressed; Such as the stars of morning sung, When earth was on its balance hung; Such praise as from angelic choirs, And saints, whom zeal like theirs inspires, In heaven above, and earth below, Still flows, and shall forever flow.

HYMN 550. 8 & 7s. M. [#]
GRACIOUS Source of every blessing,
Guard our breasts from anxious fears;
Let us, each thy care possessing,
Peaceful reach the vale of years;
All our hopes on thee reclining,
Peace companion of our way,
May our sun, in smiles declining,
Rise in everlasting day.


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