A King shall reign in righteousness A youth, devoted to the Lord Abide with us, the evening shades. Absurd and vain attempt to bind Affliction's faded form draws nigh Affliction is a stormy deep Again the Lord of life and light Ah, wretched souls, who strive in vain Alas, and did my Saviour bleed All hail, almighty, glorious Sire All hail, mysterious King All hail, redeeming Lord. All hail the power of Jesus' name All nature dies, and lives again. All nature feels attractive power Almighty and immortal King Almighty Father, gracious Lord Almighty Father, gracious Power. Almighty Maker, God. Am I a soldier of the cross Angels, roll the rock away Another fleeting day is gone Arise, and hail the happy day Arise, expand your wings
Arise, my soul, shake off thy fears. Arrayed in clouds of golden light
As showers on meadows newly mown
As the sweet flower which scents the morn
Attend, my soul, with filial awe
At thy command, our dearest Lord Author of good, we rest on thee Awake, and sing the song
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve Awake, my soul, in joyful lays. Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes Awake, my soul, and with the sun Awake, our souls, and bless his name
Awake, our souls, away, our fears.
Awake the song that gave to earth
Away with our sorrow and fear
Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth
Bear me, ye spirits of the blest
Before Jehovah's royal throne
Taith adds new charms to earthly bliss
Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone Far from these scenes of night Far from mortal cares retreating Far from the world, O Lord, 1 flee Father Divine, thy piercing eye Father, how wide thy glory shines. Father, in heaven, thy sacied name Father, is not thy promise sure. Father, I thank thee; may no thought Father of all, omniscient mind Father of all, whose cares extend Father of Light, conduct my feet Father of mercies, in thy word Father of mercies, send thy grace Father of mercies, in thy house Father of men, thy care we bless Father of our feeble race
For thee, O God, our constant praise Friendship, 'tis the gift of heaven From all that dwell below the skies From Jesse's Root a Branch did rise From stern oppression's haughty land From tribulation's gloomy vale. From thee, O God, my joys shall rise From the table now retiring.
tive to the Lord immortal praise Give to the Lord in cheerful songs. Glory be to God on high
Glory to God on high Le given.
Glory to God who reigns above Glory to God on high
Glory to God on high
Glory to God that walks the sky
Go, reach the gospel, Jesus cries Go, worship at Immanuel's feet
God, from whom all things proceed God in his earthly temple lays God in the gospel of his Son. God is a spirit, just and wise God is my strong Salvation God is our Refuge and Defence God is our Refuge in distress God moves in a mysterious way God of eternity, from thee God of mercy, God of love God of mercy and of wisdom God of our mercy and our praise God reigns; events in order flow Good is the heavenly King Grace, 'tis a charming sound Gracious Source of every blessing. Grant us a visit, dearest Lord Great Framer of unnumbered worlds. Great God, at whose all-powerful call Great God, attend, while Zion sings. Great God, before thy throne we bow Great God, how infinite art thou Great God, indulge my humble claim Great God, let all our tuneful powers. Great God of grace, arise and shine
Great God, the heaven's well-ordered frame Great God, the nations of the earth Great God, to thee my grateful tongue Great God, to thee we pray. Great God, this sacred day of thine Great God, whose all-pervading eye Great God, whose universal sway. Great is the Lord, our God Greatest of beings, Source of good Great King of kings, eternal God . Great Lord of angels, we adore
Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews Hail, everlasting spring
Hail, great Creator, wise and good
Hail, love divine, joys ever new
Hail, thou blest morn, when the great Mediator
Hail, the God of our salvation
Hail to the Lord's anointed
Happy the man whose wishes climb
Happy the meek, whose gentle breast Hark, the song of jubilee.
Hark, 'tis the Saviour of mankind
Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes
Hark, what celestial notes
Have mercy on me, O my God. He dies! the Friend of sinners dies
Hear me, O Lord, in my distress Hear what a Saviour's voice
Here, in thy temple, Lord, we meet HIgh on the mountain's towering head Hh o'er the heaven of heavens I saw Holy, holy, holy Lord. Homage pay to God above Hosanna, with a cheerful sound How are thy servants blest, O Lord How beauteous are their feet How beautiful the sight How blest is man, O God
How blest the sacred tie that binds How blest thy creature is, O God How choice the Book divine. How does my heart, rejoice How gracious is our God How great is our Creator God How large the promise, how divine How many millions draw their breath How oft, alas, this wretched heart. How pleasant, how divinely fair How pleasing is the scene, how sweet How precious, Lord, thy holy word How rich are thy provisions, Lord. How rich thy favours, God of grace How rich thy gifts, almighty King How rich thy bounty, King of kings How transient and how vain How wide the torrent rolls
I sing the gospel day
I sing the mighty power of God If solid happiness we prize I'll bless Jehovah's glorious name I'll praise my Maker while I've breath Iminortal God, on thee we call. Immortal Source of light and grace In Christ, the Lord, our eyes behold Indulgent Father, how divine In freedom's song let millions join In friendship pure, a sun divine. In sleep's serene oblivion laid In the soft season of thy youth In thee, thou all-sufficient God In yon blest world above.
Jehovah bids the morning ray Jehovah, God, our heavenly King. Jehovah lives, and be his name. Jehovah reigns, let every nation hear Jehovali spake, and Gabriel sped
Watts 491
Scott 399 Mrs. Steele 334 Watts 130
Mrs. Steele 347 Wults 276 Watts 245 Doddridge 297 Kippis 502 251
S. Ballou 445 Doddridge 454
Kneeland 255 Watts 79 Cotton 389 Miss Day 133 Watis 461 Doddridge 301 Doddridge 357 Watts 228 Sowden 298
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