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Through him, O may our humble praise Accepted rise before thy throne.

HYMN 91. C. M. [#]
Homage and Devotion.

1 WITH sacred joy we lift our eyes
To those bright realms above,
That glorious temple in the skies,
Where dwells eternal Love.

2 Before the radiant throne we bow
Of heaven's almighty King:
Here we present the solemn vow,
And hymns of glory sing.

3 Thee we adore; and, Lord, to thee
Our filial duty pay:

Thy service, unconstrained and free,
Conducts to endless day.

4 While in thy house of prayer we kneel, With trust and holy fear,

Thy mercy and thy truth reveal,
And lend a gracious ear.

HYMN 92. C. M. [# or b]

Sincere Devotion acceptable.

1 GOD is a Spirit just and wise;

He sees our inmost mind:

In vain to Heaven we raise our cries,
And leave our souls behind.

2 Nothing but truth, before his throne,
With honour can appear:

The painted hypocrites are known Through the disguise they wear. 3 Their lifted eyes salute the skies, Their bending knees the ground; But God rejects the sacrifice

Where not the heart is found.

4 Lord, search my thoughts, and try my ways,
And make my soul sincere ;
Then shall I stand before thy face,
And find acceptance there.

HYMN 93. S. M. [#]

God's Mercy to the Penitent.

1 SWEET is the friendly voice

Which speaks of life and peace;
Which bids the penitent rejoice,
And sin and sorrow cease.

2 No balm on earth like this

Can cheer the contrite heart;
No flattering dreams of earthly bliss
Such pure delight impart.

3 Still merciful and kind,

Thy mercy, Lord, reveal :

The broken heart thy love can bind,
The wounded spirit heal.

4 Thy presence shall restore

Peace to my anxious breast:
Lord, let my steps be drawn no more
From paths which thou hast blessed.

HYMN 94. L. M. [#]

The all-seeing God.

1 LORD, thou hast searched and seen me through; Thine eye commands, with piercing view, My rising and my resting hours,

My heart and flesh, with all their powers. 2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my God distinctly known;

He knows the words I mean to speak,
Ere from my opening lips they break.
3 Within thy circling power I stand;
On every side I find thy hand :
Awake, asleep, at home, abroad,
I am surrounded still with God.

4 Amazing knowledge, vast and great!
What large extent! what lofty height !
My soul, with all the powers I boast,
Is in the boundless prospect lost.

5 O may these thoughts possess my breast
Where'er I rove, where'er I rest!
Nor let my weaker passions dare
Consent to sin; for God is there.


HYMN 95. 8 & 7's. M. [#]

Thanksgiving for Divine Mercy.

1 SOVEREIGN Lord of light and glory,
Author of our mortal frame,
Joyfully we bow before thee,
And extol thy holy name :

Ever sacred be the theme!

2 Kind Dispenser of each blessing
Which surrounds the human race,
May we, gratefully possessing,
Still adore thy boundless grace:

Praise to God, immortal praise!
3 Thus, with humble adoration,
We attend before thy throne,
And, with grateful exultation,
Thine abundant mercy own:

Praise belongs to thee alone.

4 In thy every dispensation,

Love and mercy we descry;
Thou, the God of our salvation,
To preserve us, still art nigh:

Glory be to God on high.

HYMN 96. L. M. [#]

Devout Aspirations.

1 SUPREME and universal Light,
Fountain of reason, Judge of right,
Parent of good, whose blessings flow
On all above, and all below;

2 Without thy kind, directing ray,
In everlasting night we stray,
From passion still to passion tossed,
And in a maze of error lost.

3 Assist us, Lord, to act, to be
What nature and thy laws decree;
Worthy that bright, that mental flame,
Which from thy breathing spirit came.
4 May our expanded souls disclaim
The narrow view, the selfish aim,
And with a Christian zeal embrace
Whate'er is friendly to our race.

5 O Father, grace and virtue grant;
No more we wish, no more we want :
To know, to serve thee, and to love,
Is peace below, is bliss above.

HYMN 97. H. M. [#]
Prayer and Confidence.

1 LORD of the skies, look down,
And hearken to our prayers;
Shine from thy gracious throne,
And chase away our fears:

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