Imágenes de páginas

4 For this I long, for this I pray ;
This let me still pursue,
Till visions of eternal day

Fix and complete the view.

HYMN 104. C. M. [b or #]

1 Now may the Lord of earth and skies
Regard us when we call :
"Tis he who bids the vapours rise,
And showers abundant fall.

2 On thee, our God, we all depend
For life, and health, and food;
O make refreshing showers descend,
And crown the year with good.

3 The evil and the just partake
These bounties of thy hand;
Nor will a God of love forsake
This long-protected land.

4 Let grace come down like copious rain
On Zion's drooping field;
So shall our souls revive again,
And fruit abundant yield.

5 Then smiling nature shall express
Her mighty Maker's praise,
And we, the children of thy grace,
Join her harmonious lays.

HYMN 105. L. M. [#]


1 0 THOU, whose scales the mountains weigh, Whose will the raging seas obey,

Who canst the boisterous winds control,
Subdue the tumults of my soul.

2 May I with equal mind sustain
My lot of pleasure and of pain;
May joys and sorrows gently flow,
Nor rise too high, nor sink too low.
3 Do thou my passions, Lord, restrain,
And in my soul unrivalled reign;
Then, with whatever loads oppressed,
Centred in thee, my soul shall rest.

HYMN 106. S. M. [#]
Aspiring after God.

1 MY GOD, permit my tongue
This joy, to call thee mine;
And let my earnest cries prevail
To taste thy love divine :

2 For life, without thy love,
No relish can afford;

No joy can be compared with this,-
To serve and please the Lord.

3 To thee I'll lift my hands,

And praise thee while I live;
Not all that earth and sense can yield,
So pure a pleasure give.

4 Since thou hast been my help,
To thee my spirit flies;
And on thy watchful providence
My cheerful hope relies.

5 The shadow of thy wings
My soul in safety keeps ;
I follow where my Father leads,
And he supports my steps.

HYMN 107. L. M. [#]

Prayer for Blessings.

1 IN thee, thou all-sufficient God,
The springs of happiness arise,
That cheer this howling waste below,

And bless the mansions of the skies.

2 We, the productions of thy power,
And pensioners upon thy love,
Look to thy throne with longing eyes,
And wait thy blessings from above.
3 Protect the young from every snare,
And let thy staff support the old;
Relieve the poor,-nor let the rich
Have all their heritage in gold.

4 Let joyful souls still taste thy grace;
Give to the mourners heavenly day;
Sustain the strong; and quick revive
The withering plants from their decay.

HYMN 108. 10s. M. [#]

Divine Light implored.

1 O THOU, whose power o'er moving worlds presides,

Whose voice created, and whose wisdom guides, On darkling man, in pure effulgence shine, And cheer the clouded mind with light divine. 2 'Tis thine alone to calm the pious breast With silent confidence and holy rest:

From thee, great God, we spring, to thee we tend;

Path, Motive, Guide, Original, and End.


HYMN 109. H. M. [#]

Delight in Public Worship.

1 LORD of the worlds above,
How pleasant and how fair
The dwellings of thy love,

Thine earthly temples, are!
To thine abode my heart aspires,
With warm desires to see my God.

2 O happy souls that pray

Where God appoints to hear!

O happy men that pay

Their constant service there! They praise thee still; and happy they Who love the way to Zion's hill.

3 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length,

Till each in heaven appears:

O glorious seat, when God, our King,
Shall thither bring our willing feet!

HYMN 110. C. M. [#]

Close of Service.

1 COME, all ye saints that love the Lord,
With melody divine,
Tune every harp in sweet accord,
And all in concert join.

2 Proclaim abroad your sacred joy
To earth's remotest bounds;

In heavenly notes your tongues employ, In symphony of sounds.

3 Let every doubt and slavish fear
Be banished from the mind;

While joyful songs our spirits cheer,
We'll trust the Lord is kind.

4 Then let our joyful songs abound,
And every tear be dry;

We'll travel through Immanuel's grou
To fairer worlds on high.

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