those who have ferved him. And observe the fairnefs of the examples to which we appeal. Some of you would be unqualified judges; you could not make a proper comparifon, because you are only acquainted with one of the things to be compared. You know what the fervice of fin is, but you are strangers to the fervice of the Lord Jesus Christ. But there are persons who have tried both; after ferving the world they have served God. And if it were formerly better with them than now, what keeps them from going back? What detains them from the country whence they came out? They have opportunity to return; and are furrounded with the fame temptations as others. They have found something more divine and fatisfactory; they have tasted of the grapes of Efchol, and they no longer figh for the leeks and onions of Egypt. He is rising from his knees where he has been faying, "Thou hast dealt well with thy fervant, "Ο Lord." Take him afide and converse with him. He is able to give a reason of the hope that is in him. Why you often mourn. "But our forrow " shall be turned into joy: our very tears are bleff"ed; and we are never more happy than when we " can feel a broken heart and a contrite spirit!" And the world frowns upon you. "But God fmiles, and " his favour is life. Heaven is my home; death is "become my friend; Providence manages all my af"fairs; and I am careful for nothing." And your happiness is all future. "No; I have earnests and "foretastes of Heaven. I feel a peace which passeth "all understanding; and fometimes I rejoice with "joy unspeakable and full of glory. In his fanctuary I behold his power and his glory. In my closet "I find it good to draw near to God. His statutes " are my fong in the house of my pilgrimage, and I " rejoice in his word as one that findeth great spoil. "Once I thought like you. I supposed if I began a " religious course, I should never have another happy "day; but I never had a happy day before. I have " found nothing of the fetters and bondage of which I " had heard, and by which I had been disgusted. His " service has been perfect freedom; and none of his " commands are grievous. And Oh! could I now " lay open my foul; could I make you fee as I fee, " and feel as I feel ! O taste and fee that the Lord is "good; blessed is the man that trusteth in him." All this shews the importance of serving God; but whatever shews the importance of it, shews the wisdom of attending to it. Let me then, my dear Hearers, call upon you to make a choice. From this hour abandon God and his ways, and following your idols and your lufts have all that they can give you; or relinquishing the prefent evil world, take God for the strength of your foul and your portion for ever. Which of these will you choose ? I cannot conclude without pressing you to a decision. I have already been classing you. My hope has formed one division; my fear a second; my conviction a third. I have been HOPING that fome of you will retire this evening, and join yourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten, saying, "Lord, I am thine, save me. O Lord, other lords "beside thee have had dominion over us, but by thee " only will we make mention of thy name." Will none of you realize this pleasing expectation? Will none among you my younger Hearers, verify the language of prophecy, upon which so many ministers, so many parents have hoped : "One shall fay, I am "the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the "name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with " his hand unto the Lord, and furname himself by the "name of Ifrael." A larger number I FEAR, will care for none of these things; but go forth saying with their rebellious predecessors, "I have loved strangers, and after them " will I go." Let me give you warning from God. Remember that he will assuredly vindicate the cause of his despised authority and goodness; "As for these " mine enemies that would not that I should reign "over them, bring them forth, and slay them before "my face." If you are determined to abandon God, God is determined to abandon you: "But my people "would not hearken to my voice; and Ifrael would "none of me: fo I gave them up unto their own "hearts' lust, and they walked in their own counsels." And have you confidered the awfulness of your con dition, "Without God in the world?" Death will foon fnatch you away from your houses and amufements; and what will you do, if your faith and hope be not in God, when you will have nothing but God left? And even previous to this, an evil day may arrive. Though worldly things do not fatisfy the mind, they divert it; and though they are a poor substitute for God, they render you less sensible of your need of him. But they are all uncertain; and what becomes of you when they are removed? To whom will your flee for help, and where will you leave your glory ? But an observation of the way in which divine admonitions is commonly rendered useless CONVINCES me, that the generality of you will not decide with the former, nor positively refuse with the latter. “And " as he reafoned of righteousness, temperance, and "judgment to come Felix trembled, and answered, "Go thy way for this time, when I have a convenient " feafon I will call for thee." This is your model. You wish to paufe and confider. But we cannot allow this evafion; our commiffion requires an immediate reply; "To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden "not your heart; now is the accepted time, now is "the day of falvation." You wish to pause and confider. But you have no time for hefitation; you are dying while you make the propofal; "Boaft not thy"felf of to-morrow, for thou knowest not what a "day may bring forth." You wish to pause and confider. But he may take your excuses for a final answer, as they are unquestionably a proof of present disinclination, and fay, "None of the men that were " bidden shall taste of my supper." "He is joined to " idols, let him alone." You wish to pause and confider. But the longer you waver the harder you will find it to decide; objections and difficulties will every day multiply. You wish to paufe and confider; but when do you mean to determine? How much longer time do you require ? Some of you have had twenty, forty, fixty years to weigh things already, and are ftill undetermined. And what is it to decide, that you cannot come to a conclufion this hour, this mo ment? What room is there for comparifon? What possibility is there of embarrassment ? O shame of human nature! Here are persons requiring additional years to determine, whether hell or heaven is the best portion; whether the God of glory, or the god of this world is the best master. "How long halt ye between two opin"ions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal " be God, follow him." "Wherefore choose ye this "day whom ye will serve." "But as for me and my " house, we will serve the Lord." May God inspire us with this resolution. Amen. |