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what's the Reason, that Penal Statutes åre fo carefully obferved, while at other times the Commands of Chrift are so eafily paft over, but that Men generally have not that tender regard of their Souls, as they have of their Purses, and of their Secular Interest ?

3. BUT befides thefe, there is a third fort of Perfons, whofe Excuses are a little to be Confidered too; many Serious, Religious, and Devout Chriftians, I doubt not, who have both Hearts to come to the Communion, and time enough for Preparation, but yet are troubled with Scruples and Fears, left they fhould not come prepared fufficiently, notwithstanding their Pious Endeavours; and fo rather chufe to refrain, though it be with much reluctancy and regret. Thefe Fears and Scruples, I now fpeak of, do mostly, if not altogether, proceed from wrong Notions and Apprehenfions concerning this Mystery. Because they are told, that before they Receive, they muft Examine themselves, whether they be in a State of Grace; and that after they have Received, they must be careful continually to perfevere in that State; hence it cometh to pass, that they are very mistrustful of themselves, and very fearful of the worst. Perhaps the remembrance of fome Sin that

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that is past, doth yet run in their minds, though they be truly Penitent for it; and withal the Sense of their Natural Weakness make them doubtful for the future, lest they fhould Tranfgrefs again notwithstanding their watchfulness; and the apprehenfions of what is paft, and of what may follow, difquiets their Confciences; and thinking to Err on the Right Hand, they refolve to keep their feet from the Table of the Lord, left they should take a step towards the brink of Deftruction.

NOW, to rectifie the mistakes of these, it is to be observed, That no more is required of any (in point of Practice) for the due Receiving of this Sacrament, than what is required of us all by the Tenor of the New Covenant; for here we do renew our Covenant with God, and engage our felves afresh, but upon the former Terms that were undertaken at our Baptifm So that what that Covenant doth contain, that we are bound now to make good. Now the Conditions of the New Covenant are these in fhort, viz. Faith in Chrift, accompanied with Repentance from all dead. Works. And if Men bewail their Sins heartily, and refolve to be circumfpect for the time to come, not allowing themselves in any. thing that is Evil, but forfaking all fin

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ful Habits, and watching against all finful Acts; and if they perfevere in this course, studying to ferve God according to the best of their Power and Knowledge; there is no doubt, but they fhall find acceptance with God. And these are the things which we profefs at the Sacrament, that we do and will do: 1. We profess our felves Penitents for all that is past and gone. 2. We undertake to live Godly Lives for the future; meaning as near as we can, by the help of God's Grace, confidering the Imperfections of our Depraved Nature. And if we do not Profefs and undertake these things at other times, we are not fo much indeed as Chriftians; and if we do them fincerely now, we are fit to be Communicants. So that, I confefs, I do not fee, what Reason any Confcientious and Good Hearted Man hath to be afraid of this Ordinance; rather it fhould be his Comfort and Joy, that he hath liberty to use it; because it is the Seal of those Promises of Pardon and Mercy, which God hath made to every broken Heart. No fcruples therefore are fufficient to beat

off any Pious and Penitent Souls; for if Men do not Repent and Reform, they are not the Disciples of Chrift; and if they do, they are in a good Condition to be


Guests at Chrift's Table. I have more to say concerning this matter, when I come to treat of the Nature of that Preparation which is neceffary; but this I hope is fufficient for the present.


Of the Neceffity of Preparation.


HE Neceffity of Receiving the Holy Sacrament being thus proved, . it is time now to confider thofe Difpofititions and Preparations wherewith all People are bound to come to the Lord's Table, that they may Eat and Drink aftr a worthy manner.

AND here, two things are to be enquired into, for the full fatisfaction of Mens Confciences. 1. First, concerning the Neceffity of Preparing our felves before hand; how that doth appear. 2. Secondly, concerning the Nature of this Preparation; wherein that doth confift.

I. FIRST, touching the Neceffity of Preparing our felves, before we presume to eat of this Bread and to drink of this Cup. It is obfervable, That our Bleffed Saviour himself

himself gave his Difciples no particular Inftructions about this matter, when he Instituted this Solemnity. He commanded them indeed to do this, and to Celebrate this Mystery in Remembrance of him; but we do not Read of any exprefs Directions he gave, touching Preparation thereunto. However, that no Man may be emboldened to use this Ordinance, after an Irreligious or rafh manner, the Neceffity of Preparing our felves, will evidently appear from thefe following Confiderations. 1. From the confideration of that Analogy which this Mystery bears to thofe Ancient Sacrfical Feafts, that were Celebrated by all Mankind. Thefe I have treated of at large, because the full Knowledge thereof, is very ferviceable in helping us, to understand both the Nature of this Feaft, and our own Duty too in the use of it; which probably might be the Reason of our Lord's Silence in this point: Because it was not so very neceffary for him to give particular Inftructions in a matter, which was fo obvious to all, that Men could easily be led to a Senfe of their Duty by those common Notions and Apprehenfions, which both Heathens and Jews had of Banquets of this Nature.

AS for the Heathen part of the world, they faw by the Light of Nature, that


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