Imágenes de páginas

Heaven, and rose from the dead to ascend into Heaven in the peacefulness of evening, and who will return again on the clouds of Heaven. He is still present in the world which He meant to free. He is still attentive to our words, if they truly come from the depths of our hearts, to our tears if they are tears of blood in our hearts before being salt drops in our eyes. He is with us, an invisible, benignant guest, never more to leave us, because by His wish our earthly life is an anticipation of the Kingdom of Heaven, and is a part of Heaven from this day on. Christ has taken to Himself as His eternal possession that rough foster-mother of us all, that sphere which is but a point in the infinite and yet contains hope for the infinite; and to-day He is closer to us than when He ate the bread of our fields. No divine promise can be blotted out: the May cloud which hid Him from sight, still hovers near the earth, and every day we raise our weary and mortal eyes to that same Heaven from which He will descend in the terrible splendor of His glory.

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Centurion, 352, 355, 356

Cerinthus, 268

Chaldea, 24
Charity, 173, 265
Chastity, 211, 212

Cynics, 198

216; Bethlehem, 28;
Jesus' love of, 217; Moses and,
215; old law and its reversal by
Jesus, 218

Christ, Jesus declares himself, 247;
living to-day, 6, 408; memory, 5;
modern opinion of, 19; second
coming, 259, 262; Thou art the
Christ, 235. See also Jesus; Sec-
ond coming
Christian era, 6, 71
Christian martyrs, 269
Christianity, precedents for, 119
Christs, false, 260, 267

Church, 396; Catholic, 12; Peter
and, 237

Circe, 122

Claudia Procula, 333, 376

Cleopas, 384, 385, 387

Cloud, Jesus' glorification, 405

Clovis, 369

Cock crow, 315, 317

Commerce, 250

Communion with God, 295
Confucius, 113

Conversion, 73; in Jesus' life, 58

Converted sinner, 59

Corinthians, letter to the, 397
Cost, counting, 153
Country, 39

Courage, 106

Court of the Gentiles, 248

Courtesy, 113

Covenants, 40
Crates, 198, 199
Criticism, 8, 12

Cross, 304, 305, 352; Jesus and the

two thieves carrying, 353; Jesus
nailed to, 360; superscription,
351. See also Crucifixion
Crown of thorns, 346
Crucifixion, 359, 367

Crucify him!, 338, 340, 343, 347

Cyrenian, 353, 355

Daniel, 271

Darkness, at the crucifixion, 367,
370; Jesus' hour of, 310
David, 43, 116

Day of the Lord, 262
Dead, raising, 138

Death, 133; Egypt's obsession, 31;
Jewish views, 399

Death of Jesus, authors and accom-
plices, 242, 243; foreknowledge,
241; His prayer, Abba, Father,
302. See also Crucifixion
Deborah, 43

Debts, forgiving, 171, 230
Defilement, 104
Demons, 137, 175
Desert, 61, 68, 69
Devil. See Satan
Didymus, 392

Disciples, 176; duty, 189; earliest,
75; first four, 82; foretold of
Jesus' death, 242; instructions to,
188; mystic identity with Jesus,
192; persecutions, 268; reappear-
ance of Jesus to, after the resur-
rection, 403; at resurrection of
Jesus, 388, 389; speaking in the
light, 190; warnings to, 180
Discord, 206

Dismas, 363, 367
Divinity, 123

Divorce, 210

Doing versus hearing, 158
Dositheus, 268

Doubt of Thomas, 392

Earthly kingdoms, 63, 65, 67, 72
Earthquakes, 270
Easter, 243, 295
Edification, 14

Education of the human race, 98
Egypt, character, 31; death and
mud, 31; exile in, 32; flight into.
30; Jews in, 42
Egyptians, 114
Elder son, 167, 169
Elders, 242
Elias, 240, 373
Eloquence, 16

Elxai, 268

Emmaus, 384

End of the world, 262, 266

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Jairus' daughter, 139
James, 83, 183, 184
Jericho. 172

Jerusalem, desolation, 261; destruc-
tion, 44, 45, 271, 272; last journey
to, 244; Passover 32; worldly,

Jesus, attempts on his life, 241;
baptism of, 57, 60; birth, 21;
blindfolded, 325; as the Christ,
233; condemnation, 322; crucifix-
ion, 359, 367; deeds, 130; fore-
knowledge, 49; foreknowledge of
death, 241; friendliness. 75;
hatred and condemnation for,
275; healer, 138; Herod Antipas
and, 334; liberator, 299, 384;
nailed to the cross, 360; nature,
233; Pilate and, 329, 338; Pilate's
question, 330, 332; poverty, 193;
prosecution, 315; resurrection,
381; road to Emmaus, 384; sec-
ond crucifixion, 3; sinlessness,
58; spat on and struck, 324; un-
der the cross, 353; the wanderer,
75, 76; what men said of him,
233, 235. See also Christ
Jewish State, reëstablishment, 274
Jews, dispersal, 44, 272; history,
40; in Egypt, 42; wanderings, 43
Job, 116

John, 83, 183, 184, 185, 315, 318; at

the crucifixion, 371; at the sepul-
cher, 383

John the Baptist, 54; beheading of,
336; imprisonment and death,
69; Jesus' answer to him in pri-
son, 137, 138

Jonah, 131

Jordan and John the Baptist, 54
Joseph, 34, 286

Joseph of Arimathea, 318, 377
Joshua, 43

Judas, 186, 202, 243; Jesus' under-
standing of, 284; kiss of, 311; at
the Last Supper, 290, 301; mys-

tery of, 281; sinning woman and,
229; wasted ointment and, 232
Judea, outbreak, 270

Judging others, 110
Judgment Day, 263, 265

Justice, 118, 122, 124, 155; hunger
for, 90

King of the Jews, 330, 346, 351
Kingdom of Heaven (of God), 66,
68, 71, 93; chief places in, 157,
184; children-of such is the
Kingdom, 217; definition, 72;
force and, 205; like mustard seed,
Kingdom of Satan, 72, 196

Kingdoms of the earth, 63, 65, 67,


Kings, at the birth of Jesus, 25; of
the nations, 204

Kiss of Judas, 311
Knowledge, 25

Lama sabachthani, 372
Lamps, 156

Land of Promise, 42
Lao-Tse, 113

Last and first, 180
Last judgment, 263, 265
Last Supper, 288
Last things, 259

Law, 122, 124; old and new, 99
Lazarus, 140, 220

Lazarus, the beggar, 173
Legs, breaking, 366, 375
Leopardi, Giacomo, 95
Lepers, 135

Liberator, 299, 384

Life, 5; eternal, 264, 400; Jesus'
knowledge of, 60; revaluation of,
93; true, 110

Light, Jesus' Transfiguration, 239
Lives of Christ, kind we need, 10;
two kinds, 7
Logia, 12, 186
Longinus, 375

Lord's Prayer, exposition, 128
Losing one's soul, 196
Lost found, 32

Lost sheep, 170

Love, antiquity and, III-121:
Christ's command, 121; Christ's
for sinners, 59; experiment of,
125; filial, 103; mutual and uni-
versal, 113; for one another, 294;
perfect, 37; self, 111, 125; woman
who loved much, 229

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