Imágenes de páginas

2 By Satan's rage I ftand unfhook,
My hopes are founded on a rock :
Chrift is the ftone on which I build,
My caftle, guardian, helmet, fhield!

IX. To the Rev. Mr. E. W. March, 1757.
1 SOLDIER of the living God,
Steward of the mystic word,
Ufe the gifts on thee bestow'd

To the honour of thy Lord.
Free thou didst from him receive,
Man of God as freely give.
2 Clad with zeal as with a cloak,
Boldly urge thy rapid way;
Firmly grounded as a rock,
Faithful in the trying day:
Stand in Chrift thy fure abode,
Safely hid with him in God.
3 In Immanuel's ftrength go forth,
Loud his dying love proclaim,
Dare the feeble fons of earth,
Conquer in his faving name:
March with Jefus for thy guide,
Go, for God is on thy fide!
4 Bear the ftandard of the Lord,
Fight thy captain's battles well;
With the fpirit's two-edg'd fword,'
Put to flight the hofts of hell:
Single thou thy foes fhall chafe,
Arm'd with all the ftrength of grace.
5 Satan and the world may join,

Hell and death with thee engage;
Strong thou art, in ftrength divine,
Safe amidft their blackeft rage:
Jefus fhall thy foul confirm,
Lift thee up above the ftorm.
6 Vainly fhall the blinded crew
Strive thy progrefs to withstand;
Thee they never fhall fubdue,
Guarded by the Saviour's hand :


God hath faid concerning thee,
"As thy day thy ftrength fhall be."
7 But if Jefus fhou'd depart,

For a feafon cease to smile,
Proving what is in thine heart,

Leave thee to thyfelf a while,
He again thy stay will prove,
Bear thee in his arms of love.
8 When thou do'ft in fecret pray'r,
Find a ready, free access,
When thou telleft all thy care,
Sweetly at the throne of grace,
Me to Jefus then commend,
Think upon thy diftant friend!
9 Dauntlets thou his word proclaim,
Tell his meffage to mankind;
Bid them, in thy mafter's name,
Afk the pearl for those defign'd:
Tell them, Jefus will redeem
All that come to God by him.
10 Faithful to thy facred truft,

Thus from ftrength to ftrength go on;
Stay the weak, bring back the loft,
Labour 'till thy work is done:
Fight and conquer, end the ftrife,
Enter on eternal life.

X. THESS. V. 24. Faithful is he that calleth you, who alfo will do it.

1 FICKLE and changeable man,
Terreftrial joys are just as vain,
And perith in the tafting;
But Jefus truth I cannot fear,
His gifts without repentance are,
His love is everlasting.

2 Mercy unchangeable is his,
Eternal as himfelf it is,

Nor will his promise fail me:
I own the token he has given,
And steadily prefs on to heav'n,
Tho' fiends and men affail me.

3 He never will from me remove;
For me the Saviour pleads above,
Still making interceffion :

I hear his pray'r, I feel his blood,
Kept by the mighty pow'r of God,
Through faith unto falvation.
4 His fpirit for that end is giv'n,
To bear unhurt, unftain'd, to heav'n,
The foul of each believer :
Deputed by the Lamb he is,
To comfort, guard, and ftrengthen his,
And stay with them for ever.

5 Through him united to the Son,
Unalienably fealed his own,

Nor earth, nor hell fhall move me :
From conqu'ring I to conquer go;
Jefus hath lov'd me hitherto,
And to the end will love me.

6 Bent to devour the ferpent ftands,
But Chrift from his own mighty hands
Will never let him force me:
My Maker is my husband now,
Nor heights above, nor depths below,
Shall from my Lord divorce me.
7 If, for a feafon, Satan's chain
Be lengthen'd, Jefus will fuftain
Me in the fore temptation;
Will fruftrate the accufer's hope,
And bear my ranfom'd fpirit up
Above the inundation.

8 His name affuredly I prove
Effential faithfulnefs and love;

Shall I, by doubting, grieve him?
My foul he with a price hath bought,
His law within my heart is wrote,
And I fhall never leave him.





Modernized from the OFFICE for ORDINATION.

HYMN I. To the Holy Spirit, &c.

SOME, Holy Ghost, our fouls inspire,


And warm with uncreated fire!

Thou the anointing fpirit art,

Who doft thy feven-fold gift impart :
Thy bleffed unction from above
I's comfort, life, and fire of love.

2 Enable with perpetual light

The dullness of our blinded fight;
Anoint and chear us, all our days,
With the abundance of thy grace;
Our foes convert, give peace at home:
Where thou art guide, no ill can come.

3 Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And thee; a Trinity in one:
That, thro' the ages all along,
This may be our endless fong;
Praise to thy eternal love,

Father, Son, and myftic dove !

HYMN II. A Contemplation, fuggefted by Rev. vii.


I SAW, and lo! a countless throng
Th' elect of ev'ry nation, name, and tongue,
Affembled round the everlafting throne;


With robes of white endu'd

(The righteousness of God);
And each a palm fuftain'd
In his victorious hand;

When thus the bright melodious choir begun :
"Salvation to thy name,

"Eternal God, and co-eternal Lamb, "In pow'r, in glory, and in effence, one !"

So fung the faints, th' angelic train, Second the anthem with a loud Amen. (Thefe in the outer circle ftood, The faints were nearest God); And proftrate fall, with glory overpow'r'd, And hide their faces with their wings, And thus addrefs the King of kings: "All hail, by thy triumphant Church ador'd! "Bleffing and thanks and honour too "Are thy fupreme, thy everlasting due,

"Our tri-une, fov'reign, our propitious Lord!"
While I beheld th' amazing fight,
A feraph pointed to the faints in white,
And told me who they were, and whence they came:
"These are they, whofe lot below
Was perfecution, pain, and woe ;
Thefe are the chofen purchas'd flock,
Who ne'er their Lord forfook;

Through his imputed merit, free from blame;
Redeem'd from ev'ry fin;

And, as thou feeft, whofe garments were made clean,

Wafh'd in the blood of yon exalted Lamb.

Sav'd by his righteoufnefs alone,
Spotless they ftand before the throne,
And in th' etherial temple chaunt his praife;
Himfelf among them deigns to dwell,
And face to face his light reveal:
Hunger and thirft, as heretofore,
And pain, and heat, they know no more;


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