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THOSE who have committed the greatest

errors in early life----been guilty of the greatest irregularities----and felt the certain melancholy consequences of them, are, perhaps, the best qualified to write for the benefit of others; and it is a duty they owe to Heaven, society, and themselves, to do it: for if, by such means, only a few THOUGHTLESS YOUTH should be rescued from misery, infamy, and perdition, it will cover a multitude of their sins who so apply their talents; and even they, also, may perhaps hereafter----“shine as STARS in the firmament for ever."

Pleading the above remark, then, as my apology for this Treatise, I offer it to the Public as some atonement for the injury I have heretofore done to Religion, and to Society, by my bad example. With ROUSSEAU, I candidly avow my faults---long determined, and endeavouring, to amend them.

This Treatise is designed for the admonition and instruction of grown youth about to leave school, and to enter upon the busy scene of the world; and for those who have already begun to tread its deceitful, slippery paths.

It is intended equally as a MONITOR to youth designed for the UNIVERSITY, the COUNTING HOUSE, the PUBLIC OFFICE, the ARMY, or the NAVY; but principally for those who come under the description of APPRENTICES.

It having been observed, that more young people are led into vice from the want of some attractive, useful study, to engage their inconstant minds during the hours of relaxation or absence from business, than from sudden temptation, or any other cause, I have subjoined to this Work an ESSAY on the extensive utility, advantages, and amusement of MATHEMATICAL LEARNING; the subject being treated in such an attractive way as to render it, flatter myself, a strong stimulus, or incitement, to the youthful mind to engage in the study of it. Parents will have it greatly in their power to second my endeavours, by directing their children's attention and application to this innocent, amusing, and incalculably useful species of learning; and masters, to whom they are placed out as apprentices, might also use their advice and influence, with much effect, to the same desirable end.

Sept. 1, 1801.


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SECT. 1.---Of the Fear of God

2.---Of speaking the Truth

3.---Of Dishonesty and Connivance


SECT. 1.---Of-preserving a good Character 2.---Of avoiding Debt






3.---Of Temperance in Pleasure, and mo-
derating the Affections; of Frugality
in Expences, and Diligence in Business 61

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