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JOHN XIII. 21, 22.

MARK XIV. 19-21.

JOHN XIII. 23–30.

MATT. XXVI. 14—16.

WHEN Je-sus had thus said, He was troubl-ed in spir-it and tes-ti-fi-ed and said, "Ver-i-ly, ver-i-ly, I say un-to you, that one of you shall betray me." Then the dis-ci-ples look-ed one on an-oth-er, doubt-ing of whom He spake. And they be-gan to be sor-row-ful, and to say un-to Him one by one, "Is it I,” and an-oth-er said "Is it I?" He an-swer-ed and said un-to them, It is one of the twelve that dippeth with me in the dish. The Son of man in-deed go-eth, as it is writ-ten of Him, but woe to that man


by whom the Son of man is betray-ed good were it for that man if he had nev-er been born. Now there was lean-ing on Je-sus' bosom one of His dis-ci-ples whom Jesus lov-ed. Si-mon Pe-ter therefore beck-on-ed to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom He spake. He then ly-ing on Je-sus' breast, saith un-to Him,


Lord, who is it?" Je-sus answer-ed,"He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it." And when He had dip-ped the sop, He gave it to Ju-das Is-cari-ot, the son of Si-mon. And after the sop, Satan en-ter-ed in-to him. Then said Je-sus un-to him, "That thou do-est, do quick-ly."


Now no man at the ta-ble knew for what in-tent He spake this un-to him, for some of them thought, because Ju-das had the bag, that Jesus had said un-to him, "Buy those things that we have need of a-gainst the feast," or that he should give some-thing to the poor. He then hav-ing re-ceiv-ed the sop, went im-me-di-ate-ly out, and it was night. And he went un-to the chief priests, and said un-to them, "What will ye give me, and I will de-liv-er Him un-to you?" And they cov-en-ant-ed with him for thir-ty piec-es of sil-ver. And from that time he sought op-por-tu-ni-ty to be-tray Him.


What did our Lord foretell respecting one of His twelve apostles?

That one of them should betray Him.
Were not the apostles very sorrowful?

What did they say?

[blocks in formation]

Who was leaning on Jesus' bosom?

One of His disciples whom He loved.
What did Simon Peter do?

Beckoned to the disciple, that he should ask who it should be of whom He spake. What did our Lord answer?

"He it is, to whom I shall give a sop

when I have dipped it."

When He had dipped the sop, to whom did He give it?

To Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
After the sop, who entered into Judas?

What did our Lord say to him?
"That thou doest, do quickly."

Did the disciples know why Jesus said this to Judas?


When Judas had received the sop what

did he do?

He went out.

Where did he go ?

To the chief priests and Scribes.

What did He say to them?

"What will ye give me, and I will de

liver Him unto you."

What did they do?

They covenanted with him for thirty

pieces of silver.

What did Judas seek to do?

To betray Jesus to the chief priests.

All hearts were open to our Lord, and He knew that one of the disciples would betray Him, and that Judas would be so

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