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us and you there is a great gulf fix-ed so that they which would pass from hence to you can-not; nei-ther can they pass to us that would come from thence." Then he said, "I pray thee, there-fore, fa-ther, that thou wouldest send him to my fa-ther's house: for I have five breth-ren; that he may tes-ti-fy un-to them, lest they al-so come in-to this place of tor-ment." A-bra-ham saith un-to him, "They have Mo-ses and the proph-ets; let them hear them." And he said, "Nay, fa-ther A-bra-ham : but if one went un-to them from the dead, they will re-pent." And he said un-to him, "If they hear not Mo-ses and the proph-ets,

nei-ther will they be per-suad-ed though one rose from the dead."


What parable have you been reading to-day?

The parable of the rich man and Laza


What does this parable teach us?

It teaches us that we may be very rich and great without enjoying the favour of God.

Was the rich man punished beacause he was rich and great?

No: but because he set his heart on the good things of this world, and forgot God.

Was Lazarus rewarded because of his sufferings?


What is meant by Abraham's bosom? Paradise, or the place of peace and rest where the souls of the righteous go after death.

Can wicked souls who are in torment ever get to heaven and happiness?

No where the soul is sent, there it must remain for ever.

What did the rich man beg Abraham to do?

To send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool his tongue.

Did Abraham do so?

No he was not able to do this.


What did the rich man then entreat Abraham to do?

To send Lazarus to his father's house, to tell his brethren, that they might be saved.

What did Abraham say ?


If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead."

What does that teach us?

That if we do not take heed to the words of the Bible, all other instruction will be vain.

From this parable we learn that unless riches are spent to the glory of God, they will prove a curse instead of a blessing. They are apt to harden the heart and fix the affections on the world which ought to be given to God. We should not, therefore, be anxious for this world's goods, but seek those treasures in heaven which are offered alike to all. We learn also from this history that there is a future state, in which it is impossible for those who are condemned to everlasting torments in hell, ever to go to heaven: while those who once get to heaven will be in no danger of being sent from it. We should take warning by the rich man in the parable, and believe all God has taught

us about a future state in the Bible, and be thankful for such a guide to show us the way to heaven, for we may be sure, if we neglect it, we should not be persuaded even though one rose from the



LUKE XVII. 11-25.

AND it came to pass, as He went to Je-ru-sa-lem, that He pass-ed through-out the midst of Sa-maria and Gal-i-lee. And as He enter-ed in-to a cer-tain vil-lage, there met Him ten men that were lepers, which stood a-far off; and they lift-ed up their voi-ces, and said, "Je-sus, Mas-ter, have mer-cy

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