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ness, and said un-to them, "Why tempt ye me? show me a pen-ny. Whose im-age and su-per-scription hath it?" They an-swer-ed and said, "Ce-sar's." And He said un-to them, "Render therefore un-to Ce-sar the things which be Ce-sar's, and un-to God the things which be God's." And they could not take hold of His words. be-fore the peo-ple: and they marvel-led at His an-swer and held their peace. Then one of them, which was a law-yer, ask-ed Him a ques-tion, tempt-ing Him, and say-ing, "Mas-ter, which is the great com-mand-ment in the law?" Je-sus said un-to him, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,

This is

and with all thy mind. the first and great com-mand-ment, and the sec-ond is like un-to it, Thou shalt love thy neigh-bour as thy-self. On these two com-mandments hang all the law and the proph-ets."


What did the chief priests and Pharisees do?

They watched Him, and sent forth spies, which should feign themselves just men. Why did they act thus?

That they might take hold of His words, and deliver Him to the governor.

What did they say to Him?


Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Cesar, or no?

Who was Cesar?

The Roman Emperor.

What was the tribute?

Money paid by the Jews to the Roman Emperor.

What did our Lord say they were to render?

The things which were Cesar's to Cesar, and to God the things that were God's.

How can Christians render unto Cesar the things that are Cesar's?

By paying willingly taxes and all payments ordered by the law.

What tribute can Christians pay to God?

Prayer, praise, and obedience.

What question did a lawyer ask Christ?


'Master, which is the great commandment of the law?

Did the lawyer wish really to be instructed by Christ?

No, he asked the question to tempt

What did our Lord tell him was the first and great commandment?

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

What did our Lord say was the second? "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

In what is our whole duty contained?

In our duty to God, and our duty to our neighbour.

What did our Lord say hung upon these commandments?

All the law and the prophets.

What is particularly called the law in Scripture.

The ten commandments.

The question which the spies put to our Saviour was a very ensnaring one; if He had said it was lawful to pay tribute to

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