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3 If he, to his destruction swears,

He will not from his oath depart;
No wealth he thro injustice shares,
Nor taketh bribes with unjuft heart:
His cross he bears, the crown obtains,
And heav'ns unfading glory gains.


Christ endured the Cross, despising the Shame, through the hope of the Glory that was fet before him.



EHOVAH, fave thy tempted fon,
Thou, my protector, art alone;
I, without thee, no good can do:
With thy bleft faints upon the earth,
And first-born fons of heavenly birth,
It is my whole delight to go.
2 Backfliders shall their pains increase,
Their idols cannot grant them peace;
My lips their gods shall never name:
Jehovah is my heritage,
His conftant love my thoughts engage;

For that alone upholds my fame.
3 His gift I view, creations round,
Vaft heritage, that shall abound
With life, and order, and delight:
Jehovah, thy good name I bless,
And the inftructions will confefs,
Which I receive from thee by night.

4. On my right hand I thee will place,
Thou shalt be always fore my face,
Then from my hope I shall not go:
Therefore my gladden'd heart vibrates,
And all my foul with joy dilates;

The grave with holy hope I view. 5 In death thou wilt not me forsake; Corruption shall not me o'ertake :


But I restored life shall know; With fullest joy shall fee thy face, And view thine all-fubduing grace, Thro' all the ages, from thee flow.


In that Chrift fuffered, being tempted; He is able to fuccour them that are tempted.



EHOVAH, hear thy perfect Son,
O hearken when to thee he cries,

And all his intercessions own,

For no deceit within them lies.
2 My sentence shall from him proceed,
For thou wilt his uprightness see;
But fearch my heart till it is freed
From fin, and purify'd by thee.

3 Teach me, like Christ, to watch my mouth,
That I may not disturb mankind,
Nor make false schemes; but by thy truth,
From error guard my wand'ring mind.

4 Increasing wisdom may I gain,

Nor ever from thy precepts slide;
For this I invocate thy name,
And in thine arms by faith abide.
5 Thine ear incline my words to hear,
Thy full falvation let me prove,
And ever find thy mercy near,
And ever know that thou art love.
6 Kept like the pupil of thine eye,

Beneath thy fpreading wings I hide,
Leaft wicked thoughts which thro' me fly,
Should always in my heart abide,




THE wicked will the just furround,

And with proud, boatting speech will speak,
Or craftily will view the ground,
Their unsuspecting prey to take.

2 Like the fierce lioness they crave,
They strive to seize their careless prey;
And fly as the young lion, lurk
To bear my trembling foul away.
3 Me, from my foes, O Lord retrieve!
Bow their rebellious spirits down;
From the unjust, thy sword, O fave!
From mortals save, thy tempted fon.
4 Save me from all their tranfient ways,
From ev'ry flipp'ry path of pride;
For mortals think their wealth and praise,
Shall ever with their feed abide.

5 But thee, Jehovah, I will feek,
Thro' Jesus, justify'd to fee,
When in thy perfect likeness made.
I fully fatisfy'd shall be.

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PSALM XVIII. 8. Spring.

Chrift shall come, and all his Saints with him.
I my strength embrace,
Thou, Saviour, rock and fortress art ;


When I thy num'rous mercies trace,
Shelters in thee my bleeding heart.
My great, my glorious Saviour, hail!
From thee alone salvation flows;
Thy strength and mercy never fail,
But shall make fubject all thy foes.
Triumphant fong's afcending high,
Shall raise due honours to thy name,
And all my foes shall prostrate lie,
Whilft I thy matchless pow'r proclaim.

2. I felt

• I felt the tight'ning cords of death!
I faw the prifon's awful shade!
Th' unprofitable's drear abode,
Made my unfruitful foul afraid.
The hell unknown, fubdu'd my ioul,
Its terrors all before me ftood;
In deep distress, on Chrift I call,
And look thro him unto my God.
Bleft be Jehovah's mighty name,
For from the heav'ns, his lofty throne;
His ear attends my feeble claim,
And makes unbounded mercy known.
3 Jehovah! when my Lord shall come,
The frighted earth thy pow'r shall prove;
Her mountains tremble at her doom,
And all her firm foundations move.
In thickest smoke, thy wrath shall rife,
And raging flames, thy foes confume;
Lightnings shall glare around the skies,
And fire, devouring, from thee come.
My Lord shall in dread pomp descend,
Cafting thick darkness 'neath his feet,
Whilft winged winds, at his command,
Shall bear his high cherubic feat.

4 Thick darkness shall his throne furround,
Vapours condens'd, and air concrete;
Least mortal fight it should confound,
To view the glories of his state.
But the bright honours of his fire,
O'er thickest darkness shall prevail;
They melt the ethers into fire,
And shall pour down destructive hail.
The Saviour comes, my foul rejoice,
Conflicting ethers round him roll;
Fire, hail, and rain, attend his voice,
And thunders shake each distant pole.

5 Awful the gleamy lightnings play,
Dreadfully glaring thro' the sky;



Whilft all confus'd in wild dismay,
Sinners with trembling horror fly.
By thee, expanding winds pour'd forth,
Shall impetuous downward sweep,
Burft the vast concave of the earth,
And day shall view the hidden deep.
But thou, my God, wilt kindly fend,
And fnatch me from the vengeful storm;
Safe from the flood, my feet shall stand,
And fee the wonders of thine arm.


Jehovah is bountiful unto all that call upon his Name.
FROM inward and from outward foes,
Jesus, my Saviour, fets me free;
In vain they have against me rofe,
He will my strong deliv'rer be.
Afflictions come, I find him near,
I fee my all redeeming friend,
On wings of love, with aid appear,
On all my fainting steps to tend.
His name I bless, for he will lead
Me to a spacious, joyful place,
And I from evil shall be freed,

And taste the vastness of his grace.

2 My Lord his first-born will reward,
As they are perfect in his ways;
He will their purity regard,

In gifts of glory and in praise.
For they all his commandments keep,
Nor act unjustly by their God;
Jehovah's law before them stands,
They walk therein to his abode.
With perfect heart they do his will,
And from all evil turn away;
Thou wilt reward, as they fulfil,
And all their purity repay.

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