2 Thy word is truth, no lie is there, To lead aftray the human heart, But all we fee, and all we hear,
Is truth unmix'd in ev'ry part. 3 Bright as the high meridian fun, Wide it diffuses light around, That man may pains and forrows shun, And be of peace and mercy found. 4 Wide it expands the heart to know The wonders of creating love, That man may not in darkness go, But in the light of wisdom move. s Truth there records examples bright Of such as dared God obey, That we may fee their glorious light, And be as wife and good as they. 6 There we behold thy truth record, The fins and forrows of mankind, That we may cleave unto thee, Lord, And by thy precepts cleanse our mind. 7 Jehovah, hail! we bless thy name, And for thy word the fong would raife, Soon o'er the earth its truths proclaim, And all thy works their Lord shall praise.
E who believe in Chrift the Lord,
Proclaim to all, the gladd'ning word,
And make them Chrift the Saviour know.
2. Ail who believing, Christ shall own, Immerie them in Jehovah's name, And in the name of Christ the Son, And in the Spirit's quick'ning flame.
3 Teach them to have an active love, And Jeíu's precepts to obferve, By words, and deeds, their faith to prove, And never from his laws to swerve.
4 Jehovah's pow'r this faith shall own, The nations shall believe the sign, Their lives and doctrines shall make known, The hand that sent them is divine.
5 Father! eternally the fame,
May all behold Meffiah's face, Thy pow'r make known, thy truth proclaim, Now thew the wonders of thy grace.
TESUS, inftructed in thy word, We now thy law fulfil, And by it, owning thee our Lord, Are bound to do thy will.
2 Mortals, our Master's sign behold, View Jesus in the tomb ! There death the conqueror enfolds, The grave becomes his home.
3 Now fee him rise from out the grave, He leaves the bed of reft; Jefus, the conq'ror comes to save His works by fin oppress'd. 4 The eldest fons of Adam's race, By him redeem'd from hell, Aftonish'd at redeeming grace, His loudest triumph swell.
5 They fing the wonders he hath done, And glad obey his will; Joyful we join the grateful fong, And Jesu's laws fulfil.
6 Saviour, we now would die with thee,
Be thou alone our Lord, That we thy Kings and Priests may be, And have a full reward.
HYMN XVI. 8, 6.
FTERNAL parent of mankind, Great source of ev'ry good, Enlight'ned is our darken'd mind By faith in Jeru's blood. 2 Sorrow, and doubt, and fear is gone, We fee a parent's face, And all thy boundless mercy own, The wonders of thy grace.
3 We at the Saviour's cross attend, Astonish'd at thy love! For there shall fin and forrów end, In all that live or move.
4 Now his baptifmal fign we take, Then rife from out the pool, And in his strength our fins forsake, And are by faith made whole. 5 Sinners, behold your dying Lord! Believe and be forgiv'n, Join now his Church with one accord, And strive to enter Heav'n.
HYMN XVII. 8, 6.
A LOUD the Gofpel trump refounds!
Hear all ye fons of men! Jehovah's love to all abounds,
Come, and be freed from pain,
2 Come now, he cries to all mankind, Now own the Saviour, Lord! Behold his love, his mercy find, And let his law, be heard. 3 Behold his streaming standard flies, Take on you now his name, And o'er the world triumphant rise, Its pomp, its pow'r, its shame. 4 Take on you now his wat'ry sign, Obey your rifen Lord! Then rife and learn his laws divine, And practise all his word.
TEHOVAH, hail, thy name I bless, And own thy Christ my Lord! And thus before the world profess Obedience to his word.
• Ent'ring with him into the flood, I own he fav'd from fin, And gladly in his sprinkled blood Now wash my conscience clean. 3 As he was crucify'd for me, And bore his cross and shame, Now in his strength my cross I take, And boaft a Christian's name.
4 As in the rocky tomb was laid My Saviour's breathless frame, Thus in the wat'ry tomb laid down, I all his praise proclaim. 5 As from the grave my Lord arose, In heav'nly dress array'd, 'Thus from the wat'ry tomb would I Rife like my glorious head.
6 Bought by his blood, no longer I Would in my spirit move, But own his pow'r, his laws obey, And all his precepts love.
1 WHEN Jefus, at Jehovah's word, Arose from out the rocky grave, This was the charter from the Lord, "Go teach mankind I came to fave." Jesus rules o'er all, o'er all his fceptre sways, Heav'n, earth, and hell, shall shout his praise.
2 All pow'r but that deriv'd from thee, Muft in its turn to nothing fall, While thou shalt flourish great and free, And rise triumphant over all.
3 Still more majestic shalt thou rife, More glorious by each threat'ning foe, For converts from thine enemies Shall daily to thy fceptre bow.
4 Thy foes shall glory in thy name,
They by obedience thee shall own,
And by immersion thee proclaim,
And own thy right to wear the crown. Jesus rules, &c.
5 To thee belongs their wealth, their pow'r,
Peace, joy, and life, thou wilt them give;
Thro' thee they shall their God adore, And always to his glory live.
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