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3 Earth's monarchs shall together join,
To storm her ramparts they prepare:
But when they fee her walls divine,
Away they fly on wings of fear.
4 Trembling each guilty foul alarms,
Like women that in travail roar,
Or merchant ships, by eastern storms,
Shatter'd upon the rocky shore.
5 As in thy word, the Prophets tell,
Thus by our eyes it shall be seen,
Jehovah shall in glory dwell,
Thro' ev'ry age in glory reign.
6 We for Meffiah's coming wait,
We in his Temple long to stand,
And hear mankind his praise repeat,
Thro' the wide earth's remotest land.

7 Mercy and pardon fill thine hand,
Therefore shall Sion fee thy worth,
Whilft Judah's daughters shall exult,
And praise the judgment of thy mouth.

8 Ye Gentiles, round Mount Sion go,
Her lofty tow'rs enumerate,
And ev'ry splendid palace know,
Her strength and beauty contemplate.
9 That you may tell unto your fons
Their greatness who in God confide,
For he is people always owns,
And will o'er ev'ry danger guide.


HEARKEN, ye feeble sons of men,

Whose days will foon be o'er,
Ye strong, ye weak, ye old, ye young,

Ye wealthy and ye poor.


2 My

2 My mouth shall wisdom only teach,
My heart shall think aright :
My fong shall parables explain,
And bring their truths to light.

3 Why should I fear in evil days,
When hypocrites furround,
Who in their wealth and pow'r confide,
For they in both abound ?

4 Not all the wealth which men poffefs
A brother can reprieve,
God will not man's atonement have,
And bid the finner live.

5 The ransom price that God demands,
That man may life receive,
Is Jefus, his anointed Son,

'Tis thro' his death they live.
6 Meffiah fuff'ring came, and dy'd,
And uncorrupted rose,
And lives, and shall for ever live,
To conquer all his foes.

7 The skilful, proud, and stupid die,
And leave their works with pain,
They think their lands call'd by their names
Shall ever fo remain.

8 The wealthy man, who will not mark

Jehovah's constant care,

Is but a beast by paffion led,
And shall be rul'd by fear.


The Certainty of Death, and the End of it.

THE thoughtless wealthy will rejoice,

Proud of stupidity;
Yet they have the approving voice
Of their pofterity.

2 Like sheep appointed to be flain,
Death humbles all their pride,
And over them thy Saints shall reign,
Thy first-born justify'd.

3 Their boafted beauty wastes away
Within the filent tomb,
Corruption fhall their parts dissolve,
And ev'ry nerve confume.

4 My God, my Saviour did redeem
From out the loathsome grave,
And cloath'd him in immortal flesh,
And pow'r o'er all things gave.
5 Fear not when mortals wealthy grow,
If riches thould increase,
Nought can he carry to the grave,
There all his glories ceafe.

6 Tho' in his life his name was bless'd,
For grov'ling fouls adore,
The man poffets'd of earthly good,
Of grandeur, wealth, and pow'r.
7 When life is o'er, he shall defcend,
And to his fathers go,
Nor till his foul's by pain fubdu'd,
Truth's facred light shall know.
$ The mighty man who will not mark
The hand by whom he's blest,
Shall like a stupid beast be rul'd,
For he is but a beaft.



LORD, I believe! thy Son as Judge shall come,

And all the earth shall hear his awful doom From dawning morn, bright with conflicting fires, To where earth into thickest shade retires,

All shall their Judge behold with glory crown'd,
From Sion come, and spread his splendour round.

2 He will not filently to judgment come,
Tempest and fire before him shall confume,
Expanding airs shall burst earth's vast concave,
With awful earthquakes rending ev'ry grave,
Whilft loud the Heav'ns his righteousness declare,
And earth cries out, "Behold! the Judge is near.'.

3 Thus will he speak, "Ifr'el, my people, hear,
"And fee thy crucified Lord appear;
"I have beheld thy conftant facrifice,.
"And will not for remissness thee chaftife,
"But will no more thy lowing heifers take,
"Nor shall thy rams again burnt off 'rings make.


"All living creatures that in forefts breathe, "Or range the mountains, life from me receive; "Should I be hungry, would I speak to thee, "When animated nature lives thro' me; " From me this vary'd globe its fulness owns, "My mercy form'd it, and my goodness crowns.

5 "Shall carcafes of bulls become my food,
"Or shall I quaff their facrificed blood?
"Offer unto your Saviour public praife,
"And to your God perform your facred vows,
"Then shall your invocations in diftress
"Be always heard, and you my name shall bless."

6 But with the guilty thus will Chrift debate:
"How dared you my judgments to relate,
"Or dar'd to take my cov'nant in thy mouth,
"And yet avoid the teachings of my truth?
"All my commandments were behind thee caft,
"Thy whole life long was in oppreffions pats'd.

7 "Deceit and folly dwelt within thy mouth,
"Whilft thy tongue haft'ned wide away from truth;

"Thy words thou wouldst against thy brother turn, "Against thy mother's fon thy wrath would burn; "Because such things I did in filence fee,

"Thy treach'rous heart has thought I was like


8 " Now your oppressions shall before you rife,
"And I will your iniquities chaftife."
Learn this, ye Chriftians, who forget his care,
Lest wrath arife, and none to help be near.
Whoever praifeth God proclaims his sway,
And shall his pow'r behold, if they obey.



PSALM LI. 7, 6, 8. Clark's.

PARDON, O my God bestow!

thy boundless love,

If to me thy yearnings flow,

My fins far off remove; Wholly from perverfions cleanse,

From all my wand'rings purify,

My tranfgreffions I confess,
My fins before me lie.

Only against thee I fin,

Wand'ring from thee aftray, Trod the path of vice unclean, Where guilt and forrow lay:

Justified is thy word,

Thy fentence, Lord, is just and right,
In fin my mother me conceiv'd,
My foul was dark as night.

3 Source of happiness! in thee
The fons of men should stand,
Hear thy voice, thy goodness see,
And lean upon thine hand.


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