THE VERSIFIED FROM A NEW TRANSLATION, CHRISTIAN WORSHIP. Particularly intended for the use of such Christians as be- BY CHRIST JESUS. To which is added, A COLLECTION OF HYMNS, All things must be fulfilled which were written in the Pfalms Speaking to yourfelves in Pfalms and Hymns, and Spiritual London: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR: And Sold by Teulon, No. 100, Houndfditch; Mr. Thruffel, 1797- ADVERTISEMENT. DEAR CHRISTIAN BRETHREN, T may be expected that I should make fome forth a new verfion of the Pfalms of David, when there are so many from the pens of men fo far my fuperiors in piety, experience, and learning, already abroad in the world. I have only to fay, that the glory of God, and of his Christ, was my fole aim in this my bold and arduous undertaking; and the occafion of it was, by obferving, that fome of them feemed to differ with themselves, and all with each other refpecting the things which relate to, or exprefsly speak of, the redemption of the world by Chrift Jefus the Lord. This determined me to take my dear Saviour's advice, and examine thofe facred records of him in their original Hebrew. But O, what wonders of love did I there difcover! Glory to God in the higheft! There I saw that the divine Father, from all eternity, had defigned, and that his bleffed Son would, in the fulness of time, compleatly accomplish the restoration of all fallen intelligences, according to that first gracious promise made unto Adam. This encouraged me |