| John Newton, William Cowper - 1783 - 416 páginas
...But JESUs, Oh! amazing grace! Aflum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and fufter'd in our place,*' / v Then took it with him to his throne. 4 Now what is man, when grace reveals The virtue of a Saviour's blood?1 ' Again a life divine he'feels, Defpifes earth, and walks with God. 5 And what in yonder-realms... | |
 | John Newton, William Cowper - 1797 - 360 páginas
...ftrife, and death. 3 But Jefus, oh! ama2ing grace ! Ailum d our nature as his, own, Obey'd and fuffer'd in our place. Then took it with him to his throne....? With honour, holinefs, and love, .No feraph more adoni'd than he. 6 Neareft the throne, and firft in fonff. Man fhall his hallelujahs raife , While... | |
 | John Newton, William Cowper - 1797 - 356 páginas
...ftrife, and death.] 3 But Jefus, Ob! amazing grace ! Aflum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and fuffer'd in our place, ~ Then took it with him to his throne....Defpifes earth, and walks with God. 5 And what in ydnder realms above, Is ranfom'd man ordain'd to be ? With honour, holinefs, and love, No feraph more... | |
 | John Newton - 1808 - 712 páginas
...strife, and death. 3 But Jesus, oh ! amazing grace ! Assum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and suffer'd in our place, ' Then took it with him to his throne....a Saviour's blood ? Again a life divine he feels, ' Despises earth, and walks with God. 5 And what in yonder realms above, Is ransom'd man ordaiu'd to... | |
 | John Newton - 1810 - 726 páginas
...strife, and death. 3 But Jesus, oh ! amazing grace ! Assum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and sufter'd in our place, Then took it with him to his throne....a Saviour's blood ? Again a life divine he feels, Despises earth, and walks with God; 5 And what in yonder realms above, Is ransom 'd man ordain'd to... | |
 | William Parkinson - 1811 - 346 páginas
...death. 3 But Jesuss Oh! amazing graee! Assum'd our nature as nis owns Ohey'd and suffer'd in our plaees Then took it with him to his throne. 4 Now what is mans when graee reveals The virtue of a Saviour*s hlood ; Again a life divine he feelss Despixes earths... | |
 | William Bengo Collyer - 1812 - 984 páginas
...strife, and death, 3 But Jesus, oh! amazing grace ! Assum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and sufFer'd in our place, Then took it with him to his throne....of. a Saviour's blood? Again a life divine he feels, Despises earth, and walks with God. 5 And what, in yonder realms above, Is ransora'd man ordain'd to... | |
 | William Parkinson - 1817 - 570 páginas
...strife and death. 3 But Jesus, O amazing grace ! Assum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and suflbr'd in our place, Then took it with him to his throne....a Saviour's blood ; Again a life divine he feels, Despises earth, and walks with God5 And what, in yonder realms above, Is ransom'd man ordain'd to be... | |
 | Isaac Watts, James Manning Winchell - 1820 - 314 páginas
...strife, and death. 3 But Jesus, O ! amazing grace ! As-Surn'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and suffer'd in our place, Then took it with him to his throne....Saviour's blood ? Again a life divine - he feels, Despises earth.and walks with God. 5 And what in yonder realms above, Is ransom'd man ordairi'd to... | |
 | Isaac Watts, James Manning Winchell - 1820 - 308 páginas
...strife, and death. 3 But Jesus, O ! amazing grace ! Assum'd our nature as his own, Obey'd and suffered in our place, Then took it with him to his throne. 4 Now what is man.when grace reveals The virtue of a Saviour's blood ? Again a life divine he feels. Despises earth.and... | |
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