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are white to harvest, reapers are seen employed; a plowman breaking up the fallow ground; and shepherds watching their flocks on the hill, and the great shepherd and bishop of souls, passes along with two of his flock, ploughing their hearts, reclaiming his wandering followers to confirm their faith, so that in due time he may gather them into his heavenly fold. It must also be seen and understood to be beneficial to the souls of men. Another is the nativity, on a smal scale, &c. &c.


In the beginning of August last it pleased my Heavenly Father to afflict or permit me to be afflicted with an outbreaking on either leg; which prevented my painting almost entirely for two months, during which time I wrote, through the Holy Spirit's assistance, the following discourses, except one which was written before, and another since, all which 1 humbly submit to the serious and candid consideration of this nation and people, for their temporal and eternal well-being. Whether you will hear or forbear, I have endeavored to be candid in pointing out the crimes committed in the dark; pervading and levelling all classes, and for which the judgments of the Almighty have been felt, as yet slightly; but if not repented of, will end in the utter destruction of this nation, and every soul estranged from God, for "the soul that sinneth it shall die;" therefore, repent as did Ninevah, and be at peace with your Maker; otherwise, if you persevere in your rebellion you will find him an invincible enemy and conqueror of all you can invent and achieve under Satan, and dreadful will be your eternal state, if you fall singly or collectively in the devil's cause. This slight affliction may have thus been overruled by divine Providence for incalculable good to immortal souls, and his name may have likewise been glorified, and may still be glorified in the conversion of sinners. I have endeavored to cry aloud and spare not; to show you your sins and transgressions, and not suffer sin by any means upon you. I trust my hands will thus be cleared from the blood of all men, and may God add his blessing upon my humble endeavor, and in due time receive me into His glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, be all the honor and glory, dominion, majesty, and power, with thanks and blessings, now, henceforth and forevermore. Amen.

P. S. Since writing the above, 1 had, blessed be God my Holy Father for having chastened me, another severe trial to encounter for my folly; by stooping to listen to the degraded devil's 'suggestions. Yea, having descended from the high and exalted place in Christ; through his righteousness having been seated in high and heavenly places, from which, by giving heed to Satan, I fell, and departed partially from God my Saviour, who is over all blessed forevermore, and worthy to be honored, loved, and adored, with heart, mind, soul, spirit and strength, and to be worshipped in the beauties of holiness through Jesus Christ our Lord; whom the blessed God has exalted a Prince and a Saviour, and likewise a judge over the devil and his children.

I was through the wiles of Satan, deceived and brought to grieve the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and offend my Heavenly Father, Saviour, and Friend, and his rod for the wicked, which shall not fall to the lot of the righteous, unless they commit iniquity, was laid upon me, and the Good Lord withdrew his countenance from me a little while and permitted Satan to sift me as wheat, and I had much contention and distress of soul for about four weeks. During this period I was at times wonderfully and mysteriously supported by Jehovah, at other times suffered to despond and to give heed to the doctrine of devils, "that there is no God." At the end of this time, however, the blessed Lord delivered me ful ly, so far as to be above all doubts as to His existence, omniscience, and omnipotence, &c. "Out of six troubles 1 will deliver thee and in the seventh not forsake thee;" saith my Holy Father; which promise has been abundantly verified; all thanks and blessings be to him, for having brought me

mysteriously out of this furnace also, more refined and purified than from all his former deliverences. Yet Satan has power still to buffet me, as all shall suffer persecution who will live Godly in Christ Jesus, for his holy name's sake, and for the testimony of his word; though heaven and earth be destroyed, his word shall endure.

If I had the tongue of Angels I could not sufficiently praise my blessed and beloved Father for having again honored me by taking me into his perfect favor, through Christ to be more and more in Him in one allied and more firmly established in holy love divine on the rock of ages. Being now altogether reconciled to God, and as Moses able to esteem the reproach of Christ of greater riches than the treasures, not only of a part, but the whole world; counting all things dung that I may win Christ, who is now more than ever in me the hope of glory. In him, thanks to Almighty God, 1 live, and move, and have my being; and through whom Jehovah has again raised up my head; and blessed be his holy name, I have now more faith and confidence in Christ than I had before. He is truly my wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption; my all in all; wealth in poverty; health in sickness; life in death; and shall be my joy and rejoicing in heaven forevermore. Therefore I desire to know nothing but Christ and him crucified, during my pilgrimage here below.

The glorious Jehovah has thus again through me, verified his words, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee;" and also counfounded the devil and his filthy legions in the air; and those co-working with them in high places; the workers of the spiritual wickedness of this world, of hell and darkness, mysteriously showing forth his power; for God has designs, and for their accomplishment can bring all things into subjection, and to subserve thereunto; which may now be veiled in mystery, but when all things are revealed shall be abundantly manifest. Now we know only in part, but then we shall know more perfectly when this which is in part shall be done away.

As the blessed Saviour's words to his disciples, so to me: "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain, and that none shall take you out of my hands." "My sheep hear my voice and I am known of them, and I know them, and give unto them eternal life." "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live, and he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die." These are sweet, precious and glorious to all true christians, and now particularly to me in these degenerate times. May the blessed Jehovah my Holy Father support me under all trials, deliver and finally bring me into his everlasting kingdom of glory, through Jesus Christ my beloved Saviour, that I may have my portion with the Holy Angels and all the redeemed from the earth, in all joy, glory, happiness, felicity and bliss, forevermore. And unto the Triune Father, be all honor, dominion, majesty and power, with thanks and blessings, now, henceforth and forevermore. Amen and Amen.

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Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your ownselves. Know ye not your ownselves, how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates?


2d. Corinthians, 13th Chap. 5th verse.

The words of our text were indited by the Holy Ghost through St. Paul, one of the greatest of the Apostles, who was regenerated by the same blessed spirit in so wonderful and miraculous a manner as recorded in the 26th chapter of the Acts. The Lord Jesus appearing to him in such resplendent glory as to veil the Sun in his meridian splendour; ordaining him a minister to preach the gospel to the people, and particularly to the Gentiles; and was thus, as he expresses him. self, born out of due time; who suffered such great peril and hardship for Christ and the gospel's sake, and whose faith was frequently tried to the uttermost, but was as often delivered by our gracious Lord, from all his troubles, who long since received him into mansions of bliss. 1 shall take occasion to refer to his writings as we proceed in our discourse. Let us, therefore, consider the subject under the three following heads:

1st. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith. 2nd. Prove your ownselves, and

3d. Know ye not your ownselves, how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates ?

First then, it has become the imperative duty of every individual, as soon as he may be accounted responsible to the Great Father of the human family, for every thought, word, and deed, to pry into the inmost recesses of his heart, and seek to discover the rubbish there concealed, wrapt in unbelief,

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