Imágenes de páginas

two of the stage horses employed on the pike between Lancaster and Philadelphia.

On Thursday we had rain in abundance, since when the air has been cool and agreeable-Spy.

From the Uniontown Democrat.

Situated in the Mountains, on the east side of the Laurel
Hill, in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, eight miles
east from Uniontown, and about one third of a mile
from the great National Road.

The water of this spring has been analyzed, and found to possess qualities highly medicinal. Its loca tion is in a deep glen, and the surrounding scenery is grand and picturesque-nature's wildness, just sufficiently modified by cultivation to relieve the monotony. The mountain air is of that pure, bracing kind that comes upon the care and disease worn frame, like a fountain in the desert to the fainting wanderer,—a very seasonable and effectual relief.

The hotels near the spring, Wiggins' & Downer's, are of the best class, very capacious and well furnished. Their tables are well supplied, if not with the ener vating luxuries of the city, with mountain luxuries; just the kind that please the palate, while they impart health and vigor to the system. Every desirable accommodation is enjoyed, and on very reasonable terms.

The National road is now being put in fine order. Three lines of stages run upon it, passing the hotels, from the east and the west, four or five times every day.

If curiosity prompts the visitor he can, at two miles distance from the spring, view the grave of Braddock, and trace the road by which his army marched to their field of death. At a further distance of one mile, he can trace, in a meadow of the Mount Washington farm, the lines of Fort Necessity, where the youthful valor and prudence of our country's father gave the earnest of his future glorious success.

A few miles north east of the spring, by a delightful mountain ride, the admirer of nature's works may be gratified with a view of the "Ohio Pyle Falls" of the Youghiogheny river,—a very imposing sight.

quently met with than any portion of the United States, as densely settled or as contiguous to the sea-board.

As a party of assistants engaged under my direction in the location of the Philipsburg Rail Road were occu. pied, a few days since in protractions at their encamp. ment, information was given that an axe-man attached to the party had been bitten by a rattle-snake. One of the assistants, Mr. Henry Hopkins, of Massachusetts, immediately hastened to the spot, and applied his lips to the wound, sucking it for some time, and as long as it appeared to him that the treatment could be of any service. The hand and arm of the man nevertheless swelled excessively; but in the course of a day or two the swelling went down, and neither the assistant or the man have since experienced the slightest inconvenience. The case seems to be a very conclusive one in favor of the efficacy of such treatment, where an individual happens to be at hand sufficiently resolute to administer it, as the snake had been previously very much irritated, and the wound in the hand was a deep one. It is scarce. ly worth while to mention that the assistant took the precaution, after resigning his patients hand, of giving to his own mouth the benefit of a pretty thorough Respectfully your ob't. servant,


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of the small balls 1 foot 10 inches, diameter 7 2-3 inches.

Distance from one ball to the other 3 feet 5 inches.
The following is written on the Cap:

Sporting propensities can be indulged by a great variety of game, from the fox to the pheasant. Abundance of the trout exist in the runs and creeks in the vicinity, the catching of which is "capital sport;" The right reverend William White, D. D. consecratthe gust of eating them is known only in the act; pened first Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Pennsylvaand ink cannot describe it,

In short, taking together the spring-the air-the hotels-the conveniences of arrival and departure-the objects of curiosity and admiration—the game and its attendant amusements, few places of summer resort, if any, so strongly invite a visit and a few weeks stay as does the Fayette Spring. If the female, enervated by the parched and foul air of the city or town, wishes to regain her healthful glow and pulse, let her visit the Fayette Spring. If the man of business, seeks a respite from anxiety, and desires to re possess that vigor of nerve and fulness of muscle, of which care and exertion have deprived him,―let him repair for a few weeks to the Fayette Spring in the mountains, where care and the pestilence may not reach him.

Several families and individuals from Pittsburg, Wheeling, Greensburg, Uniontown, and elsewhere have already been in attendance, and all concur in the representations here given, and have determined to make the " Fayette Spring" a stated summer resort. Other visiters are daily expected. A VISITOR.

July 26th, 1833.

To the Editor of the Miners' Journal.
Dear Sir-It occurs to me that a communication of

the following incident may be of value in this section of
country, where the Rattlesnake is perhaps more fre.

nia, February 4th, 1787.

From Poulson's American Daily Advertiser. The corner stone of the Commissioner's Hall of Moy. amensing, near Ninth and Christian streets, was laid on the 6th August, amid a concourse of respectable inhatants and citizens from the adjoining district. The usual records containing the names of the officers of the building and the district, &c., were read by the Presi dent of the Board of Commissioners, and deposited

within the foundation.

The ceremony was interesting and impressive, and after it was concluded, the assembled citizens, in consequence of the unfavorable state of the weather, adjourned to the long room at the New Lebanon House, where, by the appointment of the Commissioners, an address was delivered by Henry Helmuth, Esq., their Clerk and Solicitor.

UNITED STATES MAIL.-Olden Times.-On the 20th of May, 1788, the Post Master General was directed to cause the mail to be regularly transported between the city of Philadelphia and the town of Pittsburg, fortnight, by the way of Lancaster, Yorktown, Carlisle, Chambersburg and Bedford.

once a

There are now, we believe, four daily mails between Philadelphia and Pittsburg-three through this place, and one through York and Gettysburg.



VOI. XII.-NO. 8.




The following remarks form a portion of a review of a work published in London in 1827, entitled "The History of the Rise and Progress of the United States of North America, till the British Revolution in 1688; by James Grahame, Esq." They are extracted from the “American Quarterly Review of December 1832" and are in reply, as the reviewer observes, to "a concession" made by Mr. Grahame, "of the merits of Penn in terms too much qualified, and with insinuations, which imply unwarrantable selfishness and injustice."

The reservation of quit-rents is charged upon Penn, as being inconsistent with his lofty design of making "a holy experiment, and setting an example to the nations." It is said, he should have avoided mingling the care for his private estate with his purpose as a founder of a colony. It is true that Penn designed to promote his own fortunes while he secured an asylum for the persecuted. He spent money lavishly, and he expected returns. Was it not just and proper that he should? He exposed himself to no reproach,unless he exacted un. reasonable terms. But that he could not well have done; since his lands were in competition with a continent. In reserving a quit-rent he erred on the score of prudence: when the United States sold lands in the west on credit, "The origin of Pennsylvania points directly to the they created a body of debtors, united and having a honour of its founder. Wo to the man of letters, who creditor; in like manner, the purchasers of Penn were common interest to defeat or diminish the claim of the would substitute indiscriminate eulogy for reflection, almost unanimously aggrieved by the stipulation into and degrade the art of writing into a traffic of flattery! which they had entered: and an unwise contract furBut we may praise the dead; we may praise the excel-nished a perpetual source of jarring and discord. It dent: we may vindicate the memory of those who led the van of honourable action in the establishment of our country, and in the contest for tolerance and vir


may be, there was in the case an error of judgment; whether there was a blameable covetousness, or on which side the covetousness existed, depends not upon view of the bargain between the proprietary and the the fact of a reservation of quit-rents, but upon the whole purchasers.

It has been objected to Penn, that he was subservient to the court of a despotic sovereign; but he was ever the intrepid defender of freedom of conscience: he did his utmost, for example, to promote the election of Al- of bad laws, by his general anathema against all reAgain: it is said, that Penn advocated the perpetuity gernon Sydney to parliament: and he strenuously resistance to constituted authority." In the first place, sisted the encroachments of the Duke of York upon the rights of the colonists of New Jersey.

we answer, Penn did not deal in anathemas; and in the next place, he did not denounce all resistance; quite It is made a cause of censure, that Penn joined with the reverse; he denounced resistance by force of arms, the other proprietaries of East Jersey in surrendering but he favoured passive resistance to injustice. The the jurisdiction of that province to the king; but when Quaker doctrine is often a wise one. It is no idle phanit is considered, in how many hands the jurisdiction was tom, but a principle, capable of disconcerting the vested, what singular disputes had arisen, what trans-strongest government that ever ventured upon the comfers and assignments had been made of proprietary pro- mission of wrong. Will you have an example? Look perty in New Jersey, it does not seem reasonable to at Ireland at this moment; where a British parliament ascribe the surrender to pusillanimity, when it may and a Reform ministry cannot collect the tithes. The have been essential to the safety of the colony; A nu- policy of O'Connell is a true Quaker policy; he offers merous partnership, a landed aristocracy, a close corno resistance, but quietly omits to pay tithes for the poration of proprietaries, seem the least favourable support of a church to which he does not belong; and Sovereignty that can be imagined. And there remained if we read rightly the signs of the times, he will in the no choice but to imitate the democracies of New Eng-issue gain the victory. He will have "refused to suffer land, (which would have been impossible,) or to give bad laws," will have refused successfully, and all withup to the crown the jurisdiction of the territory. The out resistance. example of Carolina proves that a proprietary government, in the hands of a company, was the worst form established in America.

But it is charged upon Penn, that he coveted the lands of Lord Baltimore. We are not on this head disposed to quarrel with the decision of the Lord Chancel. It is said that Penn did not show horror enough at lor Hardwicke; and since the tribunals of England, the execution of Cornish and others; and condemned wholly disinterested, refused to give a literal enforcethe conduct of James in terms too moderate. "The ment of the claims of Lord Baltimore, there is hardly king is greatly to be pitied for the evil counsels that room for treasuring up an accusation against the memohurry him to the effusion of blood." And was he not ry of Penn. Be it, that he was (6 very intent on his greatly to be pitied? The expression of Penn implies own interest in these parts;" that is to his honour, if that the measures of cruelty were alike wicked and un- he respected justice. "I would not be thus imporwise. We find nothing in his remark to justify cavil-tunate," says he, "but to serve s province; because ling. And what if it be true, that Jeffreys, after the the thing insisted on was more than ninety-nine times revolution, attempted to excuse himself, by declaring that the court had desired greater severities, and "had snubbed him for being too merciful?" Is the testimony of Jeffreys, the culprit, in self-justification, and after his own overthrow and imprisonment-is such testimony to be believed?

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more valuable to me than to him; to me, the head; to him, the tail." Now it is distorting the plain meaning of Penn, to say, that he here claims the territory in dis pute, on the ground of his needing it. He is but offering an excuse for his inflexibility in maintaining what he defends as his right by other arguments.

Nor do the divisions, which subsequently took place between Penn and the colonists, furnish any argument against the merits of the former. For it is to be observed, that the emigrants had formed cabals and parties among themselves, before they complained of the proprietary. And Penn still had the magnanimity to call them one of the best people." The changes which took place in the form of government, were in the main, improvements. They chiefly resolve themselves into two; a concession to the popular branch of the right of introducing bills, a right which at first had belonged to the council; and on the other hand, a reservation of a veto to the governor. It was natural that some portion of the colonists should view any change with alarm. That vague dissatisfaction which belongs to human life and human affairs, assumed the form of complaining of Penn, as though he had designed to diminish the liberties of the colony. Is there any ground whatever for the complaint? The proprietary administration was essentially a bad one; Penn is not responsible for those evils, which lay in the very nature of the organization, which had enabled him to accomplish so much good. When the Assembly of Pennsylvania transmitted to him a remonstrance about quit-rents, and alleged that by his artifices the several charters granted at the first settling of the colony had been defeated, it is evident, that the payment of the quit-rents was the main grievance, for he that candidly examines the changes in the charters, the tenor of them, and the manner in which they were made, must acquit Penn of all unwarrantable interference, and all disposition to check the growth of the liberties of the State.

universal suffrage, and universal eligibility to office, they abolished imprisonment for debt; they punished falsehood with the forfeiture of denizenship; they granted no taxes but for a year. "We lay," said Penn, "a foundation for after ages to understand their liberty as men and as Christians; that they may not be brought into bondage but by their own consent, for we put the power in the people." These were remarkable words for a period which saw Charles II. upon the English throne, and the Duke of York the heir apparent and personal friend of the writer. The economy of the colony was also as exemplary as the features of its constitution were liberal. Two hundred pounds a year were enough to defray all public expenses; the members of the Assembly received no more than a shilling a day for their services during the session; and that only for the sake of reminding them that they were the hire lings of the people. The country was esteemed the poor man's paradise; or rather poverty was unknown in all its borders. The pleasant villages on the eastern side of the Delaware, welcomed the virtuous exile with a homely but cordial hospitality; and there was so little of "human nature" in these adventurers, that they were unequivocally and magnanimously tolerant, when all the rest of the human family was engaged in religious persecutions.

But not satisfied with planting West Jersey, Penn, fortunately for mankind, persevered in his entreaties in England, till at length he wrested from a voluptuous despot, the broad domain of Pennsylvania. It was then that his character was put to the test, for he was made sole proprietor of the territory of the commonwealth, with ample and almost irresponsible supremacy. It was then that he stood forth in the eye of the world and of all ages as a legislator; unrestrained by ancient usage; untrammelled by the influence of established abuses; having free course for the exercise of all his mind, and the display of his principles.

We might finally notice the attack upon Penn, in consequence of his advising King James to practice tole. rance. It is contended, that for the king to have allowed liberty of conscience was an act of encroaching power; that it was tyranny and usurpation in a British king to have favoured liberty of conscience; and that Penn was no better than guilty of treasonable designs Penn was at that time in the vigour of manhood He in attempting to procure the release of more than a thou- was well informed, if not learned. His early years bad sand, who had been imprisoned for the sin of being the benefit of a careful education; he had subsequently Quakers. As we write, we call to mind the splendid travelled over many parts of Europe; he had lived in an speech of Burke at Bristol, perhaps the noblest which age of revolutions, so that his own experience and the he ever uttered, where he was compelled to make his recollections of those around him were full of variety apology to the English nation for having taken a part and interest; a king dethroned and executed; the an in repealing a bill of atrocious severity against the Roman cient parliament reformed; the new parliament abolishCatholics. The same men who censured Burke, com-ed; the stern tyranny of the protectorate; the libertine plain of Penn, as the advocate of tolerance. He should have seen, say they, that tolerance meant Popery. He should have snuffed the idolatry of Rome in the breeze. In the same spirit, Chalmers derides the Quakers for emigrating, inasmuch as they "suffered more from what they dreaded than from what they felt." We have before us the copy of the Political Annals which once belonged to the celebrated Ebeling; the honest chronicler makes upon this passage a wise annotation: "Than what they fell: to be whipped, imprisoned, nay to be burnt alive, certainly may be felt!!" And most men will agree with the learned commentator, and will hesitate before they condemn Penn for striving to stem the vehemence of public fury and the delirium of fanatic hatred.

Even at this moment, while we are writing, many citizens of a large and most respectable commonwealth are engaged in commemorating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the landing of William Penn at New Castle; they are communing together upon his virtues, and drawing from the recesses of history, the memorials of his life and policy.

The first effort of Penn in colonial legislation was A small knot of emigrant husbandmen established themselves there under his auspices; and in the spirit of philanthropy and justice, agreed upon the assertion of civil and religious liberty as the basis of their government. No men on earth, say they, have power to rule over men's consciences in matters of religion. They introduced voting by ballot,

effected in West New Jersey.

despotism of the reformation; these were the occurren
ces with which his years were conversant; the wrecks
of the feudal system were floating on the stream of
time before his eyes; the constitutions and the practical
administration of the most cultivated European coun-
tries were familiar to him; the voice of antiquity had
reached him in the quiet of studious seclusion. Above
all; besides these opportunities of acquiring the know.
ledge which he needed, he had confidence in himself;
and he had also had a just consciousness of his high re-
sponsibility as the founder of a State.
"As my under-
standing," he remarks, "and my inclination have been
much directed to observe and reprove mischiefs in go-
vernment, so it is now put in my power to settle one.
For the matters of liberty and privilege I purpose that
which is extraordinary; and leave myself and succes-
sors no power of doing mischief, that the will of one
man may not hinder the good of a whole country. A
government is free to the people under it, when the
laws rule and the people are a party to those laws."
And in this view, in an age when despotism was on the
advance, he determined, according to his own sublime
expressions, to set an example to the nations; adding,
there may be room in America, though not in Europe,
for such a holy experiment.

Need we dwell on the liberal features of his constitu⚫ tion? Or the wisdom and humanity of his laws? How admirable his regulations to encourage industry, to protect commerce, to improve the discipline of pri sons: to establish the absolute equality of all religious

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sects by the strongest guaranties of constitutional possessing the Schuylkill, because it stretched so far
into the interior, and might one day be a channel of in-
This is the great glory that makes the name of Penn ternal commerce. What would he say, if he could now
conspicuous on the pages of universal history, and return to earth and behold the territory which he cher-
marks him out for one among the few, to whom immor-ished? He would see the Delaware united with the
tal honour will be paid through all succeeding genera-Hudson, and with the waters of New York harbour; the
tions: he was the first who successfully established the Schuylkill and the Susquehanna, both feeding canals
unqualified spirit of religious liberty in America. He along their banks, and both united; the heights of the
does not indeed deserve the honor of having originated Alleghanies conquered by a rail road, that is to bear the
the design; but he was the first who succeeded in prac burdens of commerce with rapidity and security, by the
tice. It had already been attempted by a Roman Cath side of the precipices and the mountain waterfalls; and
olic nobleman in Maryland; but the views of Lord Bal- finally, to the west of the Apalachian chain, he would
timore were subverted by the bitter and ambitious intol- observe the busy activity of steamboats, and the im-
erance of the Protestants, whom his own moderation had mense rafts of floating forests upon rivers which in his
freely admitted into his settlements. The same object day murmured through the secret places of the wilder-
had again been attempted by a Protestant English ness without a name. He had pitched for his city upon
philosopher, whom Providence had called forth to legis a site, which seemed to him favourable beyond that of
late for Carolina; but then the bigotry of the lords any town which he had ever seen. He describes with
proprietaries occasioned the greatest abuses, and in delight, the lofty banks covered with stately pines; the
spite of the catholicism of Locke, the settlers were ha- broad plain stretching away from river to river, and
rassed by grevious invasions of their stipulated liberties. offering ample room, not for dwellings and warehouses
What Locke and Baltimore had failed to accomplish, only, but also for gardens and orchards. What if he
Penn was enabled to perfect. He and the people of could now behold those gardens covered with stately
his colony were true to that charity which rested upon buildings, the streets extending from stream to stream;
justice, and gave the promise of peaceful abundance. and the falls of the Schuylkill, diffusing by the aid of
But let us hear the language of Penn himself, simple machinery, the blessings of pure water in abun-
dance to every corner of the city, that is happy in its
general prosperity, and tranquil from the force of pub-
lic sentiment and the effusion of public virtue?

We must give the liberty we ask: and we cannot be false to our principles, though to relieve our selves." And again

"We should have none suffer for a truly sober and conscientious dissent on any hand.” And in his admi-been accomplished in the short space of one hundred rable letter to Tillotson,

"I abhor two principles in religion, and pity those that own them. The first is obedience upon authority without conviction: and the other, the destroying them that differ from me for God's sake. Such a religion is without judgment, though not without teeth."

And whence could Penn have directed his philanthropic and truly Christian liberality? From the University of Oxford, to which he resorted for his education? He had been indignantly expelled from it for non conformity. From the venerable bishops of England? They had caused him imprisonment in the Tower of London for his liberality, and had threatened to make his prison his grave.--From the relics of the partizans of Cromwell?-His was bitter fanaticism, which alone dared to oppose that usurper.-From the restorers of the monarchy-Let history tell its tale of the political profligacy of Monk, and the inflexible bigotry of Clarendon.-From the voluptuous court of Charles II?-Sunk in the excesses of grotesque ribaldry, it fluctuated between the caprices of superstition and the grossness of sensuality. From his travels abroad? Holland could imprison Grotius for Arminianism, and France exile a million of its best inhabitants for the crime of being Protestants. Whence then could the lawgiver of Pennsylvania have derived his candour and his charity? He asked counsel of truth and justice; he closed his eyes alike to the visions of metaphysical theories and the intolerance of existing governments. His judgment was not dazzled by the splendour of European hierarchies, nor was his imagination overpowered by the Utopias and El Dorados of ingenious speculation. He interrogated nature on the rights of man, without dictating her reply.

The consideration of the great results which have and fifty years, is full of solemn admonition to the living generation, which is necessarily the guardian, to hold in trust for coming ages, the wisdom, the comfort, and the liberties which have been accumulated by the past. The fathers were emigrants; were still subject to a foreign jurisdiction; were few in number; and were summoned to contend with the savage strength of unsubdued nature. We stand upon vantage ground.--Can virtue be developed only in the contest with adversity? And will patriotism be endangered by the brilliancy of our prosperity?

From the Philadelphia Gazette.
Thursday Evening, Aug. 8, 1833.

In the absence of Mr. Ingersoll, Mr. Groves was elected President pro tem.

Mr. Neff presented a communication respecting the Delaware Avenue, signed by Jacob Ridgway and Geo. Blight, Chairman and Secretary of a meeting on that subject. It was referred to the committee on Delaware


A memorial was presented, signed by sundry inhabitants, respecting certain unfinished improvements in the paving of Filbert street, and requesting the attention of Councils to the same. It was read and referred to the Paving Committee.

A memorial from the Board of Health respecting nuisances in the neighbourhood of Logan Square, was reCeived and referred to the committee on that Square, with power to act.

The following communication from Nicholas Biddle,
Esq. was received and read.

Board of Trustees of the
Girard College for Orphans.


Mankind will never forget to do him honor. But his noblest monument is found in the results of his legislation. Emigrants from half the world have felt the attraction of the system which he established; and the mass of incongruous elements, Puritans and Prelates, Cavaliers and Roundheads, Catholics and Quakers, Me- To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Phithodists and Baptists, Heretics and Orthodox, have all been brought together by the benignant influence of Gentlemen,-I perform a melancholy duty in anreligious liberty, and all have been harmonized and nouncing to you the death of our respected colleague, united into one civil community under its majestic in- John C. Stocker, Esq. According to the Ordinance fluence. The Delaware river used to gain the most establishing the Board of Trustees for the Girard Colready admiration; but Penn would often boast of his lege, it will devolve upon your honorable bodies to sup

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On motion of Mr. Lippincott, it was resolved and carried, that the Select and Common Councils meet forthwith, and proceed to the election of a Trustee to fill the vacancy in the Board, occasioned by the death of John C. Stocker, Esq. This was non concurred in, by the Common Council, and Thursday evening next, the 15th inst. was fixed upon by both bodies, for a special meeting on the subject.

The following resolution, from the Common Council, was received and adopted:

Resolved, by the Select and Common Councils, That the City Commissioners be instructed to collect forthwith all the arrearages of rent due from the tenants occupying the Drawbridge lot, and notify such of said tenants as may be deemed necessary to remove therefrom, according to law.


The Chair presented a communication, signed John M. Ogden, tendering to Councils, on behalf of the Commissioners of the district of Spring Garden, a copy

of the laws and ordinances of that district.

stage owners, praying that Crown street may be made a stand for a Manayunk line of stages. Referred to the Market Committee.

Mr. Byerly presented a petition praying for the laying of flag stones across South Alley. Referred to Paving Committee with power to act.

Mr. Byerly presented a communication from Thomas Desilver, offering to Councils the remainder of his edition of the "Devises made to the City." Laid on the table.

Mr. Smith, from the Paving Committee, reported a resolution directing the paving of Haines street, which was adopted. Select Council concurred.

On motion of Mr. Borie, a resolution was adopted, directing the Mayor to draw his warrant on the City Treasurer, in favor of Lydia R. Bailey, for the sum of $1209 12, the amount of her bill for printing, present. ed at the last meeting of Councils; in which resolution the Select Council concurred.

An Ordinance authorising the laying of a pipe from the cellar of the premises at the S. W. corner of Second and Dock streets to the public sewer, was read a third time and passed. The Ordinance was also adopted by the Common Council.

Thursday Evening, Aug. 15th, 1833.


announcing the readiness of that body to proceed, in A message was received from the Common Council, joint ballot with the Select Council, to the election of a Trustee for the Girard College for Orphans, in the place of John C. Stocker, deceased

The Chair presented a communication from the Board of Health, complaining that nuisances to a great extent exist on Logan Squares and a public lot, north of the Permanent Bridge, with a request that Councils would Mr. Wetherill from the committee to whom was retake order to remove the same. Referred to the Com-ferred Mr. J. Marshall's petition, respecting certain promittee on Logan and Penn Square, with power to act, perty, presented the following report. and instruction to report at the next meeting.

The Chair presented the following communication from the City Commissioners, which was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

The City Commissioners respectfully state to Councils, that by order of the Committee for improving the City Property, at and near Chesnut street wharf, on Schuylkill, they have passed bills from the first of January last to this date, amounting $22,643 22. Bills were in like manner passed by the late Commissioners for the same object, which amounted on the 31st December last, to $5,941 93, as appears by the printed state of their accounts for 1832. The aggregate expended for the wharf and buildings is $28,545 15, which has been charged to Appropriation, No. 14, for repairing and improving City Property for 1832 and 1833. No appropriation has been made by Councils for these expenditures, which have occasioned an overdraught of Appropriation, No. 14, for 1833, of $15,094 10.

By order of the City Commissioners,

ROBERT H. SMITH, City Clerk.

Mr. McMullen presented a petition praying that Schuylkill Seventh street, between Market and Arch, may be paved. Referred to the Paving Committee.

Mr. McMullen, presented a communication from own. ers of property on the Delaware river, praying that the action of Councils on the Ordinance relating to Delaware Avenue, may be suspended for the present.

Mr. Chandler, presented a memorial from Samuel Guss, the occupier of a house and lot, on the north side of Market street, west of the Permanent Bridge, stating he has been deprived of the use of a portion of his premises, in consequence of an entry made therein by the West Philadelphia Canal Company, and praying Councils to take the subject in hand. Referred to a joint committee of both Councils, consisting of Messrs. Chandler, Maitland, Wetherill and Lippincott.

Mr. Byerly presented a communication from sundry

The committee to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Marshall, praying that certain property be released from the operation of a judgment held by the city on Franklin legacy, report:

That Joseph Marshall and George Read are the sureties on the bond of David Donaldson in the penal sum 520 dollars, conditioned for the payment of $331 50 ins annual instalments-but one of these instalments has become due, and that was paid at maturity. The committee have reason to believe that Mr Marshall has sufficient property to cover the amount of his bond after the release of that prayed for in his petition. The committee, accordingly, passed the following resolution which has been executed.

Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to affix the city seal to an instrument releasing the property of Jo seph Marshall, described in the within petition.

Mr. Wetherill offered a report from the committee to whom was referred a petition for changing the name of South alley,-declining to alter the same, and beg ging leave to be discharged from a further consideration of the subject,-which was adopted.

Mr. Wetherill also offered the following memorial from the owners and occupiers of Wharf property on the river Delaware, within the limits of the city, which was referred to the committee on the Delaware Avenue.


To the Select and Common Councils of the city of

The memorial of the subscribers, owners and occupiers
of wharf property on the river Delaware, within the
limits of the city of Philadelphia, respectfully shew-


That having learned, that a bill has been reported by a committee of your honourable bodies, entitled "An Ordinance for laying out a passage or street from Vine to Cedar street, to be called the Delaware Avenue,”

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