Imágenes de páginas



(The figures indicate the number of the Hymns.)

BIDING of Christ with believers, 528, 530, 532.
Activity, Christian, 428-433, 450.

Adoption, 445.

Advent of Christ, 110–114, 229–234.

Affliction, 363, 365, 385, 386, 389, 441, 443, 462-464.
Angels, 167, 472.

Ascension of Christ, 243-245.

Ashamed of Christ, 174, 384.

Assurance, 380, 383, 589.

Atonement, 125-141.

Backsliding, 420-423, 459-461.
Baptism, of Children, 258-260, 505.
of Adults, 256, 257.

Benevolence, 427, 430.

Bereavement, 583. See "Affliction" and "Death."
Bible, 249-255.

Blessedness, of Christ's kingdom, 193, 213, 214, 216.
of obedience, 439, 440.

of piety, 204, 338, 389, 396-400, 441-446.
future, anticipated, 380, 447, 448, 468-
470, 474, 476.

Brevity of life, 285, 287, 296, 297.

Burial, 554-563.

Call, Gospel, 270–297.


Care, 320, 347-349, 374, 375, 377, 378, 381, 382.
Change of heart, 323, 324, 350-354.

Charity, 333, 427, 430.

Children, 496-507.

Choice, of the Christian, 209-212, 408-417.

Christ, advent of, 110-114, 229–234.

divine and human, 103–105.

teaching of, 115.

miracles of, 123, 124.

sufferings and death, 125-134, 235-238.

resurrection of, 140, 239-242.

ascension of, 243-245.

exalted in heaven and on earth, 105, 149, 150

152, 160-162, 165, 167.

Mediator, 114, 134, 135, 139, 142–148.
intercession of, 142–148.

his offices, 107.

High Priest, 109, 144, 145.

Redeemer of mankind, 114, 127–132, 134–141.

Light of the world, 173, 516, 372.

the Way, the Truth, and the Life, 106.
our Righteousness, 319, 321.

Hiding Place, 141, 322.

the Sun of Righteousness, 173, 516.
sympathizing, 109.

a Friend, 108.

a Pattern, 116–122.

our Rest, 381.

precious, 175-178, 404, 405.

love to, 175-178, 404, 405.

unseen but loved, 391.

praise to, 149-178, 95, 97, 112-114.
needed, 382.

abiding with us, 528, 530, 532.

Christians, their life and experience, 325-480.
Church, her foundation, 191, 192.

her privileges and glory, 193.

Church, her unity and peace, 203, 204.
her ministry, 195–201.
love for, 202.
enduring, 194.

afflicted, 226.

revival of, prayer for, 205–207.
prayer for laborers in, 222.

final triumph of, 224, 225, 227, 228.
Comforter, 188, 189. See Holy Spirit.
Jommunion, with God, 390-895, 398, 402, 403, 406, 407.
with Christ, 396, 397, 399-401.
of saints, 434-438.

at the Lord's table, 261-269.

Compassion of Christ, 134, 166, 169.

Jondescension of Christ, 134.

Jonferences and Synods, 201, 202.

Confession of Sin, 318, 418-423.

onfidence, in God, 360-371, 375, 377, 380.

in Christ, 358, 372-374, 378, 383, 384.
in Providence, 356, 357, 374, 379.

Confirmation, 209-212.

onflicts of the Christian Life, 454–458.

Yonscience, 442.

Consecration, of churches.

See Dedication.

Self-consecration, 79, 408-417.

onsolation, 367, 368, 371-373, 375–382.

onstancy, 453, 463.

ontrition, 298-308.

onversion, 99, 301, 305, 323, 335, 350, 352-854.

onviction, 298-308.

Yourage of Christians, 79–85, 361–368, 369, 371, 375–

377, 383, 388, 389.

reation, 68-70.

Tross, of Christ, 127, 133.

taking up, or bearing the, 345, 424.

rucifixion, of Christ, 127-132.

of Christians to the world, 401, 415-417,

Day of Grace, 280, 285, 288, 290, 295–297.
Death, 554-563.

of a child, 561.

of a minister, 563.

of a friend, 554, 558.
anticipation of, 465–480.

Deceitfulness of sin, 91.

Declension, Spiritual, 459–461.

Dedication of Churches, 488-492.

Delay of Repentance, 283, 285, 287, 290, 291, 295, 297.
Delight in Worship, 46-54.

Dependence, 358, 364, 376, 377, 382.
Depravity, 88-92.

Despondency, 367, 371, 373.

Doubt, 367, 372, 377.

Early Piety, 291, 497, 498, 501, 507.

Education, 497.

Election, of Pastor or Church Officers, 202.

Eternity, 572-587.

Eucharist. See Lord's Supper.

Evening Hymns, in general, 519-522, 524–532.

of Lord's Day, 523, 533.

Exaltation of Christ, 105, 149, 150, 152, 160–162, 165,

Example, of Christ, 116-121, 336.

of Christian, 351, 369.

Expostulations, 288, 289.

Faith, justification by, 309-322.

in God, 356, 361, 362, 366–368, 371, 375-377,
379, 383, 387-389.

in Christ, 309-115, 317, 319-322, 358, 364,
365, 372, 373, 378, 381, 382, 384.

in Providence, 356, 357, 374, 377.

in the promises, 363.

power of, 359, 360, 372.

Faith, overcoming the world, 359, 370.

blessedness of, 316, 319, 320, 360, 368, 370,

372, 374, 375, 383.

prayer for, 357.

aithfulness, 351, 390, 428, 429.

amily, 504-506.

asting, 418, 540.

ellowship. See Communion.

ollowing Christ, 424-427, 116–121.
orbearance, 236, 337, 118, 119.

orgiveness, of sin, 298–304, 306, 310–322, 418, 420–

of offences, 118, 119.

ortitude, 455-457.

untain, opened for sin, 136, 273, 278, 281, 290.
ailty of man, 287, 294, 296, 475, 476.

eedom, in Christ, 137, 335.

iend, Christ a, 108.

endship, Christian, 434-438.

uits of the Spirit, love, 332, 333.

joy and peace, 334, 335.

meekness and humility, 116-119,

hope, 339-343.

patience and resignation, 344-349,
356, 364, 365, 372-374, 381.

neral. See Burial.

ture Punishment, 566–571.

atleness, 336-338, 116–119.

thsemane, 120, 125.

rrying in the Cross, 127, 133.

as Creator and Preserver, praise to, 1, 6, 8, 68-74.
eternal and unchangeable, 55, 56.

triune, 63-67.

omniscient, 57, 58.

omnipresent, 58.

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