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Lord, make us timely wise
To know our call of grace;

And with each moment, as it flies,
Run our appointed race.

Still keep the end in view,

Tarry nor turn aside,

Perils, allurements, bonds break through,
-Most faithful, when most tried!

Thus, till we reach the goal,

All else we count but loss;

Nor, till we gain the prize,—our soul,—

Grow weary of the cross.


Art Thou our Father?-we confess,
With grief and shame, our sin and guilt;
O turn from our unrighteousness,
Look on Thy Son-His blood was spilt.

He bore the chastening of Thy rod,
That we might by His stripes be heal'd;
He died for us, the Lamb of God!
He rose, and our redemption seal'd.

And shall we, dare we, can we still
Resist Thy fear, Thy love despise ?
No, take us,-soul, affection, will,-
A free and living sacrifice.

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In youth and beauty's mantling bloom she shone,
And every eye delighted, save her own—
She the young mind of lowly ignorance taught,
She pining poverty's dark dwelling sought,
O'er the sick couch like pitying angel hung,
And dropt celestial manna from her tongue.

But soon that angel teacher mortal proved,
Lamented victim of the tasks she loved—
For oh!-contagion lurked those tasks beneath,
And on her beauty breathed delicious death.—
Yet o'er her dying hours what comfort came !
The sufferer called on her Redeemer's name,
On Him relying, who alone could save,
Her hope in life—her refuge from the grave.



O grieve not for him with the wildness of sorrow,
As those who in hopeless despondency weep:
From God's holy Word consolation we borrow,
For souls who in Jesus confidingly sleep.

Lament not your lov'd one, but triumph the rather

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To think of the promise, the prayer of the Lamb :

Your joy shall be full,” and “ I will, oh, my Father!
That those whom Thou giv'st me may be where I am.”

Nay, weep not for him—for the flower of the morning—
So dear to your bosom, so fair in your eyes;
But weep for the souls unbelievingly scorning
The counsel and truth of the "God only wise."

He came to the cross when his young cheek was blooming, And rais'd to the Lord the bright beam of his eye; And when o'er its beauty death's darkness was glooming, The cross did uphold him, the Saviour was nigh.

I saw the black pall o'er his relics extended,

I wept, but they were not the tear-drops of woe • The pray'r of my soul that in fervour ascended, Was, "Lord, when Thou callest, like him may I go !"


Thee will I love, my strength and tower,
Thee will I love, my joy and crown:
Thee will I love with all my power,

In all my works, and Thee alone;
Thee will I love, till that pure fire
Fill my whole soul with chaste desire.

Thee will I love, my joy, my crown!

Thee will I love, my Lord, my God!
Thee will I love, though all may frown,

And thorns and briars perplex my road;
Yea, when my flesh and heart decay,
Thee shall I love in endless day!



THIS is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you. JOHN XV. 12.

A friend loveth at all times.-PROV. xvii. 17.

Gen. xiii. 8-xliii. 30-xlv. 14, 15-Levit. xix. 17-Deut. xxii. 1-4-Ruth i. 16, 17-1 Sam. xviii. 1, 3, 4—xix. 2—xx. 11-17, 41, 42-xxiii. 16-18-2 Sam. i. 23, 26-ix. 1, 3, 5, 7, 13— 2 Chron. xxx. 12-Job vi. 14-xxx. 25-Psalm xvi. 3-lv. 14– cxix. 74-cxxxiii.—cxli. 5—Prov. x. 12-xv. 17—xvii. 9, 17xv i .24-xxvii. 6, 9, 10, 17, 19-xxviii. 23-Cant.viii. 7—Jer. xxxii. 39-Zech. vii. 9-viii. 16, 17—Mal. iii. 16.

Matt. v. 9-vii. 12—xviii. 15-Mark ix. 50-xii. 31-Luke vii. 12-xxii. 32-John i. 40-42-x. 16-xi. 19, 31, 33-xiii. 34, 35-xv. 12, 17-xvii. 11, 21-23-Acts iv. 32-xii. 5—xx. 36-38— xxi. 5, 6, 12-14-Rom. xii. 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18—xiii. 8-10—xv. 1-7, 30-xvi. 1-16-1 Cor. i. 10-x. 24, 33-xii. 13, 26-xiii. 1-8, 13-xvi. 14, 24-2 Cor. ii. 2-4—vi. 6—xii. 15, 16, 18—xiii. 11- Gal. v. 13, 14, 22—vi. 2—Eph. i. 15, 16—iv. 1-6, 32—v. 2— vi. 23-Phil. i. 27—ii. 1-4—iv. 2-Col. i. 4, 8—ii. 2, 19—iii. 12-15-1 Thes. i. 3-ii. 7, 8, 11, 12, 17-iii. 12-iv. 9, 10—v. 13, 14-2 Thes. i. 3-1 Tim. i. 5-2 Tim. i. 3, 4-Tit. iii. 15Philem. 4, 5, 7-Heb. ii. 11—iii. 13—vi. 10—x. 24, 25-xiii. 1, 3 -Jas. ii. 8-v. 16, 19, 20—1 Pet. i. 22-ii. 17—iii. 8—2 Pet. i. 7-1 John i. 3, 7-ii. 10-iii. 11, 14, 16, 18, 23-iv. 7, 8, 11, 12, 21-v. 1. 16-2 John i. 5.

Charity decent, modest, easy, kind, Softens the high, and rears the abject mind; Knows the just reins and gentle hand to guide Betwixt vile shame and arbitrary pride.

Not soon provoked, she easily forgives,

And much she suffers, as she much believes.
she brings wherever she arrives :
She builds our quiet, as she forms our lives;
Lays the rough paths of peevish nature even,
And opens in each heart a little heaven.

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Then constant Faith and holy Hope shall die,

One lost in certainty, and one in joy ;
Whilst thou, more happy power, fair Charity,
Triumphant sister, greatest of the three;
Thy office and thy nature still the same,
Lasting thy lamp, and unconsumed thy flame,
Shalt still survive-

Shalt stand before the host of heaven confess'd,

For ever blessing, and for ever bless'd.


True Charity, a plant divinely nurs'd,
Fed by the love from which it rose at first,
Thrives against hope, and in the rudest scene,
Storms but enliven its unfading green :
Exub'rant is the shadow it supplies,

Its fruit on earth, its growth above the skies.


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