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statute books, to prevent persons bequeathing their property to pious and charitable uses.

"Piscina. A perforation in the chancel wall for pouring away the water in which the chalice may have been washed, after the celebration of the eucharist.

"Priests. Men ordained to offer the sacrifices of religion.

"Protestants. Persons who protest against the Church of Rome, as the Lutherans in Germany, and various sects in England. The English Church no where describes herself as Protestant. (Was there ever such a barefaced falshood?-ED.)

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Purgatory. A name given, &c.

Shrove Tuesday. On this day good Christians have been used to shrove or confess themselves to the priest," &c.

But enough. We stay not to rebut these popish definitions. Our readers need not such a service. Will they believe that this popish manual is said to be from the pen of the Rev. Mr. Gresley, a Clergyman still eating the bread of the Church of England? And this is to be the manual of our schoolmasters throughout the land! We trust our readers will be upon their guard against all this fearful mischief. We shall be obliged if they will report to us any schools in which this popish manual is used, or "Beavan's Help to Catechising," which it recommends.

Vigorous measures are now commencing to discover and expose the growing evil in our national schools. The mischief is frightfully at work in head quarters. We happen to possess ample testimony to the truth of all that was lately stated in a letter in the Times, as well as Record, by a "Friend to Education;" and while we mourn that error exists, we are thankful that faithful and intelligent men are commencing the work of detection, with a view, under God's blessing, to its subversion.

Our readers will render an important service by communicating to us well authenticated statements as to Tractarian books and usages introduced into our Schools.


How many Creeds are there in the Prayer Book?

Three. The Apostles', the Nicene, and the Creed of St. Athanasius.

Are they alike, or unlike?

Unlike in words, but alike in truths.


Because they are all taken out of the Bible.

Which Creed is in the Catechism?

The Apostles'.

Why is it called the Apostles' Creed?

Because it contains what the Apostles taught.

Who were the Apostles?

The followers of the Lord Jesus, when on earth.

Where do we find what they taught?

In The Acts, and Epistles.

What are the Epistles?

Holy letters.

How many divisions are there in the Creed?

Three. The first expressing my faith in God the Father; the second, in God the Son; and the third, in God the Holy Ghost. Repeat the first?


"I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth."

Solemn words! A good man once said, he never took God's name on his lips without making a pause, to remember of what holy Being he was speaking. This was Luther. Let us seek to understand every word we utter, and take care that our lips do not outrun our understandings, or our hearts.

First. What is it to believe in God?

To believe in God, is to take care that what I know of him, from my Bible, rules my heart and my life. (Rom. x. 10.)

What is this belief called?


What does the Bible teach us that God is?

That he is a Spirit: that Holy Spirit which is everywhere present, who knows all things, can see all things, and can do all things. Find texts to prove this?

John iv. 24. Jer. xxiii. 24. Heb. iv. 13.

If, then, I say that I believe in God, how should it rule my heart and my life?

First. I shall take care always to think, speak, and act as in his sight. (See Gen. xvi. 13. xxxix. 9. Psalm cxxxix. 1-12.)

Second. I shall learn to worship him in spirit and in truth; that is, to pray to him, and to praise him, with the heart. (See Matt. iv. 6. Psalm xcv. 6. Reverence of position is to be attended to. We read of the angels in heaven in two postures only, either bowing or standing, in their worship; surely, we who are sinners upon earth, should take them as our pattern, when we draw near to God. But God requires more than this: how must we pray to him, and praise him?

With the heart. (Matt. xv. 8, 9.) The Bible not only teaches us what God is in himself, here we learn also what his character and dispositions are towards his creatures.

Under what relationship has God made himself known to us? As "God the Father."

Precious title! from which the youngest child may learn something of the character of his heavenly Parent. What does the tender name of "Father" teach us?

That "God is love." (1 John iv. 16.)

How has God manifested his love towards us?

In giving his beloved Son to die for us. (John iii. 16.)

Is God the Father of all men?

In one sense, he is; for he made them all. (See Mal. ii. 10.) But we have all, like the prodigal, gone astray, and left our Father. Who is he, then, especially the Father of?

First. Of our Lord Jesus Christ. (See Eph. i. 3.)

Second. Of those who are made his children by adoption, through faith in Christ Jesus.

Who, then, have the blessed privilege of calling God "Father"? Those only who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Find texts to prove this.

John i. 12. Gal. iii. 26.

If, then, I say that I believe in "God the Father," how should it rule my heart and my life?

First. I shall seek to have God for my reconciled Father in Christ Jesus.

Second. I shall love and obey him.

Third. I shall desire to be like him.

Who has given us a perfect example of love and obedience to his Father?

Jesus. He could say, "I do always those things which please him." (John viii. 29.)

What did the Father testify of Jesus?

"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matt. iii. 17.)

Faith must come before good works, love must precede obedience. How can the children of God seek to be like God?

By trying to be like Jesus, who is the very image of God. (See Heb. i. 1-3.) See God inviting us to call him Father. (Jer. iii. 4.) As a father, condescending to ask our love. (Prov. xxiii. 26.) Encouraging us, as his "dear children," to be imitators of him. (Eph. v. i.)

What is the meaning of Almighty?

Able to do all things.

Find a text where God reveals himself by this name?
Gen. xvii. 1.

Where do we learn the Almighty power of God?

First. In the works of creation.

Second. In the far greater work of redemption.

Find texts to prove that God is the "Maker of heaven and earth." Gen. i. 1. Heb. xi. 3.

Who creates the new and contrite heart?

God. (See Ezek. xxxvi. 26.)

All we see around us, teaches us much of the power and wisdom of God. Illustrations: the leaf, the butterfly, &c., &c.; but to make a wicked heart holy, is more than to create a world out of nothing. Only Almighty power can do that. If I say then that I believe in God "Almighty, maker of heaven and earth," how should it rule my heart and my life?

First. I shall fear above all things the anger of God. xii. 4, 5.)

(See Luke Second. I shall, above all things, seek his favour. (See Matt. vi. 33. Psalm cxix. 10.)

Third. I shall pray that he will create in me a new and contrite heart.

Turn to the 51st Psalm, 10th verse. Let each child make this little prayer its own; and may God hear and answer it, for Christ's sake. (To be continued,)


REV. SIR,-On Sunday last was buried Jane F., one of our Sunday-school children, aged seven years. Her natural sweetness of temper made her a general favourite in the school, and many of her companions went to take a last look at her little placid countenance

as she lay in her coffin, and very many more attended her remains to the grave. Her death was occasioned by her clothes taking fire, in the absence of her mother: she lingered some weeks, and then died. Her pain was necessarily very great, and great, too, was her patience. But the chief thing to which I would draw attention is that towards the close of life, and to a pious Teacher, who voluntarily and gratuitously sat up with her for several following nights, she manifested a decided acquaintance with the simple but saving truths of the Gospel, and a firm hope that she "was going to heaven, and should be happy." And when asked by the above Teacher, whom she expected to see there? her reply was, "Jesus, who died for us."

Surely, we may learn many useful lessons even from this simple narrative.

We may learn:

1. The benefit of Sunday-school instruction.

2. That even young children are, in a degree, accountable to God for the opportunities they have; for if a little child can be made to know and (through grace) to love the truth, it may also, through neglect, or the following the devices of its own heart, remain in ignorance of it, and "how can it escape, if it neglects the great salvation ?" O that parents and Teachers may labour and pray, and never cease their efforts, till they have reason to hope that the children committed to them are really converted to God.

3. But the chief lesson I would point out is one of encouragement to the Teachers of the junior classes.

They are apt to find their employment a dull one, and to think they are doing little good. It is only so when they are satisfied with mere routine work: it becomes "a labour of love”— -an employment affording satisfaction, and even delight-when they seek to know the grace of God themselves, and to be the means of imparting it to others. And let them not be discouraged early impressions are rarely altogether lost. And if they can but instil into the infant mind the knowledge of a crucified Saviour, and if they are permitted even in one instance, as in little Jane F., to see its blessed effect in soothing the mind in its greatest need, by the sure hope of heaven, and seeing our adorable Saviour, what earthly joy is to be compared to this? They have "turned" at least one to righteousness:" they have "saved a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of (his) sins."


O blessed work! may the love of Christ lead them to abound in it more and more; and let them feel sure, that if done in faith and with prayer, their "labour shall not be in vain in the Lord."

C. W.

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