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The late minister of the Vienna Jewish Congregation, Dr. Adolf Jellinek, addressed to me on August 11th 1893 the following open letter:

My articles dealing with Jewish apologetics which first appeared in the "Österreichische Wochenschrift", and then as a reprint have been translated into Italian by Professor Vittorio Castiglione in Trieste, and published in the "Corriere Israelitico".

It is imperative for us to insist on the importance of Jewish apologetics, as the anti-Semitic movement both in Germany and Austria goes on doing no end of harm, particularly since His Excellency Ahlwardt has become the dictator of the anti-Semitic rabble.

That is why I publicly apply to you, dear Dr. Bloch, the Hercules of the anti-Semitic Augean stable, to work up the subject-matter of Jewish apologetics into literary shape, at least insofar as the disgraceful present is concerned. The anti-Semitic onslaughts on Judaism and its defence should be the subject, and the anti-Semitic leaders should be exposed in all their wretched nakedness.

Every Jewish minister, particularly those in small congregations, ought to be in a position without much trouble to refute anti-Semitic slanders, and this would be possible only if there is a work at hand to give him the necessary information with which to take up the inglorious fight.

Such an apologetic work dealing chiefly with the present ought to have a very large circulation.

Dr. Bloch is in possession of the necessary literary ability; he is well versed in the tactics and strategy of warfare. Let us hope that he will not be lacking in ammunition or material means.

Professional business prevented me from following up this suggestion. Not before my present stay in New York (1920-21) did I find the leisure to take up the task outlined by Jellinek, namely to put together all the arguments of modern Jew-baiting

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