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Full of this Luxury we were now entring the Room, where one of his Boys, let there for that purpose, call'd aloud to us, ADVANCE ORDERLY. Nor is it to be doubted, but we were fomewhat concern'd for fear of breaking the Orders of the place. But while we were proceeding accordingly, a Servant ftript of his Livery fell at our Feet, and befought us to fave him from a Whipping, alledging his Fault was no great matter, and that he had only loft fome Cloaths of the Steward's in the Bath, which were hardly worth Eighteen-pence.

We returned therefore in good Decorum, and finding the Steward in the ComptingHouse telling fome Gold, befought him to remit the Servant's Punishment: When putting on a haughty Face, It is not, faid he, the loss of the thing which troubles me, but the Negligence of a careless Rafcal. He has loft me the Garments I us'd to Feaft in, and which a Client of mine prefented me with on my Birthday; no Man can deny them to be right Purple, tho' not the double Dye; but let them be worth what they will, I grant your Request.

Having receiv'd fo great Favour, as we were entring the Dining room, the Servant for whom we had been Interceffors, met us, and kiffing us, with many Thanks for the Kindness we had done, By and by, fays he, you shall know, that the Wine which Lord my drinks of himself, is oftentimes in the difpofition of his Servants.


At length we fate down, when fome GypfieBoys coming about us, poured Snow-water on our Heads, and others par'd the Nails of our Feet, with a mighty dexterity, and that not filently, but humming as it were to themselves. I refolv'd to try if the whole Family was good at Singing; and therefore called for Drink, which one of the Youngfters as readily brought me, with an odd kind of Tune; and in the fame humour was every one you asked for any thing.

Then came in a fumptuous Breakfast, for we were all feated but only Trimalchio, for whom, after a new Fashion, the chief Place was referv'd. Befides that, as a part of the Entertainment, there was fet by us a large Veffel of Metheglin, with a Pannier, in the one part of which were white Olives, in the other black; two broad pieces of Plate covered the Veffel, on the brims of which were engraven Trimalchio's Name, and how many Ounces of Silver they weigh'd, with little Bridges folder'd together, and on them Dormice, ftrew'd over with Honey and Pepper: There were alfo piping-hot Sausages on a Silver Grid-iron, and under that large Damfons, with the Kernels of Pomegranates.

In this Condition we were when Trimalchio himself was waddled into the Chorus; and being close bolfter'd with Neckcloths and Pillows to keep off the Air, we could not forbear laughing in fpight of our Teeth: For his bald Pate peep'd out of a Scarlet Mantle, and over the load of Cloths he lay under,

under, there hung an Embroider'd Towel, with Purple Taffels and Fringes dingle dangle about it: He had alfo, on the little Finger of his left Hand, a large Ring of Gold,. and on the extream Joint of the Finger next it, one leffer, which I took for all Gold but at last it appeared to be jointed together, with a kind of Stars of Steel: And that we might fee thefe were not all his Gallantry, he ftripp'd his right Arm, on which he wore a Golden Bracelet, and an Ivory Circle, bound together with a glittering Locket, and a Medal at the end of it: Then picking his Teeth with a Silver Pin, I had not, my Friends, faid he, any Inclination to have come among you So foon, but fearing my abfence might make you wait too long, I deny'd my felfmy own fatisfaction 3 however, fuffer me to make an end of my Game. There followed him a Boy with an Inlaid Table and Chrystal Dice; and I took notice of one thing more pleasant than the reft; for inftead of black and white Counters, his were all of Silver and Gold.

In the mean while he was fquandring his Heap at Play, and we were yet picking a bit here and there, a Cupboard was brought in with a Basket, in which was a Hen Carved in Wood, her Wings lying round and hollow, as fitting on Brood; when presently the Confort ftrook up, and two Servants fell a fearching the Straw under her, and taking out fome Pea-hens Eggs, diftributed them round the Company: At this Trimalchio changing Countenance, I commanded my Friends,

faid he, the Hen to be fet with Peahens Eggs, and by Hercules, I'm afraid they are half Hatcht; however we'll try if they are yet fit to be Eaten.

The thing we receiv'd was a kind of Shell, of at least fix Pound weight, made of Pafte, and moulded into the Figure of an Egg, which we easily broke; and, for my own part, I was like to have thrown away my fhare; for it feemed to me to have a Chick in it; till hearing a Guest who us'd to Eat at that Table fay, There was fome good Bit or other in the Egg-fhell; I fearch'd further into it, and found a delicate fat Wheat-ear in the middle of a well pepper'd Yolk: On this Trimalchio fropped his Play for a while, and asking the like for himself, declar'd, If any of us would have more Metheglin, it was at our Service; when of a fudden the Mufick gave the Sign, and the first Course was scrambled away by a Company of Singers and Dancers; but in the Buftle, it happening that a Difh fell on the Floor, a Boy took it up, and Trimalchio obferving the Action, gave him a Box on the Ear, and commanded him to throw it down again; and prefently the Groom of the Chamber came with a Broom and fwept away the Silver Dish, with whatever elfe had fallen from the Table.

When presently came in two long-hair'd Ethiopians, with fmall Leather Bottles, fuch as they carry Sand in to ftrew on the Stage, and gave us Wine to wash our Hands, but no one offer'd us Water. We all admiring the Finicalness of the Entertainment, Mars,

faid he, is a lover of Justice, and therefore let every one have a Table to himself; for having more Elbow-room, these nasty stinking Boys will be less troublesome to us: And thereupon large double-ear d Veffels of Glafs clofe plaifter'd over, were brought up, with Labels about their Necks, upon which was this Inscription.


While we were reading the Titles, Trimalchio clapped his Hands, and Alas, alas, faid he, that Wine fhould live longer than Man! Wine is Life, and we'll try if this has liv'd ever fince the Confulship of Lucius Opimius, 'Tis right Opimian, and therefore make ready; that which I gave my Guests yesterday was not Jo generous as this, tho they were Perfons of better Quality that fupp'd with me.

We drank, and admir'd every thing; when in came a Servant with a Silver Puppet, so jointed and put together, that it turned every way; and being more than once thrown upon the Table, caft it self into feveral Figures; on which Trimalchio came out with his Poetry:

Let's do what we can,

This Life's but a Span,

Expofed to Trouble and Sorrow


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