Said, 'T was the fear, indeed; and that he doubted, He solemnly had sworn, that, what he spoke, To me, should utter, with demure confidence This pausingly ensued-Neither the king, nor his heirs, Q. Kath. K. Hen. Go forward. Suro. Let him on : On my soul, I'll speak but truth. I told my lord the duke, by the devil's illusions The monk might be deceiv'd; and that 't was dangerous for him To ruminate on this so far, until It forg'd him some design, which, being believ`d, K. Hen. Ha! what so rank? Ah, ha! There's mischief in this man: Canst thou say further? Surv. I can, my liege. K. Hen. Proceed. Surv. Being at Greenwich, After your highness had reprov'd the duke K. Hen. I remember Of such a time-Being my sworn servant, The duke retain'd him his.- -But on; What hence? Surv. "If," quoth he, "I for this had been committed, As, to the Tower, I thought, I would have play'd The usurper Richard; who, being at Salisbury, Have put his knife into him." K. Hen. A giant traitor! Wol. Now, madam, may his highness live in freedom, And this man out of prison? Q. Kath. God mend all! K. Hen. There's something more would out of thee? what say'st? Surv. After the duke his father," with "the knife," He stretch'd him, and, with one hand on his dagger, His father, by as much as a performance K. Hen. To sheath his knife in us. There's his period, Call him to present trial: if he may Find mercy in the law, 't is his; if none, Let him not seek 't of us: by day and night, [Exeunt. SCENE III.-A Room in the Palace. Enter the Lord Chamberlain and LORD SANDS. Cham. Is 't possible the spells of France should juggle Men into such strange mysteries ?a Sands. New customs, Though they be never so ridiculous, Nay, let them be unmanly, yet are follow'd. A fit or two o' the face; but they are shrewd ones; To Pepin, or Clotharius, they keep state so. Sands. They have all new legs, and lame ones; one would take it, That never saw them pace before, the spavin, A springhalt reign'd among them. Cham. Death! my lord, Their clothes are after such a pagan cut too, That, sure, they have worn out christendom. How now? What news, sir Thomas Lovell? Lov. Enter SIR THOMAS LOVELL. 'Faith, my lord, What is 't for? I hear of none, but the new proclamation Cham. Lov. The reformation of our travell'd gallants, That fill the court with quarrels, talk, and tailors. Cham. I am glad 't is there; now I would pray our monsieurs To think an English courtier may be wise, And never see the Louvre. VOL. VII. a Mysteries-artificial fashions. D They must either Lov. Out of a foreign wisdom,) renouncing clean Or pack to their old play fellows: there, I take it, The lag end of their lewdness, and be laugh'd at. Sands. T is time to give them physic, their diseases Are grown so catching. Cham. What a loss our ladies Will have of these trim vanities! Lov. Ay, marry, There will be woe indeed, lords; the sly whoresons Sands. The devil fiddle them! I am glad they 're going; (For, sure, there's no converting of them ;) now, A long time out of play, may bring his plainsong, Nor shall not, while I have a stump. Cham. Well said, lord Sands; No, my lord; Sir Thomas, To the cardinal's; O, 't is true: Whither were you a going? Lov. Your lordship is a guest too. This night he makes a supper, and a great one, The beauty of this kingdom, I'll assure you. Lov. That churchman bears a bounteous mind indeed, A hand as fruitful as the land that feeds us; Cham. No doubt he 's noble; He had a black mouth that said other of him. Sands. He may, my lord; he has wherewithal; in him, Sparing would show a worse sin than ill doctrine : They are set here for examples. True, they are so; Cham. But few now give so great ones. My barge stays; Your lordship shall along :-Come, good sir Thomas, We shall be late else; which I would not be, For I was spoke to, with sir Henry Guildford, This night to be comptrollers. Sands. I am your lordship's. [Ex. SCENE IV.-The Presence-Chamber in York-Place. Hautboys. A small table under a state for the CARDINAL, a longer table for the guests. Enter at one door ANNE BULLEN, and divers Lords, Ladies, and Gentlewomen, as guests; at another door, enter SIR HENRY GUILDFORD. Guild. Ladies, a general welcome from his grace Salutes ye all: This night he dedicates To fair content, and you: none here, he hopes, In all this noble bevy, has brought with her One care abroad: he would have all as merry As first-good company, good wine, good welcome, Can make good people. O, my lord, you are tardy; |