Imágenes de páginas

18 Ikea ne John raweàny ne Herodeghne, kea det'karighwayèry ne kea n'ìse doesetsyaderàne ne Tsyadadegeà-ah Ròne.

19 Ne gàdy wahhoèni ne Herodias teyoriwarhèouh raouhhàge nongadyh, neoni ahhorryoke raouhha, ok yagh deyokwennyouh.

20 Ikea Herod wahotsàníge ne John, roderyèndáre Yongwedìyoh, neoni Royadadogeaghty, ne rodeanikòerare raouhha; neoni ònea rodeweanathònde, èso Yorìwake tsinahhàyere, neoni tsirodeweanat-hònde wahatsheandenyh.

21 Neoni ne ònea waoweyeastàne yahhondeghnìseríhhewe, nene Herod Weghnisera tsinihonakeràdouh waghs-hakaweanyòdea ne Raoyanetdaòkouh, Radighsennowàneaghse, neonì ne T'hadiyadagwenìyose ne radinakere Galilee :

22 Neoni ne ònea n'Akoyéyah ne Herodias dondaweyade, neoni watkanonnyagh-kwe, neoni tahhaweridiyòne Herod, neoni ronouhha ne easkaghne radìderouhne raouhha, ne Kòrah waghreahhaghse ne Kayàdase, Takerighwanòndouh tsiok nahhòrea eaghsérheke, eankòeyouh.

23 Neoni yorighwaghnìrouh wahhaweaneàndáse, tsioknahhòtea eaghskerighwanòndoughse, ne eankòeyoh n'ìsse, èt-ho ne sadewaghseanea niyekanihharàne Tsiniwakyaneghtsera.

24 Neonisoughdeandy, neoni wa-aweahhaghse n'Onisteahhah, ot-oughde nahhòtea eankerighwanòndoh? neoni wageàrouh ne Raonòntsy ne John ne Shakoghnegosseraghs.

25 Neoni sawéghde agwagh oksaok watyoghsterihhea et-ho Koraghne, neoni wakarighwanondoh, wageàrouh, kendewese nene ise a-agkskouhoewah Kèghratne ne Ra-onòentsy ne John ne Shakoghnekosseraghs.

26 Neoni ne Kòrah yoneghrackwaght wahhaweryendakshea: ok shègoh sàne ikea ne ne Aorìwa tsiniyorighwaghnìrouh rodàdyh, neoni ikea ne Raodirìwa ne raouhha caskaghne radìderouh, yaghdeh-hanòewese n'ahaweanondyh,

27 Neoni yokondattye ne Kòrah yaghshakonhane ne Shakòdirryoghs, neoni waghshageaweahhaghse n'eantyéhhawe ne Raonòentsyh: neoni wàreghde neoni yahhonnyàrriake raouhha et-ho Tsinanàghsgwayea.

28 And brought his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel gave it to her mother.

29 And when his disciples heard of it they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb.

30 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.

31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile: for, there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

32 And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.

33 And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him.

34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed;

36 Send them away, that they may go into the country round about and into the villages, and buy themselves bread for they have nothing to eat.

28 Neoni wa-ehhewe ne Raondentsy Keghràtne karattye, neoni yakòeyouh ne Kayàdase: neoni ne ya-à-ouh ne Onisteahhah.

29 Neoni ne ònea ne Raotyoughkwa wahhòeronke, et-ho whhònewe neoni wat-hàdighkwe ne Raoyeroendakeahha, ne oni et-ho yahhadìdea Tsiyondattyadadaàghst-ha.

30 Ne oni ne Apostlehògouh wahhontkeanissà oghseròenih et-ho Jesusne, neoni wahhoewaghròry agwègouh n'othènouh, detsyàrouh ne tsinahhontyere, neoni tsinaghsakodirihhonnyeh.

31 Neoni was-hasaweahhaghse karo kanesseght t'hatsyouhhà-hak Karhàgouh noewe, eadesewadorisshea nyàre. Ikea àsé yawetowànea yagohattyeh neoni tsyakoghdeandyouhhattyeh, neoni ne ronouhha yaghde-yàweght ahonoerisscàndáne are oni ne ok ne dahontskàhouh.

32 Neoni èreah wahhòneghde et-ho Karhàgouh noewe Kahhonweyagowaghne ok adaghseghdòenke.

33 Neoni wahhoewadigea n'Ongweh ronouhha tsierea wal hòneghde, neoni yotkade ne wahhoewayènderéne raouhha, neoni watyòeraghdade eghdageghshouh et-ho nongadih tayoughdeantyonkoh agwègouh tsi-Kanadayèndouh, neoni yahhoewady yatòreane, neoni wàoewe oghseròenih raouhhàge.

34 Neoni Jesus, ne ònea tahhayàgeane, ne waghsakotkaght-ho Sakotyoughkowànea, neoni ne wahonikoughrareke ne Keandearouh ronouhhàge, ne wahhoni rononhha aniyought Teyodinagarondòe-ah yagh-eas-hìgea deyodiyea n'Akoewadikaghdatyèseke: neoni tahhadaghsawea waghsakorihhonnyeh ronouhha èso Yorì


35 Neoni ne ònea ìnouh Ondeghnisereaháwe noewa, Raotyoughkwa raoukhàge wahhònewe, neoni wahhòeweaghse, Karhagouh wahhy ne keànt-hoh, neoni nonwa ne n'isinih tsi Ondeghniserine.

36 Sas-heyadègwaght, soughdeandyh nene yoe-sahhònewe Tsityenakeronnyoh, neoni et-ho tsi-Kanadayendòe-a, neoni ahondatnìnóese Kanadarohk: Ikea yaghot-hènhe dehhodìyea n'ahàdige.

37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?


38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.


39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.

40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.

41 And when he had taken the five loaves, and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples, to set before them. and the two fishes divided he among them all.

42 And they did eat, and were filled.

43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.

44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go on the other side before nnto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people.

46 And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.

47 And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land.

37 Raouhha tondahhadady wahheàroun ne ronouhage, yetshìyou n'ìse n'eahhàdige. Neoni sahhoeweahhaghse raouhha, Eayagwaghninoehha kea nàah tekeni Teweanyawe (penny) tsinea-yoghs-heaghseraghske ne Kanadarohk, neoni eayakhìyouh ronouhha ne eahhà


38 Raouhha waghsakaweahhaghse ne ronouhha, do ni-Kanadaràge sewàyea? wàsene yatsyat-kaghthoh. Neoni ne onea waditòkeaghse, wahhonnìrouh wisk, neoni Teckeantsyàge.

39 Neoni raouhha waghsaweahhah agwègouh eghdage yondedaràyea Eakeantyoghkwadogeahhadonke etho Ohhondage.

40 Neoni waondedaràyea Tekaneàradennyouh, ne Teweanyawe-ehattye neoni wisksouh Niwaghsheah


41 Neoni ne ònea wàtraghkwe ne wisk ni'Kanadaràge, neoni ne Teckeantsyàge, Karoughyàge yahat'kaght-hoh, neoni wahhayadadìrihsde, neoni wàthayakhoe ne Kanadaroh'k, neoni yaghshagàouh ne Raotyoughkwa, ne oheandou àghsakodiyeàhaghse: neoni ne Teckeantsyage wahak-haghsyoènkoh Raodityoughgwakouh agwègouh.

42 Neoni ronouhha agwègouh wahhàdike, neoni wahhonaghdàne.

43 Neoni doesahàdighkwe tekeni yaweàre Niwathèrake ne Wa-akokwìne neoni ne Keantsyoh.

44 Neoni ronouhha nene wahhàdike ne Kanadarohk wisk Niweanyawe-eghtseraghsea oughde Ongwe (niyongwedake.)

45 Neoni agwagh oksaok raouhha t'hondaghsakonough dòese ne Raodyoughkwa n'oesahhonditta ne Kahhoeweyakowaghne, neoni n'ahhoughdeandy ne èrea nongadighkouh ohheàndou ne et-ho Bethsaida, aghsouh ne raouhha easeghsakodègwaghde tsini-Keantyoughkwa n'eatsyoughdeandyh.

46 Neoni ònea tsyakoghdeantyonke, raouhha aèrea sàreghde Onontohharage ne et-ho yahadereànayea. 47 Neoni ne onea Yokaraghskha, ne Kahhoeweyakòwah 'nea Sadekanyadarrhea nòewe, neoni raouhhà-tsiwa et-ho Eghdiyògeh.

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