Imágenes de páginas



The italic types are used as most convenient to represent the common writing letters.

[blocks in formation]


To make this little work as useful to the learner as its limits will permit, a collection of maxims, words and phrases is here subjoined, for the benefit of those who are not familiar with the Latin and French, from which they are selected. They may be written in short hand, the same as English, but should be distinguished by a line drawn over them.

Ab initio.-From the beginning.
Ab origine. From the origin.

Aborigines.-The first inhabitants of a country-as the Indians in America.

Accedos ad curiam.-You may approach the court.

Ac etiam.-And also.

Actio personalis moritur cum persona.-A personal action dies with the person.

Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam.-No one shall be injured through the act of God.

Actus legis nulli facit injuriam.-The act of the law does injury to no man.

Actus, me invito factus, non est meus actus.-An act done against my will is not my act.

Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea.-The act does not

make a man guilty, unless the mind be also guilty.

Ad eundem.-To the same.

Ad finem.-To the end. Or the conclusion.

Ad infinitum.-To infinity.

Ad interim.-In the meanwhile.

Ad libitum.-At pleasure.

Ad quod damnum.-To what damage.

Ad referendum.-To be farther considered.
Adscriptus gleba.-Attached to the soil.
Ad valorum.-According to the value.
Affirmation.--In the affirmative.

A fin. French.--To the end.

A fortiori.-With stronger reason.

A la mode. Fr.-According to the fashion.

Alias. Otherwise, as Robinson alias Robson.


Alma mater.--A benign mother.

Alumni.-Those who have received their education at a col

lege, are called alumni of that college.

Amor patria.-The love of our country.
Anno Domini.-In the year of our Lord.

[blocks in formation]

Anno mundi.-In the year of the world.
Ante bellum.--Before the war.

A posteriori.-From the latter.

A priori-From the former-in the first instance.

Aqua fortis. Strong water.-Aqua regia.-Royal water.

Arcana imperii-State secrets. The mysteries of government. Arcanum. A secret.--The grand arcanum-the philosopher's


Argumentum ad crumenam.-An argument to the purse.
Argumentum ad hominem.-An argument to the man.
Argumentum ad judicium.--An argument to the judgment.
Assumpsit. He assumed he took upon him to pay.
Audi alteram partem.-Hear the other party.
Aula Regis. The king's court.

Beau monde. Fr.--The gay world.-The world of fashion.
Bona fide.-In_good faith.--Actually, in reality.
Bonhommie. Fr.-Good nature.

Bon mot. Fr.-A good word.-A witticism.
Bonus.-A consideration for something received.
Cætera desunt.-The remainder is wanting.

Canaille. Fr.-The rabble-the swinish multitude.
Cap a pie. Norm, Fr.-From head to foot.
Capias-You may take.

Capias ad respondendum.-You take to answer.
Capias ad satisfaciendum.-You take to satisfy.
Carte blanche. Fr.-A blank sheet of paper.
Casus omissus.-An omitted case.

Caveat actor.--Let the actor or doer beware.

Caveat emptor.-Let the buyer beware.

Chef d'œuvre. Fr.-A master piece.-An unrivalled perform


Cognovit actionem.-He has acknowledged the action.

Comiter inter gentes.-Politeness between nations.
Compos mentis.-A man of a sound and composed mind.
Consensus facit legem.-Consent makes the law.
Coram nobis.-Before us.

Corps diplomatique. Fr.--The diplomatic body.
Coup d'essai. Fr.-A first essay.—An attempt.
Coup de main. Fr.-A sudden or bold enterprise.

Cui bono?-To what (or for whose) good-sc. will it tend?
Cui malo?-To what evil-sc. will it tend?

Data.-Things granted.

Debut. Fr.-First appearance--on the stage, in public life,

&c. &c.

De die in diem.-From day to day.

Dedimus potestatum.-We have given power.

De facto.-From the fact.

De jure.-From the law.

De mal en pis. Fr.-From bad to worse.

De novo.--Anew.--To commence de novo.
Depot. Fr.-A store or magazine.

Dernier resort. Fr.-The last resource.
Desideratum.-A thing desired.

Desperandum.-A thing, or event, to be despaired of.
Dictum de dicto.-Report upon hearsay.-Vague report.
Dies datus.-The day given.

Dies faustus.-A lucky day.

Dies infaustus.-An unlucky day.
Distringas.-You may distrain.

Droit des gen. Fr.-The law of nations.

Ducit amor patria.-The love of my country leads me.
Durante bene placito.-During our good pleasure.

Durante vita.-During life. A clause in letters patent.
E converso.-Reversing the order-of a proposition.
Elegit. He has chosen.

En ami. Fr.-As a friend.

En avant! Fr.-Forward!--March on.

En masse. Fr.-In a body.-En foule.--In a crowd.
Eo instanti.--At that instant.

Eo nomine.-By that name.-Under that description.

E pluribus unum.-One of many.-The motio of the United States of America.

Erratum.--An error.


Esprit de corps. Fr.--The spirit of the body.
Esto perpetua.-Be thou perpetual.

Et cætera.-And the rest.

Ex.-Out.-Ex-minister, a minister out of office.

Ex cathedra. From the chair.

Excelsior.-More elevated.--Motto of the state of New York. Exceptio probat regulam.-The exception proves the existence of the rule.

Excerpta.-Extracts.-Abridged notices taken from a work. Excessus in jure reprobatur.-All excess is condemned by the


Ex concesso.--From what has been granted.

Ex curia.-Out of court.

Ex delicto.-From the crime.

Exempli gratia. Ex. gr.-As an example, for instance.
Ex facto jus oritur.-The law arises out of the fact.

Ex mero motu.--From a mere motion.

Ex necessitate rei.-From the necessity of the case.

Ex officio.-By virtue of his office.-As a matter of duty.
Ex parte.-On one side.

Ex post facto.-A law made to punish an act previously com mitted.

Ex tempore.-Out of hand--without premeditation.
Fac simile.-Do the like.--A close imitation.

Faux pas Fr.-A false step.-A mistake, a deviation from rec


Felo de se.-A felon of himself.

Femme couverte. Fr.-A covered, or married woman.

Femme sole. Fr.-A spinster-woman unmarried.

Fiat.--Let it be done.

Fiat lux.-Let there be light.

Fieri Facias.-Cause it to be done.

Fille de chambre. Fr.-A chambermaid.
Finem respice.-Look to the end.

Fort. Fr.-Chief excellence.

Fugam fecit. He has taken to flight.
Functus officio.-Discharged of duty.
Gratis. For nothing.-Free of cost.
Gratis dictum.--Said for nothing.

Habeas corpus.-You may have the body.

Habeas corpus ad prosequendum.--You may have the body in order to prosecute.

Habeas corpus ad respondendum.-You may have the body to


Habeas corpus ad satisfaciendum.-You may have the body to satisfy.

Habere facias possessionem. -You shall cause to take possession.
Habere facias visum.--You shall cause a view to be taken.
Hors de combat. Fr.-Out of condition to fight.

Ibidem.-Ibid.--In the same place.-A note of reference.
I. E. an abbreviation of id est.--That is.

Ignis fatuus.--A foolish fire.-Will o' the Wisp.
Ignoramus.--We are ignorant.-An uninformed blockhead.
Ignorantia facti excusat.-Ignorance of the fact excuses.

I. H. S.--Ăn abbreviation of Jesus Hominum Salvator.-Jesus the Saviour of mankind.

Imperium in imperio.-A government existing within another government--as Pennsylvania within the general government of the United States.

Imprimatur.-Let it be printed.

Impromptu.-In readiness.-A witticism made out of hand.
In capite.-In the head.

Incognito.-Unknown.-In disguise.

In curia.-In the court.

In dubiis.-In matters of doubt.-In cases of uncertainty
In equilibrio. In an even poise.

In esse.-In being.--In existence.

In extenso.-At large-in full.

In foro conscientia.-Before the tribunal of conscience.
In futuro.-In future.-Henceforth.

In loco.-In the place. In the proper place.-Upon the spot.
Innuendo.-By signifying.-Thereby intimating.

In presenti.-At the present time.

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