Imágenes de páginas

Suspect all

methods and plans The Spirit of God

His Word has bid you do.
which the Bible has not put before you.

alone can do you good or make you useful to others. Pray much that you may be full of the Holy Ghost. Ponder much in God's Word. Keep far from every worldly way. Do not join those whom God calls His enemies. They may call themselves His friends. But God has forewarned "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world " (Gal. vi. 14).


[This paper is printed separately for distribution, and may be had from the Author for 1/6 per 100.]

Our Union at St. Helena.

We have a flourishing and growing branch in this distant island. The following is an extract from a letter recently received from our Secretary there (sending 20 new names), and will be read by all with much interest. This will, we trust, suggest to many, Secretaries and others, the idea of similar meetings. People have written to us, asking how local meetings of the Union should be conducted. We cannot reply better than by giving the following extract. We are sure that many will respond to the invitation to prayer.

"The mail from England to St. Helena comes at alternate intervals of three or five weeks, so we have no opportunity of getting the books— Christian Progress or Living Waters, until the month is past, so we miss the advantage of getting the notes on the daily readings. To make up for this as much as possible, with the help of one of our members (who is an officer in the garrison here), I write short notes on the daily readings. We have them printed at our own expense, and send out a leaflet every week to all who belong to the Union on the Island.

"I have been trying to get up a monthly meeting of all the members for prayer and scripture study-but have not been able to manage it, partly from my own many occupations, and partly because the hilly nature of the island makes it difficult for many to get from place to place and so meet together. But I have begun a Bible Class on Sunday afternoons, from 4 to 5 o'clock, for all those members who live close



enough, and who like to attend. The first Sunday only 5 came, last Sunday we numbered 13. I call it a Bible Class, but it is hardly that, for from the mixed class who attend, I find it better to keep all in my own hands, as some few can hardly read well enough to take a turn, and would feel uncomfortable if obliged to do so.

"Our little meeting is very simple, we begin with prayer, specially for a blessing on the Union, and all its members everywhere—then for ourselves that our present reading may be blessed—then I read aloud our Sunday evening portion. After which we talk over the subject together, in order to draw out some practical lessons from it which may be useful to ourselves. We hunt out references which may help us better to understand the subject. We then sing a few hymns and close our meeting with another prayer.

"I fear I am taking up your time with rather a long letter, but as Secretary in St. Helena, I want you to know that we are not only trying to get as many members as possible, but also to keep up their interest in the Union; and we are trying to render the C. P. U. a real help and blessing to its poorer members.

"If you ever have space in the Christian Progress Magazine to make the St. Helena branch a special subject for prayer, we should be very grateful. Being a comparatively new branch, and so far away from the rest of the Union members, we should specially feel glad to be thus remembered in prayer.”

Daily Bible Thoughts for the Month.



By Blanche A. Rowan.

Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever.”—Ps. cxix. III. I KINGS XVIII. TO I CHRONICLES I.

JULY 1.-1 Kings xviii. 26-30. These people were thoroughly in earnest, but their self-imposed sacrifices met with the certain result of the world's religion. In true sacrifice we draw near to a Person, not a creed.

July 2.—Ch. xix. Again we see the miraculous provision ready in extremity. (See also Gen. xxi. 19; 2 Kings vi. 17.) The fourth watch brings the Master (Mark vi. 48).

July 3.-Ch. xx. 4. Shall we listen to the claim of our Master to-day,

and answer Him, "My Lord, O King, I am Thine and all that I have?" If so, let us see to it we are entirely at His disposal.

July 4.—Ch. xxi. 27-29. Mark this proof of the long-suffering of a God ever ready to accept and respond to any movement of man's heart towards Himself.

July 5.-Ch. xxii. 5. After he had made up his mind. never obtain guidance, at any rate, will not act upon it. will He guide." (See also Jer. xlii. 20, etc.)

Self-will can "The meek

July 6.-2 Kings 1. The fearlessness of the prophet in denouncing sin and declaring the judgments of the Lord is very noteworthy. God always honours this, and proves Himself stronger on behalf of His servant who stands alone for Him, than three times fifty.

July 7.—Ch. ii. 13. Elisha receives the mantle of Elijah the second time. The first time it called and marked him the prophet's servant ; the second time it clothed him with resurrection power. Compare with the work of the Holy Ghost in conversion, and then as the enduement of power.

July 8.—Ch. iii. 16, 17. Are we willing to be as lowly valleys before the Lord? And are we recognising His dealings with us in trials and chastenings as "ditches" which He can fill with His own living waters?

July 9.-Ch. iv. 21. This verse shows the secret of the "It is well " (peace, margin) which followed. If you would lay that dread or sorrow which possesses your soul at the feet of Jesus, and leave it there in fullest surrender, you, too, could say in deepest calm, "It is Peace."

July 10.-Ch. v. This history of Naaman's cleansing draws attention to the conditions of soul-cleansing. We ask and receive not often, because we fail to recognise and obey these. (See 2 Cor. vii. I; Matt. v. 29, 30; Rom. xii. 1, 2.)

July 11. Ch. vi. 32. "Is not the sound of his Master's feet behind him?" It must be so, had we ears to hear. Solemnly true of those serving the devil. Blessedly true, if we are door openers, so to speak, for.Jesus.

July 12. Ch. vii. 9. May these words come home to the consciences of any who may be doing nothing to spread the glad tidings. July 13.—Ch. viii. Notice it is the son restored to life who brings blessing. Resurrection life (out of death) is the source of all fulness of blessing and joy to us.

July 14.-Ch. ix. 2, 3. If we are seeking a special anointing of the Holy Ghost according to Acts viii. 15, 17, etc., there must be the separation to God, and waiting on Him alone, which preceded the anointing of Jehu.



July 15.-Ch. x. 5. We could not begin each day better than by repeating in whole-hearted earnestness the words here spoken to Jehu. July 16.-Ch. xi. 8. Here is our position clearly marked out. Compare with Ps. cxxxix. 3. How blessed a place.

July 17.—Ch. xii. 11, 15, etc. Are we individually faithful in this matter of expenditure and of supporting the Lord's workers? "How much owest thou unto thy Lord?" Read in connection with this question Matt. xxv. 40, last clause.

July 18.—Ch. xiii. 16, 17. If we want to shoot the Lord's arrows successfully, let us see to it that His hands be upon ours, and all the glory shall be His.

July 19.—Ch. xiv. II. der; for no heart lifted up good conductor of sound. July 20.-Ch. xv. 4. This one blight upon an otherwise godly reign we have noticed over and over. Is there any "howbeit" or 66 save" attached to our Christian lives? "O Lord, search us, and let Thy light shine upon our ways!

"But Amaziah would not hear." No wonwith pride ever stops to hear. Dust is a We hear God's voice only so.

July 21.—Ch. xvi. 8. This strikes us at once as a terrible crime. But may we not be equally guilty? Having consecrated our all to Jesus only, have we never compromised in little things in order to give pleasure to others?

July 22.—Ch. xvii. 9, 33. "Secretly." No hidden besetment or self-indulgence is hidden from Him, and a half-life or half-heart He cannot accept.

July 23.-Ch. xviii. 4. The worship of any symbol is strictly forbidden. Man has turned the precious cross of the Redeemer into an object of idolatry. Matt. iv. 10 has the widest significance.

July 24.—Ch. xix. 14. See how in simple daily things we are taught to go to the Lord: do we naturally share our correspondence and every tiny detail of our lives with Him?

July 25.-Ch. xx. 7. Here, certainly, means were ordered to be used in recovering Hezekiah. Miracles manifest forth the Lord's power now as ever; but we have no warrant for condemning the use of means where special faith is not given to claim a miraculous cure.

July 26.—Ch. xxi. 22, 23. Truly “the way of transgressors is hard.” Contrast the safety of God's children (Luke x. 19; Zech. ii. 5).

July 27.—Ch. xxii. 19. However much we may have sinned and fallen, “the contrite heart He will not despise." Satan tries to persuade to the contrary.

July 28.-Ch. xxiii. 3, 25. Note his covenant, and then the record

that he kept it. "God works in us to will," and then "to do His good pleasure." Shall we not believe this and yield to Him utterly?

July 29,-Ch. xxiv. 4. How carefully we should guard our judgments of others. In many cases, bearing false witness against our neighbour is worse than "shedding innocent blood."

July 30. Ch. xxv. 30. We have referred to this constant daily provision before. But we may starve in the midst of plenty. Are we taking and appropriating?

July 31.-1 Chron. i. 10. Contrast with those whom God calls "mighty," viz., the poor, the least, in their own eyes, and in the eyes of the world (Judges vi. 12-15).

Scripture Reading and Prayer Union.

1. Every MEMBER reads daily the same Chapter of the Old Testament, and a short Evening Portion of the New. ASSOCIATES read only the New Testament

portion, any time during the day.

2. Persons of all ages and all denominations may join.


All readers of "CHRISTIAN PROGRESS are invited to join this Union, either as Members or Associates, and to ask their friends to do so. They should send their full names and addresses (stating whether Rev., Esq., Mr., Mrs., or Miss) to the Secretary, "CHRISTIAN PROGRESS" Union, 21, Exeter Hall, London, W.C. One stamp must be enclosed, and a card of Membership will be forwarded.

OFFICE-21, Exeter Hall, Strand, London, W.C.

OFFICE HOURS-9.30 a.m. to 5.0 p.m. Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to 1.0 p.m.

OUR increase during the last month has been below the average, but still much to be thankful for, viz.:-561 New Members and 332 Associates; making a total addition of 893 for the month.

On July 1st, the Union commences its 9th year of existence, having been started on July 1st, 1876. We hope that all will work to add to our numbers, and write to the Secretary (address as above) for invitation papers to distribute amongst their friends. These will be sent to any address post free. Those who are going away for a holiday, either in England or abroad, should take a supply, as they will then be able to introduce the Union to many whom they meet who have never heard of it.


For blessing on the labours of Members and Associates who are working for the Lord in foreign parts.

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