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London, W., who will send it, post-free, for 1/-, or it can be obtained of any bookseller. Those who wish to distribute it in numbers can apply for special prices to the Rev. E. Boys, Sidcup, Kent.

When the paper on dancing is issued separately, it will be somewhat enlarged, and the dangers rather more plainly pointed out than would have been suitable for including in the volume intended for more general circulation. Due notice will be given in these pages of its publication. THE CHRISTIAN REGISTRY UNION.-We are much surprised that more ladies and more servants do not take advantage of the benefits of this Registry. The great aim is to introduce servants who make a Christian profession to households where this will be valued and respected. Of course there must be frequent failure in this particular, but still it is the great object in view. Ladies who need servants should apply, and should tell their friends, similarly placed, of this Registry. Those who are interested in placing out servants should place them in communication with the secretary, and all servants seeking a place should apply. The Registry partakes more of the nature of a Union than a Registry, in the ordinary sense of the word. All information can be obtained from Miss Richardson, 186, Edgware Road, London, W. Applications should be accompanied by a few stamps for postage, and a small fee is payable on the formation of an engagement. Accommo

dation is also provided for servants out of place, at a small cost; and this is specially convenient for servants coming to London from the country in search of situations. These should never go into unknown lodgings. Under Miss Richardson's care they are safe and comfortable, and are generally very soon suited.


How many of us have tasted the sweetness and blessedness of coming to Jesus! We had experienced, before doing so, the unsatisfied longing after something we had not got, the unrest, the weariness, the discontent with the best the world could offer us, and then, when we had accepted the gracious invitation, "Come unto Me," we realised that we now possessed a peace that the world could neither give nor take away.

But happy and joyful as it is to know that our sins are blotted out, that we are no longer our own, but belong to Christ, this is not sufficient. There should be, there must be, a daily growth in grace. If we are standing still, contented with the position we have already gained, there must

be something wrong with us. Our Christian life should be a constantly growing life, getting stronger and stronger to resist evil, and to be more like the life of our great Exemplar.

And how is this to be? By not being content with accepting our Master's invitation once only, and letting that suffice us, but by coming again and again to Him. Coming for daily confession, daily cleansing, daily strengthening, daily help, daily supplies from the Holy Spirit.

If we know any who lead especially bright, devoted Christian lives, who show by their holy consistent conduct that they are close followers of their Lord, we may be very sure that they are amongst the number of those who constantly, unremittingly, come to their Master for fresh supplies out of the abundance of His riches. If, on the other hand, we see coldness, inconsistency, lack of earnestness in Christians we may know they fail to use this glorious privilege.

Let us take the lesson to heart; and as we wish to know more of our Master, and to be filled with the Spirit, let us come to Him more and more frequently. Let nothing within or without keep us from Him. And not only let us come, but let us also accept yet another gracious and loving invitation, accept it daily, hourly, constantly, "Come ye near unto Me" (Is. xlviii. 16).

Daily Bible Thoughts for the Month.



JANUARY 1.-Psalm xv. Only One thus merited entrance to that
Holy Hill, but He is there as the Forerunner (Heb. vi. 20), Represen-
tative (Heb. ix. 24), and Example (1 Pet. ii. 21) of each who, trusting
His atonement, seeks to walk in His steps (John xii. 36).
January 2.—Psalm xvi. 8.
life of Jesus (Heb. xii. 1-3).

True all through the unmoved human
He went before us in this (John x. 4).



Lived by the Father (John vi. 57). Let us learn this life (Gal. ii. 20). It brings gladness and hope (ver. 9), and leads to “fulness of joy." January 3.-Psalm xvii. 15. Death only a sleep of which Jesus holds the key (Rev. i. 18). Are we aiming at this likeness now? How wondrous to wake "satisfied" with the completeness in ourselves and others when He shall be "admired " in us! (2 Thess. i. 10).

January 4.-Psalm xviii. Our risen Christ the speaker in this Psalm. We sing it too, "in Him," "more than conquerors." Through God we may "do exploits." (Dan. xi. 32; see ver. 29, 42). Things impossible without Him (Mark xi. 23; ix. 23).

January 5.-Psalm xix. 7-11. Put unbounded faith in God's Word as a living power in the Spirit's hand for conversion and every possible after experience. We are "thoroughly furnished" (2 Tim. iii. 15-17). Keeping brings "great reward" indeed. (See John xiv. 21-23.)

January 6.-Psalm xx. 1-5. This seems the pleading of our blessed Intercessor. His amen to the prayers His Spirit has inspired, as He presents them for us within the veil (Rom. viii. 26; Rev. viii. 3, 4). January 7.-Psalm xxi. 1-7. A view of Jesus exalted to the highest place in heaven. The "Man of Sorrows made" exceeding glad. Instead of the crown of thorns He wore for us, "crowned with glory and honour." "Set to be blessings for ever (marg.; see Gen. xii. 2). A fountain of life and blessing (Eph. i. 20-23).

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January 8.-Psalm xxii. The Spirit testifies of the sufferings of Christ (ver. 1-21) and the glories (22-31; see 1 Pet. i. 11, New Version). Let us individualise-" He gave Himself for me." I shall join the great congregation, the Seed of Jacob, and the ends of the earth in praise to the Lamb that was slain. (See Rev. v. 9-13.)

January 9.-Psalm xxiii. 5. Don't wait for the feast above (Rev. xix. 9). God spreads a table for us here, in the wilderness, on the battlefield, in the very presence of our enemies (Eph. vi. 12; Cant. ii. 3, 4).

January 10.-Psalm xxiv. The unseen sequel to Luke xxiv. 50, 51; Acts i. 9. When Jesus the Mighty Conqueror (ver. 8; Col. ii. 15) is received up into glory. His victory is ours (1 Cor. xv. 57). January 11.-Psalm xxv. 2, 3. heart enlarged to unselfish prayer. (Isa. xlix. 23). It is only a matter wait (Rom. v. 5).

"Let me, let none." Have the "They shall not be ashamed" of time, and God is worth a long

January 12.-Psalm xxvi. 4, 5. The society of the ungodly a dead weight upon spiritual life. We have been taken out of this world, then sent back into the world, but, as Christ was, to be God's witnesses

(John xvii. 6, 18).

Never to seek its friendship (2 Chron. xix. 2; James iv. 4). But if our lot is cast with the unconverted, God can maintain us there (1 Cor. vii. 12-16; Rev. ii. 13).

January 13.-Psalm xxvii. 8. The command is continuous, and enfolds a revelation, for everyone that asketh receiveth (Matt. vii. 8). Do our hearts respond to God's revealings? (See Gen. xvi. 13; Rev. i. 12).

January 14.-Psalm xxviii. 7. My heart trusted, therefore my heart rejoiceth. So (xxxiii. 21), faith first, feelings follow. We can never reverse God's order. "When I see the blood I will pass over you." Israel believed and obeyed (Ex. xii. 13, 28); they rejoiced (Ex. xv.). January 15.-Psalm xxix. God's voice is mighty in the tempest and the storm. Mighty to quicken dead souls (John v. 25). Are we listening to His written voice (John x. 4, 27), so that when He calls, “Rise up and come away, it may be a well-known sound." The voice of my Beloved (Cant ii. 8, 10). January 16.—Psalm xxx. 5. is far spent, the day is at hand

Joy cometh in the morning; the night (Rom. xiii. 12). "When the morning

was now come, Jesus stood on the shore" (John xxi. 4).

January 17.-Psalm xxxi. 15. Therefore God's people were forbidden to pry into the future-Jesus our Prophet undertakes it for us (Deut. xviii. 10-15), because He knows (Isa. xlvi. 10) we go on calmly, not knowing (Acts xx. 22).

January 18.-Ps. xxxii.

Unconfessed sin brings a heavy burden. Let there be no gap between commission and confession, as there is none between confession and forgiveness (1 John i. 9; 2 Sam. xii. 13). God is ready to forgive (Ps. lxxxvi. 5).

January 19.-Psalm xxxiii. Rejoice, a frequent exhortation (Phil. iv. 4). Wondrous that our feeble praise is "melody to the Lord." We might hardly recognise it as ours could we hear it as presented by Jesus. “The priest shall take the basket out of thine hand," etc. (Deut. xxvi. 2-4).

To be happy, "love life," we "Pursue" peace when it seems

January 20.-Psalm xxxix. 12-17. must bridle the tongue (Pro. xxi. 23). to elude us (Psalm cxx. 6, 7. I Peter iii. 12 supplies the connecting “for).” God's eyes and ears note all said or done to His children (Num. xii. 2). Cry to Him (Psalm xxxviii. 13-15); let Him answer (Marg.) January 21.-Ps. xxxv. 13. No true prayer is lost. It may be answered indirectly (see Gen. xviii. 23-32 and xix. 29; 2 Cor. xii. 8, 9) to the petitioner, if not the person prayed for (Luke x. 5, 6), but " every. one that asketh receiveth."


January 22.-Psalm xxxvi. 8, 9. picture how abundantly (I Cor. ii. 9). told me " (1 Kings x. 6, 7).


Eye and ear and heart fail to
We shall say the half was not

We make a blessed

exchange if

Our desires


Acts xx. 24.


January 23.-Psalm xxxvii. 4, 23. occupied with God's interests while He looks after ours. are then for His glory. Thus Paul got his wish. 2 Tim. iv. 7, "I have finished my course." January 24.-Psalm xxxviii. 4. All thy sins were laid upon Him Jesus bore them on the tree. God who knew them, laid them on Him (Isa. liii. 6), and believing thou art free (Acts xiii. 39). January 25.--Psalm xxxix. 4, 5. One little life is ours, how long? Its opportunities for winning souls, comforting mourners, and patient suffering will never return in the glory. "Let us have grace to use them" (Eph. v. 16; Revised Version marg.).

January 26.-Psalm xl. 16. What saved one but loves the salvation and the Saviour? Our Great Deliverer from "the horrible pit," whose one offering" has "purged our sins" (Heb. x. I, 12). "Thanks be

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unto God for His unspeakable gift!" Let this be continually our new song."


January 27.-Psalm xli. The Lord will be no man's debtor; His poor, sick, and weak ones are so identified with Himself (Matt. xxv. 36, 40). He is not unrighteous to forget love shewn to them (Heb.

vi. 10).

January 28.-Psalm xlii. 4. The minister of the sanctuary may draw near in a special way to those debarred from worshipping "with the multitude (Ezekiel by Chebar). John in Patmos found "the heavens opened" (Ezekiel i. 1; Rev. i. 9).

January 29.-Psalm xliii. 2. "The oppression of the enemy " part of the mystery that shall be finished (Rev. x. 7), when the God of peace shall bruise Satan under our feet (Rom. xvi. 20).

January 30.-Psalm xliv. 1-7. Past mercies inspire confidence (2 Cor. i. 10). “ "Experience worketh hope;" Christ is "the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever." He expects us to remember and trust (Mark viii. 18).


January 31.-Psalm xlv. ver. 2. See John i. 14, "full of grace and truth;" and Luke iv. 22, "all wondered at the gracious words," etc. If our speech is always with grace," as well as "seasoned with the salt" of truth, we "shall know how we ought to answer every man (Col. iv. 6).

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