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for 30 words, and Id. for each additional word.

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We have now come to the end of our subject. have gone through all the New Testament Scriptures, taking every single passage which in any way speaks of the Holy Spirit in real and personal connection with the believer. We have taken every such passage in its simple and natural sense. These passages are not, as a rule, difficult or obscure ones, admitting of two or three possible interpretations; but they are written in the plainest language, and do not allow any material difference of opinion as to their meaning.

The conclusion we have come to is, we believe, the only one at which it is possible to arrive. If language means anything at all, we have the constantly repeated assurance of the inspired writers, that the indwelling of the Holy Ghost

* This Paper is the concluding chapter of "Filled with the Spirit,” by the Rev. E. Boys, Published by Nisbet & Co., 21, Berners Street, London, W., Price, 1/-. The whole subject of the Holy Spirit's indwelling is of vital importance to the believer, and yet it is not studied as it should be. This Whitsuntide we hope that many will really enter upon it with a determination to understand the teaching of God's Word on the subject. Those who already have the little book will forgive our printing this from it, as it may lead them to study it more deeply than before. Those who have not got it will also forgive our inviting them to procure and study it at this time. It will, we think, lead them to a higher standard of Christian Life. It would be a very suitable Whitsuntide present: and many would be thankful for its teaching. Church of England Teachers would find it a suitable present to young friends who have been, or are about to be confirmed. It has nothing whatever about confirmation in it; but deals only with the Holy Spirit's indwelling in the believer. (See advertisement on the cover).

is a present reality to every one who is a true child of God. This indwelling is shown to be a very real, personal possession by the Holy Ghost of the body of the believer, which becomes "the temple" in which the Spirit dwells. So, at all events, say the Scriptures.

It must be confessed, however, that there is very little indication of the Spirit's indwelling to be seen in the lives and conduct of a vast number of professing Christians. And in view of things as they are in the Christian Church, -the divisions, the heresies, the strifes, the worldliness, the continued and manifest failure of so many, and sometimes of all, in living a really overcoming life,-we do not wonder that godly people are looking about for a remedy. Nor are we surprised that men turn to the Holy Spirit as they look for this. But we are astonished that, with the Scriptures in their hands, Christian men and women do not see that the secret is an open one, and that the remedy is very near them-indeed already within them.

We live in the Pentecostal age, in the dispensation of the Spirit, when He is personally dwelling in the Church on earth, as really as Christ dwelt among men in the days of His flesh. Yet we hear of Christians praying, and holding special meetings on the subject, as if they were living between the Ascension and Pentecost. They plead most earnestly for the Spirit, as if by their prayers they were to bring the Holy Ghost down from heaven.

Numbers of well-known hymns are to the same effect. Indeed, it is a remarkable fact that many hymns to the Holy Spirit entreat Him to "Come," as if He had to be drawn down again from heaven, while we sing few, if any, hymns which are songs of praise, because He is really dwelling in our hearts. We want altogether a new class of hymns about the Spirit in our public services, and for private use.

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