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was the rapid rise of temperature on the secondary feverperiod accompanied by a chill. Most patients felt in the beginning little or nothing of the new fever, let it be ever so intense, only during the day renewed debility, headache, sometimes deliria appeared, the tongue became coated and dry, and the appetite was lost. A renewed enlargement of the spleen, could be demonstrated in every case, transcending even the size of the organ during the primary fever.

In five of our cases, in spite of the enormous fever, the complaints during the secondary fever-period remained moderate. Only the excessive rise in the temperature and the mostly considerable increase of the frequency of the pulse gave us cause for alarm, which was removed after a few days by a defervescence setting in with perspiration. In the first case the rise of the temperature (41° R. 124 F.) indicated the application of the cold water bath with ice-water douches, which, applied four times in 24 hours, always produced a considerable fall of the temperature and were a relief to the patient. After the first bath the temperature (measured on the anus) fell from 41 (124) to 38.8 (119:), after the second the heat of the body had risen again to 39.9 (122) and fell after the bath to 38.8 (119) after the third from 40.4 (123) to 37.4 (117), after the fourth from 39.9 (122) to 37.9 (118). The temperature rose then again to 39,7 (121), but fell spontaneously and rapidly to 36.6 (114). In all other cases I omitted the application of the cold bath, although the temperature rose sometimes enormously, in one case 42° (127°), the second highest temperature, which I have ever observed in any person who got well. The temperature on its acme makes considerable irregular variations. In four cases just before the last rise a considerable remission of several degrees took place, in all cases treated without the cold water the highest culmination of bodily heat, like a kind of perturbatio critica, was just reached before the definitive defervescence set in and a rapid fall followed, so that in a few hours the temperature sunk 5-6° (12°) without any manifestations of collapse. I do not know any other disease, in which such colossal and rapid fall takes place without collapse. Immediately after the defervescence the full sensation of reconvalescence appeared in

all cases, appetite returned, all functions were regularly performed and perfect health reestablished. Only two of our cases were exceptions to our success. Both were old, decrepid persons, reeking in filth and devoted to dram-drinking. With them even the primary fever already showed great intensity. S. L.

ARTICLE XVI.-Antimonium-Crudum. By Dr. ANESTASIO ALVAREZ GONZALEZ. (Translated from the "El Criterio Medico.)

HOMEOPATHY uses three preparations of Antimonium in the treatment of diseases: Antim.-crudum, Antim -met., and Tartarus-emeticus. The Antim.-crud., or native sulphuret of Antimony is a combination of 28 parts of sulphur to 72 of Antimony (others give 72.86 of Antimony to 27.14 of Sulphur.) It is of lead-gray color, crystallized in laminæ and needles, which are very brittle and fusible in the flame of a candle. Specific gravity 4.13 to 4.6., hardness-2. Chemistry teaches how to separate the Sulphur from the Antimony.

The pathogenesis of Antimonium-crudum gives us 471 symptoms, and shows that it is indicated in diseases of the head and of the mind, in abdominal, gastric and urinary difficulties and in ailments of the upper and lower extremities.

As primary effects we witness excitation of the circulatory system, with rush of blood to the head, and thus cerebral congestions, coinciding with gastric saburra, and relieved by epistaxis; the different pains in the head are also relieved by motion and the fresh air, we have also great itching of the scalp with loss of the hair, with small pimples on it, painful to the touch. The dullness of the head, like that we feel after being exposed to cold, the intoxication and the dizziness with nausea, the apoplexy with copious salivation, all belong to this remedy. A man died a few days after having taken a few grains of Antimony from apoplexy, and it also happened to others, who took it for the relief of abdominal cramps.

In the moral sphere it produces great alterations, as dejection of spirits, disgust of life with disposition to hang or to shoot himself, and he has to rise, to drive these ideas from his head; the least noise frightens him, producing a fear, to rise

from his bed; he asks for nothing to eat or to drink, except it is given to him; replies only when spoken to, and passes his fæces without noticing it.

Its febrile symptoms are: Great heat, hot sweat early in the morning every second day; irregular pulse, either accelerated or slow; intermittent fever with gastric or bilious affections, especially with discontent, loathing, nausea, vomiting, eructations, coated tongue, bad taste, moderate thirst, diarrhoea, tension and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with griping; tertian fever, sensation of internal chills, chilliness even in a warm bed, icy coldness of the feet, chills on the back without thirst; general chill with hot forehead without thirst, heat at night, general perspiration, frequent or small pulse.

The pathogenetic symptoms of the organs of sight and of hearing are only a few; we mention only the various noises in the ears by every motion of the jaws; the continuous surring, notable especially when everything is still, in the afternoon; painful noises; deafness in the right ear, as if it were stopped up; complete deafness.

In the nose we find a morbid sensibility during inspiration, as if we would inspire cold air or acrid vapors, stinging in the nostrils at every inspiration; humid coryza, fissures and scabs in the nostrils; bloody mucus; epistaxis for many days, especially in the evening.

In the face we find redness of the lips with cracks, smarting in the corners of the lips and red suppurating pimples; toothache in a carious tooth, worse at night, extending to the head, worse when the tongue touches the tooth, with the feeling as if it would compress the tooth; aggravated by eating even mild food, by drinking cold water, by inspiration, and diminished by fresh air; toothache in the evening and at night, hæmorrhage between the teeth and the gums, standing off from them, bleed very easily.

Antimonium shows its greatest activity in the digestive organs; we have here: dryness of the mouth during the night, great accumulation of salty saliva in the mouth, afflux of water in the mouth, smell from the mouth as in mercurial salivation, salivation without foetor of the mouth, severe stinging in the anterior part of the left border of the tongue, blisters on the

tongue, smarting pain and inflammation in a small spot of the right border of the tongue; white tongue in the morning, sensation of scurfiness in velum palati with or without abundant mucous expectoration, copious viscous mucus in the throat, difficulty of swallowing, great thirst with or without dryness of the lips, thirst in the evening and at night with desire to drink, weak appetite or entire loss of it, great sensation of hunger in the morning when waking up, not ceasing after eating, with a feeling of emptiness in the epigastrium and want of heat in the body; after a frugal meal sensation of fullness with flatulency; laziness and desire to lie down after eating; after dinner lassitude in the whole body and laziness, which seems to arise from the lower abdomen; trembling of the hands when writing; bloating of the abdomen with discharge of much fœtid air; difficulty to breathe after eating, bitter or acid eructations, bitter eructations, noisy eructations, rising of fluids in the mouth with the taste of the ingesta; hiccup, frequent smoking hiccup; nausea with giddiness; nausea after having taken wine; nausea with desire to vomit; copious vomiting which nothing seems to stop; violent vomiting with anguish; vomiting of mucus and bile; vomiting with convulsions; with diarrhoea and great anguish; painful sensation and pressure in the stomach, like twisting with thirst in the morning; pain in the stomach as if it were full, although not full and with good appetite; pain in the stomach as after a meal with inflated abdomen; a crowded feeling in the stomach with eructations and spasmodic pains in the stomach, the pains obstinate and rebellious; heat and pricking pain in the stomach with good appetite; burning and spasmodic pains in the stomach in short paroxysms; exasperating the patient so much, that he wants to strangle himself; great swelling of the abdomen after eating; voluminous and swollen abdomen; intolerable pains in the whole lower abdomen, violent twisting pains in the abdomen with accumulation of saliva in the mouth; colic the whole day with oppression, coming from the stomach; ill humor, accumulation of gases in the abdomen, obstinate constipation, diarrhoea, expulsion of slime from the anus with emission of flatulence; continual discharge of blood per anum, evacuation of black blood per rectum; prolapsus

recti; intense pruritus ani; the hæmorrhoids enlarge more than ordinarily; pruritus and smarting of the hæmorrhoids, and furuncles in the perinæum with burning pains.

In the genito-urinary system we find the following symptoms: frequent desire to urinate, with abundant emission each time, frequent emission of aqueous urine, but only a little at a time; frequent but scanty urination; has to get up three times at night to pass large quantities of urine; frequent and copious micturition; involuntary copious urination when coughing hard; dark-red urine and containing small red corpuscles; continual traction in the spermatic cords with the formation of a furuncle in the perinæum; light pruritus of the penis, pruritus in the meatus, burning pruritus on the left side of the scrotum; venereal appetite greatly excited with general restlessness, so that he cannot remain long in one place; erections, tendency to pollutions, pollutions at night with or without lascivious ideas; pressure on the uterus, and white acrid leucorrhoea, excoriating the inside parts of the thighs.

Ant.-crud. shows a very direct action on the respiratory organs, as we see from the dryness of the nose in the evening and in the fresh air, allowing only with difficulty the articulation of the palate: fluent coryza, coryza with scabs in the nostrils, coryza with thick yellow scabs in the nostrils; hoarseness, extremely weak voice; he can neither speak nor sing; loss of voice as soon as he gets warm; great dryness of the throat; sensation as if a foreign body was in the throat with violent efforts to dislodge it; expectoration in the fresh air; paroxysm of cough in the morning when rising, frequent dry cough; severe dry cough with involuntary emission of urine; dyspnoea, asthma, suffocating asthma; oppresion of the chest when waking up in the morning; whooping-cough; diverse pains extending over the whole chest or seated in one spot; pruritus in that region with smarting, when scratching it; pains in the neck, back, sacrum, with pruritus in these regions.

In the superior extremities we find pricking in the arms in the fresh air; pains in the arms when bending them, a tight feeling in the muscles of the arms, passing off when warm and returning in the cold air; snapping in the articulation of the elbow at every motion; pains of tightness in the right forearm

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