Perfect God, and per--fect | Man of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting; Equal to the Father, as touching -- his | Godhead and inferior to the Father, as touching his Manhood. Who although he be God is not two, but one Christ; - and Man yet he One; not by conversion of the Godhead in--to | flesh but by taking of the Manhood into God; One altogether; not by confusion -- of Substance but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man: so God and Man is one Christ; Who suffered for our -- salvation into hell, rose again the third day from the -' descended dead. He ascended into heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of the Father, God Almighty from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies and shall give account for their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life e--ver | lasting and they that have done evil into everlasting fire. This is the Catho--lick | Faith a man believe faithfully, he cannot be GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO AND TO THE HOLY { GHOST; AS IT WAS IN E--VER | SHALL BE which except saved. THE | SON; THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND MY soul doth magni--fy | the my spirit hath rejoiced Saviour. the lowliness For behold, -- from hence--forth all generations shall call - -- me blessed. -' his Name. that fear -'- him: For he that is mighty hath magni--fied -me and ho--ly | is And his mercy is on them throughout all ge--nerations. He hath shewed strength - -' - with his he hath scattered the proud in the imagina--tion | He hath filled the hungry things and the rich he hath away. -' with good -- sent empty - -' He remembering his mercy hath holpen his -servant Israel as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and -- his | seed, for ever - GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, SON AND TO AND TO THE -' THE | HO--LY GHOST; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND E--VER | SHALL -- BE -'- AMEN. WORLD WITH--OUT | END. Cantate Domino, see PSALM xcviii. Bunc dimittis. LORD, now lettest thou thy servant -' - de--part | in peace accor--ding | to thy word. For mine salvation, Which thou -- face of all people; before the To be a light to light--en | the -- Gentiles; and to be the glory of -- thy | peo--ple Israel. GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, AND -- TO THE SON AND TO THE HO--LY GHOST; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND E-'-VER | SHALL -- BE: WORLD WITH--OUT | END. -- AMEN. Deus misereatur, see PSALM Lxvii. Just published, in 12mo, price 4s. SECOND EDITION. Laudes Diurnaz: THE PSALTER AND CANTICLES IN THE MORNING AND EVENING SERVICE OF The Church of England, SET AND POINTED TO THE GREGORIAN TONES, ACCORDING TO NOVELLO'S ARRANGEMENT. WITH A PREFACE ON ANTIPHONAL CHANTING BY THE REV. F. OAKELEY, M.A. FELLOW OF BALLIOL COLLEGE, OXFORD, PREBENDARY OF LICHFIELD, AND MINISTER OF MARGARET CHAPEL, ST. MARYLEBONE. "Mr. Oakeley's Preface is one of the best summaries we have seen on the interesting history of chanting. The tones are put at the head of each Canticle and Psalm, and repeated at the top of the page when necessary. The work is beautifully executed, and well worthy of the patronage of those who prefer a more ancient mode."-The Church Mag., June 1843. "The Gregorian Chants seem now in the way to displace all others." British Critic, April 1843. "We hail its appearance, and heartily wish it success. It is printed in Mr. Bentley's best style; and, with its beautiful paper and rubricated borders, is quite a specimen."-English Churchman, April 1843. "We cannot but welcome a publication having on its title page, "The Psalter," &c. This is one of the handsomest editions of the Psalter which we have yet seen; and there is an interesting Preface prefixed to it." The Christian Remembrancer, May 1843. Also just published, in cloth, price 1s. or 4l. per hundred. A SHORT AND EASY CATECHISM FOR THE USE OF YOUNG PERSONS OF The Church of England; COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES. Now ready, with a Preface, price 6d. QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION, DESIGNED PRIMARILY FOR THE USE OF YOUNG PERSONS. "Are most valuable and opportune,-the object of which is to promote the habit of careful conscientiousness from the first, and to furnish aids towards it."-British Critic, April 1843. Lately published, price 1s. or 41. per hundred, PRAYERS FOR A BLESSING ON THE WORK OF Building a New Church. "A beautiful and most seasonable Office of devotion has come out, in Latin and in English; which we recommend to all who are engaged in any such solemn undertaking, especially to those who are watching with interest the particular design in which this little book has originated." British Critic, Oct. 1842. The proceeds arising from the sale of this work will be given towards the building of the intended new Church of St. Mary, Margaret Street. Just ready, price 3s., in cloth. DEVOTIONS ON THE HOLY EUCHARIST; CHIEFLY TRANSLATED FROM Catholic Sources. Also, in course of preparation, DEVOTIONS AND MEDITATIONS FOR Holy Days and Seasons of the Church. |