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breakfast room. Heard any strange noises?' I merely mentioned having been disturbed by the owls. Well,' exclaimed one gentleman, 'I care for nothing mortal, but, as for spirits; I'd rather not encounter them, and would not sleep in that room, notwithstanding what you've said, for a thousand pounds.'- Why, indeed,' said the lady, 'there have been some strange stories connected with that apartment, and now I can never get a servant to sleep there.'


round it again,' (as Bloomfield says,) but all to no purpose. I was returning to my bed, when something rushed violently by me, and it appeared as if the door had been suddenly opened. I confess I felt rather alarmed, but the noise instantly ceased. It was so dark that I felt convinced no one could perceive me, therefore I stood still, and reflected what it might possibly be. Every thing but the wind was perfectly silent. I then began to imagine it was a sudden gust of wind, bursting open the door, and "I spent another pleasant day with had reached my bed, when something this family; when, on retiring to bed, rushing past, perfectly convinced me my friend observed, having discovered that my first conjecture was groundless, the ghost, there will be nothing to disUpon this I seized my pistols and got turb your rest to-night.' Upon entering into bed. I heard nothing more, and my apartment, I perceived the door to had nearly fallen to sleep, when I re- be without a lock, which, however, was ceived a sharp blow in the face, accom- now to me of little consequence, knowing panied with the same noise; I called the cause of my former disturbance. The out instantly, who's there?' but all was night was dark, but calm, and I slept silent. Being forcibly struck there was soundly till about twelve or one o'clock, some one in the room, I listened, and when I awoke and heard a creaking noise, hearing a rustling at the foot of my bed, like the opening of a door, which I at first instantly fired. All was still, after the imagined to be the old tree outside the report of my pistol, as I lay with the window, but soon discovered that the other ready cocked, and the wind had noise proceeded from my own door. nearly abated. I listened probably for a The curtains of the window being closed, quarter of an hour, but heard nothing I had no means of ascertaining what it further. I was too much alarmed to was, but remembering my foolish alarm sleep, so that I determined to ascertain on the former night, again endeavoured what it was, and taking my pistol and to compose myself to sleep. However, sword, groped in every part of my room I was not a little surprised to hear footand under the bed, determined to strike steps near me, and something breathing in whatever direction the noise might close to the bed. This surely, thought appear to proceed from; but nothing I, cannot be an owl. I kept perfectly was to be heard or found; which made still, and heard the curtains drawn back; me conclude the person, whoever it was, then quietly seized the pistol placed under had effected his escape after I fired. I my pillow (for I had given the other to regretted not having fastened the door; the servant to clean in the morning), and returned to bed, where I passed a but was so taken by surprise as scarcely sleepless night until daylight appeared, to know what to determine upon, when when I obtained a few hours repose. the footsteps retreated to the other end On getting up, the first thing that arrest- of the room. I now slid gently out of ed my attention was some drops of blood bed on the side nearest the wall, and at the foot of the bed, and I perceived took care to make as little noise as possisomething white under the chair. Judge ble, determined, if the person (as I felt of my astonishment at discovering two convinced it was some human being) very large owls, which I had shot at the should again approach the bed, I would same time. I could not then help laugh- endeavour to seize him. I once or twice ing at the noise I had heard, and the thought of discovering who it was, and blow in the face was directly accounted rushing to the place where the footsteps for. The door was closed, so that my were heard; but recollecting the intruder visitors must have flown down the chim- might be well armed, thought it more ney, which was very large. They had prudent to remain quiet. The footsteps probably long been accustomed to sleep again approached the bed-I feigned in this apartment unmolested, and thus sleep, and soon heard the steps rethe report of the room being haunted. treating, and the door opened and gently closed. I followed in the same direction, making no noise: but all was now silent, and my nocturnal visitor had taken his departure. Thinking it pro

"I determined not to mention my adventure to the family, for fear of being laughed at. How have you slept?' said Mrs. Morone, as I entered the

bable he would again return, perhaps in company, I piled up the chairs, &c. as well as I was able, against the door, and retired to rest, knowing that, should another attempt be made, the noise occasioned by opening the door would put me on my guard. However, I had no further disturbance, and, in about an hour, again fell asleep.

"The next morning I mentioned what had occurred to the family, assuring them it was neither a ghost nor an owl; but they all agreed it must have been the latter, or my own fancy, and ridiculed my fears. I did not suspect any of the servants, as they all stood in too much awe of that apartment to enter it in the dark. The conversation now took a different turn, and the subject dropped.

"I spent this day as agreeably as the two former, but on again retiring to my chamber, felt, as may be supposed, rather uncomfortable, and determined to barricade the door as on the former night; which being done, and having loaded my pistol and placed it under my pillow, I resolved (should my visitor think proper to return) to fire sans ceremonie. I had probably been asleep an hour or two, when I dreamt a large animal fastened itself on me. I opened my eyes, and found such a heavy pressure on my throat, as scarcely allowed me to breathe. My first feeling was, that I should be strangled; when, making a sudden effort, and springing up, I seized a man by the collar, at the same time calling out, 'Who's this?' I received no answer, but was forcibly seized and dragged some paces from the bed. The sudden alarm prevented me from seizing my pistol, which I had dragged with the pillow on the floor; it instantly went off. I still kept my hold of the person, but knew it would be useless to call for assistance. He grasped me firmly round the body; when, flinging him off some paces, I disengaged myself and ran for my sword: he, however, again seized me; but his foot slipping, fell to the ground, and I upon him. At that moment something heavy dropped on the floor, and we had a violent struggle. We were now nearly opposite the window, and the curtain being drawn a little on one side, I perceived the figure of a stout man, but it was impossible to discern his features. During the whole time, he had never uttered a word. Getting him, at length, under me, and holding him forcibly down, I told him to surrender, or he was a dead man. He gave a hoarse

laugh, (if I may so term it), and by a violent effort, liberated himself, and rushing to the door, overturned the chairs, &c. placed against it, with a great noise. I followed him as he ran along the passages, but, not knowing the various turnings, soon lost the sound of his footsteps. However, I found my way to where the family slept, and calling out Robbers!' presently awoke the servants, and two gentlemen, visitors, who ran out of their rooms in great consternation. I told them what had occurred, and asked the servants to accompany me back, which they positively refused, declaring it was one of the evil spirits infesting that part of the building. The gentlemen, however, were of a different opinion, and having procured lights, with one or two old swords, we searched diligently about the passage where the man had disappeared, but discovered nothing. We then entered my apartment. door was wide open, and the chairs, of course, thrown down. I did not perceive till this moment that my hand was bleeding; but my surprise soon ceased when I discovered a short dagger on the floor, by which it appeared I had been wounded during the struggle with my adversary. There was blood near the spot; my pistol lay on the ground; and the sword (which I had been unable to use) in the scabbard. Nothing more was discovered. It was evident the man had, ere this, made his escape, whose intention doubtless was murder, as he might have robbed me with little difficulty. He must have entered at the window, as the chairs placed against the door had not been removed till he made his escape, and it appeared pretty evident he was not unacquainted with the interior of the house.


"The family were considerably alarmed, and offered two or three persons to sit up with me the following night; but being obliged to leave that evening, I of course declined it. I departed at four to walk home, as I had some distance to go, and having received a pressing invitation to resume my visit in a short time, with the promise of another room and no more alarms, reluctantly took my leave. I had walked a mile or two, taking a path through a small wood, that being the nearest way; when a person, of genteel appearance, enveloped in a cloak, advanced towards me from behind some elm trees. A fine evening, Sir,' said the stranger, as I passed by; 'very mild for December. Perhaps, Sir, you could inform me if the man is taken who at

tempted to murder a gentleman last night at Castle, as you have no doubt heard the report. The gentleman, I believe, was much wounded.' I started, and the stranger eyed me with much earnestness. 'The report,' said I, 'is rather incorrect. You see the gentleman before you,' who has only received a slight scratch, but it might have been worse, and I shewed him the dagger found in my room. I had scarcely uttered these words, when he started back some paces: his face became deadly pale,—and exclaiming, 'Ha! good God!' was out of sight in an instant. I stood for some moments in silent astonishment, and instantly conceived him to be the man. Yet his dress was not that of a robber!

I was soon again on the high road, and

in about half an hour arrived home.

"The next morning, while dressing, my servant brought me a letter without a direction, saying the person who gave it desired it might be delivered immediately. I opened it, and to my surprise read the following, evidently written in great haste.


"The man who met you yesterday in the wood, is the same who attacked you in - Castle; his design was murder. Yes I am the man! I mistook you for another, on whom I had sworn revenge; but vengeance is now out of my power. There is one, however, whose vengeance will overtake the wretch who has made me what I am: ay, vengeance will overtake him when I am food for worms! Come to-night at seven o'clock to the place where you first saw me yesterday; you will then know all. Come at that time, or 'twill be too late.'

"I determined to go at the appointed hour, so great was my curiosity to learn who this man could be, and why he had attempted my life; and having persuaded a friend to accompany me, proceeded to the place.

"The night was by no means darkwhen, on approaching the spot, we heard groans, and discovered the unhappy man in the agonies of death. A pistol, recently discharged, was in his hand; it was very apparent he had shot himself. He recognised me, and waved his hand; but seemed unable to speak. We lifted him up, when, with a ghastly look, he exclaimed, You 're too late -can you forgive me for the attack I made on you?' I assured him I did. 'Ha!' he exclaimed, it is enoughbut I had more-much more-Oh! and grasping my hand, with a deep groan, expired.


"The next morning he was conveyed to the town, and an inquest sat upon the body; but no one had seen him before, or knew from whence he came ; and there was nothing found on his person that could lead to a discovery. The mystery, therefore, I fear, will never be cleared up."

"Captain!" said Mr. Bragster, rising from his chair, and putting down his glass of brandy and water, "I will not sleep on the ground floor to-night! J. P. JUN.

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Leonardo da Vinci was a mathematician, a musician, a poet, and an anatomist, besides being one of the greatest painters of his age. The prince of painters was a courtier, a lover, and fond of dress and company. Michael Angelo was a prodigy of versatility of talent a writer of sonnets (which Wordsworth hath thought worth translating), and the friend of Dante. Salvator was a lutenist and a satirist. Titian was an eloquent letterwriter, and a perfect gentleman. Sir Joshua Reynolds' Discourses are more polished and classical than any of his pictures.




The most singular combat by which arms were ever gained, was one which happened in the family of Hotot. family of Dudley in Northamptonshire, bears for a crest a woman's head, with a helmet; her hair dishevelled, and her throat-latch loose. The occasion of this crest was singular. In the year 1390, Hotot having a dispute with one Ringsdale, about the title to a piece of land, they agreed to meet on the disputed ground, and decide it by combat. On the day appointed, Hotot was laid up with the gout; rather than he should suffer in his honour, or lose his land, his daughter Agnes armed herself cap-apee, mounted her father's steed, and went to meet Ringsdale at the time appointed. After a stubborn fight, she dismounted him, and when he was on the ground, she loosened her throatlatch, lifted up her helmet, and letting down her hair upon her shoulders, discovered her sex. Agnes afterwards married into the Dudley family; and in honour of this heroic action, her descendants have always used the above erest, with the motto Calo spes salutis.

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(For the Parterre).

FLORIS the fifth, Earl of Holland, was a prince of excellent parts; eloquent, brave, and accomplished; of lofty stature and dignified deportment; but these qualities were obscured by vindictiveness and cruelty, and a readiness to receive the reports of spies and eavesdroppers.

There were in the Earl's court, two brothers named Van Velsen, who, being accused of treasonable designs against his government, were thrown into prison. One of them was shortly after decapitated; but the other (Gerard) was committed to close custody for a whole year; at the end of which, circumstances transpired that induced the Earl to consider him innocent. Resolving to make amends for the wrongs he had suffered, the Earl released Gerard from his imprisonment, and heaped upon him many favours; thinking that he could not do too much for one whom he had so unjustly punished.

The generosity of Floris had no bounds; he preferred the young knight

before all the nobles of his court; and, finally, supposing that Gerard would receive it as a mark of esteem, proposed that he should marry his mistress.

Gerard Van Velsen heard the proposal with the disgust natural to a man whose self-diguity had not deserted him; but he dissembled his indignation, and simply answered, that he did not feel disposed to avail himsef of this generous offer. But the Earl was not to be refused, and subsequently renewed the offer; when Gerard, no longer able to conceal his disgust, plainly told him that he could not, and would not, disgrace himself by such an alliance.

Having made this declaration, the Knight quitted the Earl's court, from which he for some time kept aloof. During his absence he married the daughter of Herman, Seigneur of Woerden; the news of which roused the slumbering revenge of the Earl, who had used some ambiguous expressions of resentment at the time of Gerard's departure from the court; which, however, were unheeded and soon forgotten.

Floris, forgetting his high rank, and blinded by a demoniac desire for revenge, resolved to put into execution the object

he had so long contemplated. He therefore carefully concealed his satisfaction at the intelligence of Gerard's union, and resolved by an act of refined cruelty and malice, to revenge himself upon the man who had the spirit to refuse the alliance which he had dictated to him.

Great was the surprise and joy of Gerard Van Velsen upon receiving an invitation from the Earl. He set out for the court with a light heart, full of delightful anticipations, which upon his arrival there, were realized. Floris received him in the most gracious manner, and charging him with a commission of high import to some foreign power, prepared to execute his long cherished design.

While Gerard was on his journey, the Earl, with a slight retinue, proceeded to his castle, and pretending that his visit was casual, requested refreshment for himself and his train. The lady conceiving herself and her husband highly honoured by the visit, received the Earl with every mark of respect and hospitality; a circumstance which, nevertheless, did not disarm the malice of her guest, who requested a conference with her in private.

The unsuspecting lady, dreamt not of treachery from her liege lord; from one who was renowned for his gallantry and feats of arms: she led the way to a remote apartment,-when the Earl, first securing the door, for ever tarnished his fair fame, by an act of brutal violence.

Having thus gratified his long cherished revenge, the Earl quitted the castle, exulting in the accomplishment of his perfidy, and leaving the unfortunate lady in an agony of grief and


Gerard Van Velsen having performed his mission, returned into Holland, and having made his report to the Earl, hastened home on the wings of love. But what a sight greeted the eyes of the fond husband as he entered his castle! The wife of his bosom clad in mourning weeds, and without jewel or ornament, awaited his return, which was to render him the most miserable of men.

Few words were required to relate the particulars of the treachery of which they had been the victims. The knight swore deeply to revenge the unmanly outrage; and comforting his wife, bade her go to her father, the Seigneur of Woerden, and relate the particulars. The old Seigneur, enraged at the dishonour of his daughter, became the mortal enemy of the Earl, and Gerard repeated his vows of vengeance, swearing by his knight

hood never to rest until he had fully revenged himself upon his powerful enemy.

Other noblemen, among whom was Gysbrecht, Seigneur of Amstel, espoused the cause of the injured husband, who daily kept adding to the number of his friends, but at the same time taking care to keep the knowledge of it from the Earl.

A council was held at Cambray, at which the Bishop of Duras, and other persons of eminence took a part, when it was resolved that the Earl should be seized, and conveyed into England, there to be kept in prison, "as an expiation of so foul and villanous an act," while his son John was to be raised to the earldom of Holland and Zealand.

The Earl was all the while ignorant of the conspiracy which had been formed against him, and in the same year (A.D. 1296) was prevailed upon by Gerard Van Velsen to go to Utrecht, to settle some dispute which was agreed to be left to his arbitration. He was accompanied by Van Velsen, the old Seigneur of Woerden, and a train of followers.

Notwithstanding the caution which the conspirators had observed, it would appear that their designs were known to many; for, as the Earl, attended by his knights and servants, was proceeding to church to hear mass, a woman placed in his hands a small scroll, upon which was written a few words of warning. Despising the caution, the Earl, after mass, proceeded to make good cheer with the noblemen and prelates of Utrecht, and after dinner, having laid down to take a nap, as was his wont, the Seigneur of Amstel awoke him, and invited him to ride forth with his hawks, saying that there were plenty of wild fowl in the neighbourhood. Floris was passionately fond of the sport, and accepting the invitation, soon rode forth with a merlin on his hand, attended by a few of his follow


He had proceeded about a mile from the city, when he came upon the ambush of the conspirators, who immediately surrounded him.

Gerard Van Velsen was the first to seize him; but the Earl, casting off his hawk, clutched his sword: resistance, however, was unavailing; he was quickly overpowered and bound to his horse, by Gerard and his friends, who resolved to convey him over to England with all possible dispatch.

But news of the Earl's capture was soon spread abroad; and his friends, hastily arming themselves, raised the people of the country, and hastened in pursuit of the conspirators; who,

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