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A large congregation met in the evening. I expounded part of the 20th chapter of the Revelation. But, O! what a time was this; it was as though we were already standing before the great, white throne. God was no less present with us in prayer; when one just by me cried with a loud and bitter cry. I besought God to give us a token, that all things should work together for good. He did so; he wrote pardon upon her heart and we all rejoiced unto him with


Thursday 28, we set apart for fasting and prayer; John Brown and Mr. Hopper were with me. It was a day that ought not to be forgotten. We had all free access to the throne of grace; and a firm, undoubting confidence, that he in whom we believed, would do all things well.

Friday 29, I set out again for Whitehaven. The storm was exceeding high, and drove full in my face, so that it was not without difficulty I could sit my horse; particularly as I rode over the broad, bare backs of those enormous mountains which lay in my way. However, I kept on as I could, till I came to the brow of Hartside. So thick a fog then fell, that I was quickly out of all road, and knew not which way to turn: but I knew where help was to be found, in either great difficulties or small. The fog vanished in a moment, and I saw Gamblesby at a distance (the town to which I was going). I set out early on Saturday the 30th, and in the afternoon reached Whitehaven.

About this time I was refreshed with a friendly letter from an excellent man, whom I had not heard from for several years. Part of it was as follows:

"Ebenezer in Georgia, July 25, 1749.


"The sincere love to your worthy person, and faithful performance of your holy office, which the Lord kindled in my heart, during your presence at Savannah, hath not been abated, but rather increased, since the providence of God called you from us, and shewed you another field for the labour of your ministry.

"You were pleased in your last letter to Mr. Brown, of Savannah, to remember Ebenezer kindly, and desired to know what is the present state of our Settlement. Though we have felt greatly the inconveniencies of the long war, yet there are great alterations for the better in our town and plantations, since the time you were pleased to visit us. We have two large houses for public worship; one in town, the other in the middle of our plantations; two schools in the same places; two corn-mills; one pounding-mill for rice, and one saw-mill. In the first quantity of boards we sawed, we were cheated by an impostor, who undertook to ship them off to the West-Indies. But we did not lose our courage, though we met with almost insuperable difficulties, till our circumstances were mended by the hand of the Almighty. We are still in the favour of the Honourable Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; as also of many good Christians in Germany, who love us, pray fervently for us, and contribute all in their power to promote our spiritual and temporal prosperity.

"Through very hard labour, several of our people have left us, and are departed to a better country, in heaven. And the rest are weak and feeble in body, and not able to hold out long, unless relief is sent them by an embarkation of faithful servants from Germany. Besides widows and orphans, we have several that want assistance toward their maintenance: and this our good God hath sent us heretofore from Europe.

"After my dear fellow-labourer, Mr. Gronaw, died in peace, above three years ago, the Lord was pleased to send me another; who likewise, exactly follows the footsteps of his Saviour, to my great comfort, and the great benefit of our congregation. The Lord hath graciously joined us in mutual love and harmony in our congregations; and hath not permitted the Hernhuters (falsely called Moravians) nor other false Teachers to creep in among us. We are hated by wicked people, which prevents their settling among us; though we love them sincerely; and would have as many settle among us, as would keep such orders

as Christianity and the Laws of England require them to do. This is all I thought it necessary to acquaint you with for the present; being with due regard, and cordial wishes for your prosperity in soul and body,

"Rev. and dear Sir, your's most affectionately,


What a truly Christian piety and simplicity breathe in these lines! And yet this very man, when I was at Savannah, did I refuse to admit to the Lord's table, "because he was not baptized: " that is, not baptized by a Minister, who had been episcopally ordained! Can any one carry High-Church zeal higher than this? And how well have I been since beaten with mine own staff!

The Hernhuters, as he terms them, now published the following in the Daily-Post :

« SIR,


“WHOSOEVER reckons that those persons in England, who are usually called Moravians, and those who are called Methodists, are the same, he is mistaken. That they are not the same people, is manifest enough, out of the Declaration of Louis, late Bishop and Trustee of the Brethren's Church, dated at London, March, 1743." Which I here send you, as I find it printed in a collection of original papers of the Brethren, printed at Budingen, called the Budingen Samlung. Vol. III. page 852.

The Methodists, so called, heartily thank brother Louis for his declaration: as they count it no honour to be in any connection, either with him, or his brethren. But why is he ashamed of his name? The Count's name is Ludwig, not Louis; no more than mine is Jean or Giovanni.

Sunday, October 1, I preached at the Gins about eight, to the usual congregation. And surely God was in the midst of them, breaking the hearts of stone. I was greatly comforted at Church, not only from the lessons both morning and afternoon, and in the Lord's supper, but even in the Psalms which were sung both at morning and evening service

At two I explained to an earnest congregation at

Hensingham, the redemption that is in Jesus Christ: and at five exhorted a large multitude at Whitehaven, with strong and pressing words, to examine, whether they had sufficient grounds for calling either themselves or their neighbours Christians.

Monday 2, The darkness and rain were little hinderance either to me or the congregation, at five in the morning, (though we were all, as usual, in the open air) while I was explaining and applying those words, God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself. I preached in the evening, on Let us come boldly to the throne of grace; and then gave my parting exhortation to the Society, now consisting of more than two hundred members. Just before I began preaching I received a letter from Mr. Whitefield, desiring me to meet him at Leeds on Wednesday evening, the very time at which I before purposed to be there. So we set out early on Tuesday 3. One of our brethren, who was a Yorkshire man, undertaking to put us into the way. He rode a little and a little farther, till we came to Old-hutton, above fifty miles from Whitehaven. We were dropping wet, having had heavy rain for several hours. But we soon got into warm beds, and all was well.

Wednesday 4, Our guide was resolved to go a little farther still; so we set out together, and rode on together to Leeds; though it was a long day's journey, finding us full employ from five in the morning, till nine at night.

Thursday 5, Mr. Whitefield preached at five in the morning about five in the evening he preached at Birstal, and God gave him both strong and persuasive words; such as, I trust, sunk deep into many hearts.

Friday 6, I preached at five, and then returned to my brother, whom I had left at Leeds. At noon we spent an hour with several of our Preachers, in exhortation and prayer. About one I preached to a crowded audience of high and low, rich and poor. But their number was abundantly enlarged at five, as was my strength both of soul and body. I cried aloud to them all, to look unto Jesus, and scarcely knew when to leave off. I then waited upon Mr. M.

for an hour.

O how could I delight in such an acquaintance! But the will of God be done! Let me acquaint myself with Him, and it is enough.

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Saturday 7, I rode in the afternoon to Bramley, and preached to a large and quiet congregation. appeared in every face; but no shaking bones yet.

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Sunday 8, I preached in Leeds at seven; and between one and two began preaching at Birstal: but my voice (though I think it had not been stronger for some years) would not reach two-thirds of the congregation. afraid it was the same case at Leeds, when I preached at four, though I spoke with all the strength I had. Who would have expected such an inconveniency as this, after we had been twelve years employed in the work? Surely none will now ascribe the number of the hearers to the novelty of field-preaching!

Monday 9, Having promised to visit Newcastle again, I set out early, and came thither the next day. I was now satisfied that God had sent Mr. Whitefield thither in an acceptable time: many of those, who had little thought of God before, still retaining the impressions they received through him.

Wednesday 11, I rejoiced to find that God was still carrying on his work. Both in the morning and evening the hearts of many burned within them, while they were assembled in his name. And they felt his Word to be the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

Friday 13, At the meeting of the Society, such a flame broke out as was never there before. We felt such a love to each other, as we could not express; such a spirit of supplication, and such a glad acquiescence in all the providences of God, and confidence that he would with-hold from us no good thing.

Sunday 15, The rain constrained me to preach in the house, both morning and afternoon: but I could not repine; for God was there, and spoke peace to many hearts.

Monday 16, I preached at four to a large congregation,

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