3 Convince them that in heav'n thou art,
Who saves the harmless, and to me
Does timely help afford.
And uncontroll'd thy pow'r.
4 Their gods but gold and silver are,
7 Then, free from pensive cares, my soul,
The works of mortal hands;
5 With speechless mouth and sightless eyes The molten idol stands.
6 The pageant has both ears and nose, But neither hears nor smells;
7 Its hands and feet nor feel nor move, No life within it dwells.
8 Such senseless stocks they are, that we Can nothing like them find, But those who on their help rely, And them for gods design'd.
9 O Israel, make the Lord your trust, Who is your help and shield: 10 Priests, Levites, trust in him alone, Who only help can yield. 11 Let all, who truly fear the Lord, On him they fear rely : Who them in danger can defend, And all their wants supply.
12, 13 Of us he oft has mindful been, And Israel's house will bless; Priests, Levites, Proselytes, e'en all Who his great Name confess.
14 On you, and on your heirs, he will Increase of blessings bring; 15 Thrice happy you, who fav'rites are Of this almighty King!
16 Heav'n's highest orb of glory he His empire's seat design'd; And gave this lower globe of earth A portion to mankind.
17 They who in death and silence sleep
To him no praise afford: 18 But we will bless for evermore Our ever-living Lord.
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Resume thy wonted rest;
For God has wondrously to thee
His bounteous love exprest.
8 When death alarm'd me, he remov'd My dangers and my fears: My feet from falling he secur'd, And dried my eyes from tears. 9 Therefore my life's remaining years, Which God to me shall lend, Will I in praises to his Name, And in his service spend.
10, 11 In God I trusted, and of him In greatest straits did boast; (For in my flight all hopes of aid From faithless men were lost.) 12, 13 Then what return to him shall I For all his goodness make? I'll praise his Name, and with glad zeal The cup of blessing take.
14, 15 I'll pay my vows amongst his saints, Whose blood (howe'er despis'd By wicked men) in God's account İs always highly priz'd. 16 By various ties, O Lord, must I To thy dominion bow; Thy humble handmaid's son before, Thy ransom'd captive now.
17, 18 To thee I'll off'rings bring of praise; And, whilst I bless thy Name, The just performance of my vows To all thy saints proclaim.
19 They in Jerusalem shall meet, And in thy house shall join, To bless thy Name with one consent, And mix their songs with mine.
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5 To God I made my humble moan, With troubles quite opprest; And he releas'd me from my straits, And granted my request.
6 Since therefore God does on my side So graciously appear, Why should the vain attempts of men Possess my soul with fear?
7 Since God, with those that aid my cause, Vouchsafes my part to take, To all my foes I need not doubt A just return to make.
8, 9 For better 'tis to trust in God, And have the Lord our friend, Than on the greatest human pow'r For safety to depend.
10, 11 Tho' many nations, closely leagu'd,
Did oft beset me round;
This is the wondrous work of God, The work of God alone.
24, 25 This day is God's; let all the land Exalt their cheerful voice: Lord, we beseech thee, save us now, And make us still rejoice.
26 Him that approaches in God's Name Let all th' assembly bless; We, that belong to God's own house, Have wish'd you good success.
27 God is the Lord, through whom we all Both light and comfort find; Fast to the altar's horn with cords The chosen victim bind.
28 Thou art my Lord, O God, and still I'll praise thy holy Name: Because thou only art my God, I'll celebrate thy fame.
Yet, by his boundless pow'r sustain'd, 29 O then with me give thanks to God,
I did their strength confound.
They swarm'd like bees, and Was but a short-liv'd blaze; For whilst on God I still relied, I vanquish'd them with ease. 13 When all united press'd me hard, In hopes to make me fall, The Lord vouchsaf'd to take my part, And sav'd me from them all.
14 The honour of my strange escape To him alone belongs; He is my Saviour and my strength, He only claims my songs.
15 Joy fills the dwelling of the just,
Whom God has sav'd from harm; For wondrous things are brought to pass By his Almighty arm.
16 He, by his own resistless pow'r, Has endless honour won; The saving strength of his right hand Amazing works has done.
17 God will not suffer me to fall, But still prolongs my days; That, by declaring all his works, I may advance his praise.
18 When God had sorely me chastis'd, Till quite of hopes bereav'd, His mercy from the gates of death My fainting life repriev'd.
19 Then open wide the temple gates To which the just repair, That I may enter in, and praise My great deliv'rer there.
20, 21 Within those gates of God's abode, To which the righteous press;
Since thou hast heard, and set me safe, Thy holy Name I'll bless.
22, 23 That which the builders once refus'd Is now the corner-stone:
Who still does gracious prove; And let the tribute of our praise Be endless as his love.
1 HOW bless'd are they who always
keep The pure and perfect way; Who never from the sacred paths Of God's commandments stray! 2 How bless'd, who to his righteous laws Have still obedient been; And have with fervent humble zeal His favour sought to win!
3 Such men their utmost caution use To shun each wicked deed: But in the path which he directs With constant care proceed. 4 Thou strictly hast enjoin'd us, Lord, To learn thy sacred will; And all our diligence employ Thy statutes to fulfil.
5 O then that thy most holy will Might o'er my ways preside, And I the course of all my life By thy direction guide!
6 Then with assurance should I walk, From all confusion free; Convinc'd, with joy, that all my ways With thy commands agree.
7 My upright heart shall my glad mouth With cheerful praises fill;
When, by thy righteous judgments
I shall have learnt thy will.
8 So to thy sacred laws shall I All due observance pay: O then forsake me not, my God, Nor cast me quite away!
9 How shall the young preserve their ways From all pollution free? By making still their course of life With thy commands agree.
10 With hearty zeal for thee I seek, To thee for succour pray; O suffer not my careless steps From thy right paths to stray! 11 Safe in my heart, and closely hid, Thy word, my treasure, lies; To succour me with timely aid, When sinful thoughts arise.
12 Secur'd by that, my grateful soul Shall ever bless thy Name: O teach me then by thy just laws My future life to frame!
13 My lips, unlock'd by pious zeal, To others have declar'd
How well the judgments of thy mouth Deserve our best regard.
14 Whilst in the way of thy commands More solid joy I found, Than had I been with vast increase Of envied riches crown'd.
15 Therefore thy just and upright laws Shall always fill my mind; And those sound rules which thou pre-
All due respect shall find.
16 To keep thy statutes undefac'd Shall be my constant joy; The strict remembrance of thy word Shall all my thoughts employ.
17 Be gracious to thy servant, Lord, Do thou my life defend, That I, according to thy word, My future time may spend.
18 Enlighten both my eyes and mind,
That so I may discern
The wondrous things which they behold,
Who thy just precepts learn.
19 Though like a stranger in the land
From place to place I stray,
For I thy sacred laws affect With undissembled love.
23 Though princes oft, in council met, Against thy servant spake; Yet I thy statutes to observe My constant business make.
24 For thy commands have always been My comfort and delight; By them I learn, with prudent care, To guide my steps aright.
25 My soul, oppress'd with deadly care, Close to the dust does cleave; Revive me, Lord, and let me now Thy promis'd aid receive.
26 To thee I still declar'd my ways, Who didst incline thine ear:
O teach me then my future life By thy just laws to steer!
27 If thou wilt make me know thy laws, And by their guidance walk, The wondrous works which thou hast
Shall be my constant talk.
28 But see, my soul within me sinks, Press'd down with weighty care; Do thou, according to thy word, My wasted strength repair.
29 Far, far from me be all false ways And lying arts remov'd; But kindly grant I still may keep The path by thee approv'd.
30 Thy faithful ways, thou God of truth, My happy choice I've made; Thy judgments, as my rule of life, Before me always laid.
31 My care has been to make my life With thy commands agree; O then preserve thy servant, Lord, From shame and ruin free!
32 So in the way of thy commands Shall I with pleasure run,
And, with a heart enlarg'd with joy, Successfully go on.
Thy righteous judgments from my-sight 33 Instruct me in thy statutes, Lord,
Remove not thou away.
20 My fainting soul is almost pin'd,
With earnest longing spent,
Whilst always on the eager search Of thy just will intent.
21 Thy sharp rebuke shall crush the proud, Whom still thy curse pursues; Since they to walk in thy right ways Presumptuously refuse.
22 But far from me do thou, O Lord, Contempt and shame remove;
Thy righteous paths display;
And I from them, through all my life, Will never go astray.
34 If thou true wisdom from above Wilt graciously impart, To keep thy perfect laws I will Devote my zealous heart. 35 Direct me in the sacred ways To which thy precepts lead; Because my chief delight has been Thy righteous paths to tread.
36 Do thou to thy most just commands Incline my willing heart; Let no desire of worldly wealth From thee my thoughts divert.
37 From those vain objects turn my eyes, Which this false world displays; But give me lively pow'r and strength To keep thy righteous ways.
38 Confirm the promise which thou mad'st, And give thy servant aid, Who to transgress thy sacred laws Is awfully afraid.
39 The foul disgrace I justly fear, In mercy, Lord, remove;
For all the judgments thou ordain'st Are full of grace and love.
40 Thou know'st how after thy commands My longing heart does pant; O then make haste to raise me up, And promis'd succour grant!
41 Thy constant blessing, Lord, bestow To cheer my drooping heart; To me, according to thy word, Thy saving health impart.
42 So shall I, when my foes upbraid, This ready answer make; In God I trust, who never will His faithful promise break.
43 Then let not quite the word of truth Be from my mouth remov'd; Since still my ground of steadfast hope Thy just decrees have prov'd.
44 So I to keep thy righteous laws Will all my study bend; From age to age my time to come In their observance spend. 45 Ere long I trust to walk at large, From all incumbrance free; Since I resolve to make my life With thy commands agree.
46 Thy laws shall be my constant talk; And princes shall attend, Whilst I the justice of thy ways With confidence defend.
47 My longing heart and ravish'd soul Shall both o'erflow with joy, When in thy lov'd commandments I My happy hours employ.
48 Then will I to thy just decrees Lift up my willing hands; My care and business then shall be To study thy commands.
49 According to thy promis'd grace, Thy favour, Lord, extend : Make good to me the word, on which Thy servant's hopes depend.
50 That only comfort in distress
Did all my griefs control; Thy word, when troubles hemm'd me
Reviv'd my fainting soul. 51 Insulting foes did proudly mock, And all my hopes deride; Yet from thy law not all their scoffs Could make me turn aside.
52 Thy judgments then of ancient date I quickly call'd to mind, Till, ravish'd with such thoughts, my soul Did speedy comfort find.
53 Sometimes I stand amaz'd, like one With deadly horror struck, To think how all my sinful foes Have thy just laws forsook. 54 But I thy statutes and decrees My cheerful anthems made; Whilst through strange lands and desert I like a pilgrim stray'd. [wilds 55 Thy Name, that cheer'd my heart by day, Has fill'd my thoughts by night;
I then resolv'd by thy just laws To guide my steps aright.
56 That peace of mind, which has my soul
In deep distress sustain'd, By strict obedience to thy will I happily obtain'd.
57 O Lord, my God, my portion thou
And sure possession art;
steadfastly resolve
Thy words I stea
To treasure in my heart.
58 With all the strength of warm desires I did thy grace implore; Disclose, according to thy word, Thy mercy's boundless store. 59 With due reflection and strict care
On all my ways I thought; And so, reclaim'd to thy just paths, My wand'ring steps I brought. 60 I lost no time, but made great haste, Resolv'd without delay
To watch, that I might never more From thy commandments stray.
61 Though num'rous troops of sinful men To rob me have combin'd, Yet I thy pure and righteous laws Have ever kept in mind. 62 In dead of night I will arise To sing thy solemn praise; Convinc'd how much I always ought To love thy righteous ways. 63 To such as fear thy holy Name Myself I closely join;
To all who their obedient wills To thy commands resign.
64 O'er all the earth thy mercy, Lord, Abundantly is shed;
O make me then exactly learn Thy sacred paths to tread!
65 With me, thy servant, thou hast dealt
Most graciously, O Lord; Repeated benefits bestow'd, According to thy word.
66 Teach me the sacred skill, by which
Right judgment is attain'd, Who in belief of thy commands Have steadfastly remain'd.
67 Before affiction stopp'd my course, My footsteps went astray; But I have since been disciplin'd
Thy precepts to obey.
68 Thou art, O Lord, supremely good,
And all thou dost is so;
On me, thy statutes to discern,
Thy saving skill bestow.
69 The proud have forg'd malicious lies,
My spotless fame to stain;
But my fix'd heart, without reserve,
Thy precepts shall retain.
70 While pamper'd they, with prosp'rous 84 How many days must I endure
In sensual pleasures live,
My soul can relish no delight
But what thy precepts give.
71 "Tis good for me that I have felt
85 The proud have digg'd a pit for me,
Affliction's chast'ning rod,
That I might duly learn and keep
But such as are averse to thee, And thy just laws oppose.
Men persecute me without cause; Thou, Lord, my helper be.
They had almost prevail'd; But in obedience to thy will My duty never fail'd.
72 The law that from thy mouth proceeds 86 With sacred truth's eternal laws
Of more esteem I hold
Than untouch'd mines, than thousand [mines
Of silver and of gold.
73 To me, who am the workmanship Of thy Almighty hands, The heav'nly understanding give To learn thy just commands. 74 My preservation to thy saints Strong comfort will afford, To see success attend my hopes, Who trusted in thy word.
75 That right thy judgments are, I now By sure experience see; And that in faithfulness, O Lord, Thou hast afflicted me.
76 O let thy tender mercy now Afford me needful aid; According to thy promise, Lord, To me, thy servant, made!
77 To me thy saving grace restore, That I again may live; Whose soul can relish no delight But what thy precepts give.
87 With close designs against my life
88 Thy wonted kindness, Lord, restore, My drooping heart to cheer; That, by thy righteous statutes, I My life's whole course may steer.
89 For ever, and for ever, Lord, Unchang'd thou dost remain : Thy word establish'd in the heav'ns Does all their orbs sustain.
90 Through circling ages, Lord, thy truth Immovable shall stand,
As doth the earth, which thou uphold'st By thy Almighty hand.
91 All things the course by thee ordain'd E'en to this day fulfil; They are the faithful subjects all, And servants of thy will.
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