O therefore save thy servants, Lord, N BENEDICTUS; Or, The SONG of Zacharias, Luke i. 68. OW bless'd be Israel's Lord and God, Has visited his people's grief, And them from bondage freed; In holy life be spent. And thou, O child, shalt then be call'd God's prophet, to declare His passage to prepare: To give them light, who now in shades Of night and death abide; And in the way that leads to peace Our footsteps safely guide. MAGNIFICAT; Or, The SONG of the Blessed Virgin, Mulandit, Y soul and spirit, fill'd with joy, Whose goodness did from poor estate Me bless'd of God, the God of pow'r, The proud, and all their vain designs, He cast the mighty from their seat, The hungry with good things were fill'd, The rich with hunger pin'd; NUNC DIMITTIS; Or, The SONG of Simeon, Luke ii. 29. I ORD, let thy servant now depart H FOR CHRISTMAS DAY. IGH let us swell our tuneful notes, HARK, the herald angels sing, Glory to the new-born King, Hark, the herald angels sing, To you, in David's town, this day Is born of David's line The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ;- The heavenly Babe you there shall find Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith FOR EASTER DAY. Hallelujah. M Y God, and is thy table spread, And doth thy cup with love o'erflow? Thither be all thy children led, And let them all thy sweetness know. Why are its dainties all in vain Are you forbid the children's bread? Let crowds approach, with hearts prepar'd, A Saviour's blood alone can give. FOR THE MORNING. AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun stage of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. Redeem thy mispent moments past, And live this day as if the last; Thy talents to improve take care; For the great day thyself prepare. Let all thy converse be sincere, Thy conscience as the noon-day clear; For God's all-seeing eye surveys Thy secret thoughts, thy works and ways. Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy part; Who all night long unwearied sing High glory to th' eternal King! G FOR THE EVENING. LORY to For all the blessings of the light; Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath thy own almighty wings! Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done; That, with the world, myself, and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. O let my soul on thee repose! And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close; Sleep, that shall me more vig'rous make, To serve my God, when I awake. thee, my God, this night, If in the night I sleepless lie, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A DIRECTIONS ABOUT THE TUNES AND MEASURES. LL Psalms of this Version in the Common Measure of Eights and Sixes, that is, where the first and third Lines of the single Stanza consist of eight Syllables each, the second and fourth Lines of six Syllables each, may be sung to any of the most usual Tunes, namely, York Tune, Windsor Tune, St. David's, Litchfield, Canterbury, Martyr's, St Mary's alias Hackney, St. Anne's Tune, &c. As the Old 25th Psalm, may be sung the New 25, 31, 51, 67, 130, 142. As the Old 104, the 149. The Psalms in this Version of four Lines in a single Stanza, and eight Syllables in each Line, (if Psalms of praise or cheerfulness) may properly be sung as the Old 100th Psalm, or to the Tune of the Old 125th Psalm, Second Metre. The Penitential or Mournful Psalms, in the same Measure, may be sung as the Old 51st Psalm. 33 O praise the Lord in that blest place 150 P Protect me from my cruel foes 16 R Lord, hear the voice of my complaint 5 Resolv'd to watch o'er all my ways 39 S O praise the Lord with one consent 135 149 The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord The Lord to thy request attend 19 W 20 The King, O Lord, with songs of praise 21 The Lord himself, the mighty Lord 23 This spacious earth is all the Lord's To God, in whom I trust 24 25 Thro' all the changing scenes of life 34 Tho' wicked men grow rich or great 37 Thy chast'ning wrath, O Lord, restrain 38 The Lord, the only God, is great 48 The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God 50 The wicked fools must sure suppose 53 Thy mercy, Lord, to me extend 57 To bless thy chosen race 67 To thee, O God, we render praise To God I cried, who to my help To God, our never-failing strength To my complaint, O Lord my God 75 With restless and ungovern'd rage 2 74 100 114 126 137 138 77 Y To thee, my God and Saviour, I 88 |