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The Great Catholic Intellectual and Social Resort



Approved by our Holy Father, Pope Leo XIII.; endorsed and patronized by Cardinal Gibbons, Cardinal Satolli, Cardinal Martinelli; by the Most Reverend Archbishops and the Right Reverend Bishops of the United States passim; by the Reverend Clergy in general and by the Catholic public at large.

The ideal place for a Catholic's summer vacation; hot weather, malaria, mosquitoes unknown.

All the people associate as one large family, from which diffidence and obstrusiveness alike are absent.

The intellectual programme, of which each is free to partake as much or as little as he wills, is a charming, as well as useful feature, removing all the monotony that usually attends life in the country, and making every movement delightful.

Bathing, Cycling, Golf, Tennis and all forms of athletic sports.

The Chapel of Our Lady of the Lake is on the grounds. Often as many

as thirty Masses are celebrated in it on a single morning.

The accommodations are excellent in all respects. Terms for board, $10.50 a week; at Champlain Club, $18.00 a week. Assembly fee, $1.50 a week, or $10.00 for the whole session of nine weeks. Send for prospectus.

REV. M. J. LAVELLE, President


123 E. 50th St., New York

39 E. 42d St., New York

ALBANY The Rev. J. T. Driscoll, Fonda, N. Y.
ALTOONA, PA. : The Rev. M. M. Sheedy.
BOSTON: The Rev. Wm. J. McQuaid, 9 Whitmore St.
BROOKLYN: The Rev. D. J. Hickey, 225 Sixth Ave.
BUFFALO: The Rev. Jno. B. McGrath,

CONNECTICUT: The Rev. L. Fitzsimons, Rockville.
NEWBURGH, N.Y.: The Rev. Wm. Livingston.
NEW JERSEY: The Rev. B. M. Bogan, Rahway.
ODGENSBURG: The Very Rev. J. F. Conroy, V.G.

PHILADELPHIA: The Rt. Rev. Monsignor James F. Loughlin, D.D.,

Allegheny Ave. and Belgrade St.

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y.: The Hon. Jno. B. Riley.

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y.: The Rev. P. Daly.

ROCHESTER: The Rev. T. A. Hendrick, 15 Hand Street.

SYRACUSE: The Rev. John F. Mullany, St. John Baptist's Church.

VERMONT: The Very Rev. T. J. Gaffney, V. F.

WASHINGTON: The Rt. Rev. Bishop Conaty, Catholic University of America,

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Domine, Quo Vadis?



Pilgrim-Walks in Rome

S.J. 141

Illustrations--Angels serve St. Dominic and the Community at Table, at San Sisto-Ancient
Church of SS Nereus and Achilleus on the Appian Way - Tomb of St. Cornelius, Pope and
Martyr -Porte San Sebastiano (Ports Appia), Arch of Drusus inside the Entrance-Temb
Chapel of St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr, in the Catacombs of St. Callistus - Crypt Chapel
of the Popes in the Cœtrombs of St. Callixtus.

[blocks in formation]

Illustrations- Tower of London and Tower Bridge-Tower of London, Bloody Tower-Tower of London, Traitors' Gate-Tower of London, St. John's Chapel-Tower of London, Beauchamp Tower.

[blocks in formation]

More About Appletons' Universal Cyclopædia and Atlas-Catholic Federation Gaining
Ground -Educational,

Catholic Chronicle


Home News-Catholic Growth in Boston-Bishop Quigley Organizes Against Socialism-
Catholic Benefactions-The Merit of the Catholic Indian Schools-Death of Archbishop
Feehan-The Federation Convention-Pilgrims to Rome-Catholic Educators Meet,

Porto Rico-Its Bishop's Testimony,

The Philippines—Civil Rule and Amnesty-The Question of Proselytism—Admiral Dewey on Aguinaldo.

Mexico-Official Relations with the Vatican.

Canada-- To Aid the Indians — Visitation of the New Vicariate.

Australia - Cardinal Moran's Work.

England--The School Bill-Death of the Duke of Norfolk's Son-The Death of Lord Acton,
Ireland-The Catholic Truth Sociey-Death of Archbishop Croke-The Exhibition at Cork.
Italy-The New Franciscans-Death of Cardinal Ledochowski.

France--The Chamber of Deputies-Further Proscription-Healthy Opposition-School Riots-
The League of the Women of France—The Humbert-Crawford Swindle.

Spain-Death of Spain's Poet-Priest-Inciting to Revolution-The Number and the Legal Stand-
ing of the Religious Orders.

China-Imperial Favor for Bishop Anger-Kiangsu Setting Example to the Empire-A New
Roman Catholic Church in Peking -A Progressive Governor Appointed to the Shantung
Province-Imperial Order Sent to Viceroy Yuan Shih-K'ai, at Pasting.


The Reader

The Kentons, by W. D. Howells Margaret Vincent, by Marie Van Vorst-Philip Long-
streth, by Mrs. W. K Clifford-William Black, Novelist, by Wemyss Reid-Whither
Goest Thou? by B. F. De Costa-A Blighted Rose, by Joseph F. Wynne-English Exer-
cises, by F. P. Donnelly, S. J. -The Way of Perfection, by St. Theresa-Templum
Spirituale Sacerdotis, by Father Adolphus Petit, S.J.-The Diary of a Goose Girl, by
Kate Douglas Wiggin.




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Illustrations - Court House, City Hall, and Chapel of the Precious Blood Bruges - Exterior of the Chapel of the Precious Blood-The Upper Chapel-Gate of the Holy Cross, by which the Ghenter's entered Bruges in 1578

[blocks in formation]

Illustrations-Via Della Consulta, Rome, with the Church of S. Andrea in Quirinale, and the Garden of St Stanislaus -Piazza Del Quirinale, and Apostolical Palace of the QuirinalQuirinal Palace; Church of S. Andrea (with Shrine of St Stanislaus); Beyond it are the Noviceship Buildings; Present Room of St Stanislaus at the back of the Church; Part of the Building Occupied by the Late Cardinal Franzelin and the Late Very Rev Fr. Becks; The Fountain of St. Stanislaus (not shown in the Photograph) is in the left hand corner of the Garden-Porta Pia. The Nomentan Road in the Distance,

George Eliot as Writer and Thinker





Appletons' Universal Cyclopædia and Atlas, IV.-Federation and Friars.

Catholic Chronicle


Home News The Federation Convention in Chicago The Negotiations with the Vatican-Con-
vention of the Total Abstinence Union -The Summer School-Catholic Indian Schools,
Rome-The Romans Celebrate the Jubilee - The American Methodists -The New Reference
Library at the Vatican The New Prefect of the Propaganda.

Italy-The King's Visit-Christian Education in Eng'and-Progress of the Education Bill-The
Young Men's Annual Conference-A New Cathedral

Ireland-Homage to the Holy See-The Cult of Irish Patrn_Saints-Facts from the Census—
The Centenary of the Christian Brothers.

France-The Tyranny of the Ministry.

Germany-By-Election in the Late Dr. Lieber's District-The Census of the Empire for the
Year 1900 -Political Crisis in Bavaria - The University of Munster-The Greek Rist at the
Holy Sepulchre.

The Reader

"Father Marquette," by Ruben G. Thwaite - Fra Bartolomen, by M. E. James-
Raphael, by Virginia Mawford-Carmina Mriana, by Orby Shipley-History of
the City of Rome in the Middle Ages by Ferdinand Gregorovius-Poems, Charades,
Inscriptions of Pope Leo XIII by H T Henry - From Hearth to Cloister by Frances
Jackson-The Altar Boys' Own Book, by the Rev. W. M. Smith-Rational Physical
Culture, by Constantine F. McGuire. A. M., M.D.




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