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perfect your soul and body blameless, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

TRACT. Ps. 116. Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles ; praise him all nations. V. For his mercy is confirmed upon us and the truth of the Lord abideth for ever.

GOSPEL. Matt. xvii. as Sunday next, p. 241. OFFERT. Ps. 87. O Lord God, my Saviour, to thee have I cried out by day and night; let my prayer to come thee, O Lord.

SECRET. Sanctify, O Lord, we beseech thee, our fast by this holy sacrifice, that what we outwardly profess by the observance of this fast, may be inwardly effected in us. Thro'.


Ps. 7. In thee, O Lord my God, have I put my trust, deliver me from all my persecutors, and

rescue me.

POSTCOMM. Sanctificationibus. May this holy sacrifice, O Lord, cure us of al our sins, and become an eternal remedy to us. Thro'.

Let us pray. Bow down your heads to God.

PRAYER. Fideles tuos.

AY thy much-desired blessing, O God, give


ever swerving from thy will, and make them always enjoy thy blessing. Thro'.

COMMEMORATION at VESPERS as in the VESPERS of to-morrow. PRAYER. Collect of to-morrow.



MASS. INTROIT. Psalm xxiv.

EMEMBER, O Lord, the many instances of thy compassion and mercy from the beginning. Let not our enemies ever rule over us deliver us, O God of Israel, from all our distress. Ps. To thee, O Lord, have I raised up my soul in thee I trust, O my God let me not be put to shame. V. Glory.

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EMINISCERE miserationum tuarum, Domine, et misericordiæ tuæ, quæ a sæculo sunt. Ne unquam dominentur nobis inimici nostri; libera nos. Deus Israel, ex omnibus angustiis nostris. Ps. Ad te, Domine, levavi animam meam; Deus meus in te confido, non erubescam. V. Gloria.

COLLECT. Deus, qui conspicis. O God, who seest how destitute we are of all strength, preserve us

both within and without, that our bodies may be free from all Adversity, and our souls purified from all evil thoughts. Thro'.


EPISTLE. 1 Thess. iv. 1. 7.

RETHREN: We request and beseech you by our Lord Jesus, that having learned from us how you ought to walk in order to please God, you would walk so as to advance more and more.* For you know what precepts I gave you in the name of the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, that you be holy; that you refrain from fornication; and that every one of you know how to keep his vessel ‡ with holiness and respect, and not be hurried away with lust, as the heathens are, who know not God. Let no one over-reach or deceive his brother in his dealings; for the Lord is the revenger of all these things, as we have declared to you, and assured before you. For God did not call us to be unclean, but to be holy, in Christ Jesus our Lord,

GRAD. Ps. xxiv.

The distress of my soul is increased; deliver me, O Lord, from the evils that surround me. V. See, O Lord, to what I am reduced; see what I suffer, and forgive me all my sins.

TRACT. Ps. cv. Praise the Lord, for he is good; and his mercies abide for ever. V. Who will relate the wonderful works of the Lord: who will publish all his praises V. Happy are they who observe his law, and at all times do that which is just. V. Remember us, O Lord, according to the good will thou bearest thy people: visit and

save us.


Tribulationes cordis mei dilatatæ sunt: de necessitatibus meis eripe me, Domine. V. Vide humilita tem meam et laborem meum: et dimitte omnia peccata mea.

Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia ejus. V. Quis loquetur potentias Domini; auditas faciet omnes laudes ejus? V. Beati qui custodiunt judicium, et faciunt justitiam in omni tempore. V. Memento nostri, Domine, in beneplacito populi tui; visita nos in salutari tuo.

GOSPEL. Matt. xvii. 1. 9.

T that time : Jesus taketh unto him Peter, and
James, and John his brother, and bringeth them

Expl. His body.

up into a high Mountain apart. And he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun; and his garments became white as snow. And behold there appeared Moses and Elias talking with him. And Peter answering, said to Jesus; Lord, it is good for us to be here if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshaded them. And lo a voice out of the cloud, saying; This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And the disciples hearing, fell upon their face, and were much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them; and said to them; Arise, and be not afraid. And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but only Jesus. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying; Tell the vision to no man, till the Son of man be risen from the dead. CREDO.

OFFERT. Ps. cxviii. I will meditate on thy law, which I have loved exceedingly; and I will practise thy commandments, which I have loved.

Meditabitur in mandatis tuis, quæ dilexi valde : & levabo manus meas ad mandata tua, quæ dilexi.

SECRET. Look down, O Lord, we beseech thee, on this our sacrifice, that it may increase our devotion, and procure our salvation. Thro'.

COMM. Ps. v. Hear my cry; attend to the words of my prayer, O my King, and my God; for 'tis to thee, O Lord, I will address my prayer. POSTCOMM.

Intellige clamorem meum; intende voci orationis meæ, Rex meus, & Deus meus; quoniam ad te orabo, Domine.

Supplices. Grant, we humbly beseech thee, O Almighty God, that those, whom thou hast refreshed with thy sacraments, may worthily serve thee in the conduct of their lives. Thro'.


LITTLE CHAPTER. Brethren; We request. Beginning of the EPISTLE to*, p. 241. HYMN. V. and R. as above, p. 224.


Anth. Tell not the vision Ant. Visionem quam viyou have seen to any body, distis, nemini dixeritis, do

'till the Son of Man rise a- nec a mortuis resurgat Figain from the dead.




lius hominis.

Collect at Mass, p. 240.


INTROIT. Psalm 25.

ELIVER me, O Lord, and take pity on me; for my foot hath stood in the right path; in the assemblies will I bless the Lord. Ps. Be thou, O Lord, my judge for I have walked in my innocency; and trusting in thee, I shall not be weakened. V. Glory.

COLLECT. Prasta, quæsumus. Grant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that thy people, who mortify themselves by abstinence from meat, may fast likewise from sin, and follow righteousness. Thro'.


LESSON. Dan. ix. 15. 19.

N those days: Daniel prayed to the Lord, saying; O Lord our God, who didst bring forth thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and didst make thy name famous, as it is to this day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly, O Lord, against all thy commandments; but let thy wrath be turned away, I beseech thee, and thy fury from Jerusalem thy city, and from thy holy mountain. For it is for our sins, and for the iniquity of our Forefathers that Jerusalem and thy people are become a scoff to all round about us. But graciously hear now, O our God, the prayer of thy servant, and his request and for thy own sake, look upon thy sanctuary, which is become abandoned. Bend thine ear, O my God, and hearken; open thine eyes, and see our distress, and that of the city, upon which thy name hath been called. For we rely not on our own righteousness, while we prostrate pour forth our prayers to thee, but on thy great mercy. Graciously hear us, O Lord; be appeased, O Lord: be attentive, and grant my request. Delay not, O my God, for thy own sake, for thy name hath been called. upon thy city and thy people, O Lord our God.

GRAD. Ps. 69. Be thou my helper and my deliverer; O Lord, delay not. V. Let my enemies, who seek my soul, be put to confusion and shame.

TRACT. Ps. 102. Deal not with us, as above p. 212.

+ Or, Which hath been called by thy name. Or, Thy city and people have been called by thy name.


GOSPEL. John viii. 21. 29.


T that time: Jesus said to the multitude of the Jews: I go, and you shall seek me, and you shall die in your sin. Whither I go you cannot come. Jews therefore said: Will he kill himself; because he saith Whither I go you cannot come: And he said to them: You are from beneath, I am from above. You are of this world, I am not of this world. Therefore I said to you: You shall die in your sin: for, if you believe not that I am, you shall die in your sin. Then they said to him: Who art thou? Jesus said to them: I am the beginning, I that am speaking to you. I have many things to say about you, and condemn in you; but he that sent me is true; and I speak in the world the things I have heard from him; and they understood not that he said that God was his Father. Jesus therefore said to them: When you shall have raised on high the son of man, then you will know that I am, and that I do nothing of myself: but whatever my Father hath taught me, that I spake. And he that sent me, is with me, and he hath not left me alone; for I always do what is pleasing to him.

OFFERT. Ps. 15. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me understanding: I always had the Lord before my eyes; for he is at my right hand, that I


may not SECRET. May this sacrifice of propitiation and praise make us, O Lord, worthy of thy protection. Thro'. COMM. Ps. 8. O Lord our God, how wonderful is thy name over the whole earth!

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POSTCOMM. Hæc nos. May this communion, Lord, cleanse us from sin; and make us partakers of the heavenly remedy. Thro'.

Let us pray. Bow down your heads to God.

PRAYER. Adesto. Hear our prayers and intreaties, O Almighty God; and grant that those, to whom thou givest hopes of thy mercy, may experience the effects of thy usual clemency. Thro'.




Y heart hath said to thee; I have sought thy presence; I will continue to seek thy presence, O Lord: turn not away thy face from me. Ps. The Lord

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