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AY this sacrifice, O Lord, obtain for us the grace of true humility: and take from our hearts the concupiscence of the flesh and of the eyes, and all worldly ambition; that by a sober, just, and pious life, we may arrive at eternal rewards. Thro'.



AY the receiving of this sacrament, O Lord, wash away the stains of our sins; and by the practice of humility bring us to thy heavenly kingdom. Thro'.

For Patience.

COLLECT. Deus, qui.

God, who didst crush the pride of our enemy by the patient sufferings of thy only Son; grant, we beseech thee, we may be truly mindful of what he so charitably endured for us, and by his example bear all adversities with a patient and undisturbed mind. Thro the same.



ERCIFULLY receive, O Lord, the gifts we offer; which we with devotion present to thy majesty, that thou wouldst grant us the gift of patience. Thro'. POSTCOMMUNION. Mysteria.


AY the sacred mysteries we have received, O Lord, restore us the favour we have lost : and procure for us the gift of patience, and protect us under all misfortunes. Thro'.

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For Charity.
COLLECT. Deus, qui.

God, who turnest all things to the advantage of those that love thee; quicken in our hearts a lasting and lively affection of thy love; that such desires, as are inspired by thee, may never be defeated by the assaults of any temptation. Thro'.


God, who renewest us to thy image both by these mysteries and thy precepts: perfect our steps in thy ways, that we may truly obtain, by the sacrifice we have offered, that gift of charity, which thou hast made us hope for. Thro'.




AY the grace of the Holy Ghost, O Lord, enlighten our hearts; and abundantly refresh them with the sweetness of perfect charity. Thro' the unity of the same.

For Devout Friends.

COLLECT. Deus, qui.

God, who, by thy grace, hast enriched the hearts of

all thy faithful with the gifts of the Holy Ghost : grant to such thy servants, in whose behalf we address thy mercy, health both of body and soul: that they may love thee with all their strength, and perform thy will with perfect charity. Thro' the unity of the same.



AVE mercy, O Lord, on such of thy servants, for whom we offer this sacrifice of praise to thy majesty: that by these mysteries they may obtain the grace of thy heavenly blessing, and the glory of eternal happiness. Thro'.

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AVING offered these divine mysteries we beseech thee, O Lord, that this holy sacrament may procure them peace and prosperity, for whom we have offered it to thy majesty. Thro'.


For Enemies.

COLLECT. Deus pacis.

God of peace, the lover and preserver of charity; grant to all our enemies peace and true charity: forgive them all their sins, and, by thy power, deliver us from all their wicked designs. Thro'.


E appeased, O Lord, with the sacrifice we offer, and

them the pardon of all their sins.




Hac nos.

AY this communion, O Lord, free us from our sins; and deliver us from the snares of our ene

mies. Thro'.

For such as are in Prison or in Captivity.
COLLECT. Deus, qui.

God, who didst deliver blessed Peter the Apostle from his chains, and set him at liberty unhurt by his enemies: free thy servant from his or her] confinement; and set him (or her] unhurt at liberty by his intercession. Thro'.




a copious blessing, O Lord, descend upon these offerings; which may free thy servant from his [or her] confinement, and make us speedily rejoice in his [or her] deliverance. Thro'.



ERCIFULLY, O Lord, hear our

prayers; and,

by the sacrament we have received, free thy servant from the chains of his [or her] captivity. Thro'. For such as are at Sea. COLLECT. Deus, qui.

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God, who didst lead our forefathers thro' the red sea, and preserve them amidst many tribulations, singing forth praises to thy name; we humbly beseech thee to protect thy servants at sea from all dangers; and, after a happy voyage, bring them safe to their desired port. Thro'.



ECEIVE, O Lord, we beseech thee, the prayers of thy servants, together with these offerings : and defend those from all dangers, for whom we celebrate these thy sacred mysteries. Thro'.


POSTCOMMUNION. Sanctificati.

EING sanctified by these holy mysteries, we humbly beseech and entreat thy majesty, O Lord, that by the wood of the cross thou wouldst withdraw from all sin, and mercifully deliver from all dangers, those for whom thou permittest us to celebrate these heavenly mysteries. Thro'.


For the Living.

COLLECT. Pretende.

power of

servants, O Lord, by the po

thy right hand and grant they may seek thee with all their heart, and obtain of thee what they ask, as they ought. Thro'.


E appeased, O Lord, by our humble prayers;

Bailly receiver these fin


of thy faithful,

which we offer thee for their safety and grant that the prayers and vows of none may be in vain; but that what we ask with faith, we may effectually obtain. Thro'.


POSTCOMMUNION. Da fidelibus.


O Lord, thy faithful a constancy in their faith and hope in thee; that, being grounded in thy love, they may, by no temptation, ever be drawn from their integrity. Thro'.



T has been the invariable practice of the Catholic Church to offer up the holy sacrifice of the Mass, with Doles, and fasts for the benefit of the faithful departed. See Thomassin on the feasts of the Church, book 2nd, chap. 21, p. 429. Surviving friends cannot shew their regard for the deceased better, than by procuring Masses to be said for their souls, or offering up the holy communion, † for the same charitable purpose. St. Augustine in his sermon, 182, de verbis apos. T. 5, p. 827, teaches, "That funeral pomp and costly monu"ments are comforts of the living, but no succour for "the dead: but that prayer, sacrifices and alms, relieve " the departed.


On the Day of the Death or Burial.
MASS. INTROIT. Psalm 1xiv.

RANT them, O Lord, eternal rest; and let a perpetual light shine on them. Ps. A hymn becometh thee, O Lord, in Sion; and a vow shall be paid to thee in Jerusalem : hear my prayer: all flesh shall come to thee. Grant them, &c. to Ps.

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dona eis, Domine; & lux perpetua luceat eis. Ps. Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion: & tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem : exaudi orationem meam : ad te omnis caro veniet. Requiem, &c. to Ps.

Deus, cui.

God, whose property it is always to have mercy and to spare, we humbly present our prayers to thee in behalf of the soul of thy servant N. which thou hast this day called out of this world; beseeching thee not to deliver it into the hands of the enemy, nor forget it for ever: but command it to be received by the holy angels, and to be carried into paradise; that, as it be

‡ Benedict XIV. in his treatise De Sacr. Mis. printed at Louvain, anno 1762, Vol. 2, p. 244, and 247, declares, that the decree of the sacred congregation of rites, which forbad communion to be given in Masses for the dead, was re-examined, and revoked in his presence. He moreover shews, that as the council of Trent, Sess. 22, chap. 6. wishes all could communicate every day (without any distinction of Masses,) and as no substantial reason can be given for the contrary practice, persons may, and ought to receive immediately after the officiating Priest has received the Chalice, whether the hosts have been consecrated in that, or in any prior Mass.

lieved and hoped in thee, it may be delivered from the pains of hell, and inherit life everlasting. Thro'. EPISTLE. 1 Thess. iv. 12, 17.


RETHREN : We will not have you ignorant concerning them that are asleep, that you be not sorrowful, even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them who have slept through Jesus, will God bring with him. For this we say unto you in the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them who have slept. For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an Archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord. Wherefore comfort ye one another with these words.

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Shall the whole world in Solvet sæclum in favilla :

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As David and the Sybil say.

What horror will invade the mind,

Teste David cum Sybilla.

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